But if you think about it carefully, it's not appropriate to say it here.

"That's it for today, I'll send an announcement to the Wind Sword Sect, the Japanese Emperor will come in person tomorrow!"

"Anyone who disobeys will be killed!"

"Those who kneel down and beg for mercy, save their lives!"

Yang Xuan said something to many ministers.

Immediately afterwards, he grabbed Void, Yu Luo Sword Master.

Then the whole person flew across the sky, and flew towards the harem with Sword Master Yu Luo.

This scene stunned all the civil and military officials of the court.

What shocked them was not that Yang Xuan could fly, or even fly with others.

What shocked them was that Yang Xuan could not wait to take his woman to the backyard in such a bright light.

"This... Your Excellency Prime Minister, I am not saying that our emperor is unparalleled in courage and courage. He is the most powerful emperor that I have seen for thousands of years."

"So you have to pay more attention and persuade the emperor."

An old minister walked up to the new prime minister, He Xinzheng, and spoke earnestly.

"You all think too much, Your Majesty is not that kind of person!"

Although He Xinzheng didn't have much contact with Yang Xuan.

But I also know that Yang Xuan is definitely what everyone thinks.

It must be because of other things that he took away Sword Master Yu Luo.


In the bedroom.

After Yang Xuan came back, he asked all the maids, eunuchs, and guards to leave.

Only the expressionless Sword Master Yu Luo remained.

"Your Feather Falling Sword Sect is actually a sect from the Upper Realm."

"But why not go to the upper realm, but become a martial arts sect in the small place of the lower realm?"

Yang Xuan directly asked the question in his heart.

This is also the trace of surprise that he felt in his heart after checking the Feather Falling Sword Sect.

Although the Feather Falling Sword Sect did not do well in the lower realm, it was only one of the sects that kept pace with the other four major sword sects.

But when Yang Xuan was using Jiuyang Zhenqi to check the heels of Sword Master Yu Luo.

But discovered this big secret.

This Yuluojian sect practiced not ordinary inner strength and mental methods, but a method of cultivating immortals in the native world.

That is the real magic in this world.

"The emperor really has a good eye, and he immediately recognized the situation of our Feather Falling Sword Sect."

"There are rumors from the outside world that the Great Emperor is a true immortal. In the eyes of many people, this is bragging, but in my opinion, this should be the truth."

When Sword Master Yu Luo said this, his expression was finally a little moved.

Because of her practice of exercises, she seldom feels happy, angry, sad or happy.

However, Yang Xuan gave her a surprise today.

"It seems that you came here today to surrender on the surface, but in fact, if I don't satisfy you, I'm afraid you will turn around and leave."

"But now that I see that my cultivation is not as good as mine, it looks like I'm being slaughtered."

"It's really a woman's style."

Yang Xuan also spoke very flatly.

He knew that this Sword Master Yu Luo must have come with a purpose.

"Your Majesty has great ambitions. If I'm not mistaken, going down together is just a small goal!"

"What His Majesty really wants to deal with should be the upper realm of the ladder, those high and mighty immortals."

"And, as long as His Majesty can fulfill our long-cherished wish."

"So what if all the women join His Majesty's harem!"

"I'm not bragging, the women of our Feather Falling Sword Sect are more powerful than many women in the harem."

"After all, we practice martial arts all year round, and our bodies can adapt to many situations that ordinary people can't imagine."

Yu Luo Sword Master doesn't care about shame at all.

Just talking about things that made Yang Xuan dare not speak easily.

"Not bad! That's it!"

Yang Xuan directly admitted.

The other party, as a sect in the upper realm, actually drifted to the lower realm. Don't think there is a problem with this understanding.

"Since this is the case, then our Feather Falling Sword Sect will definitely fully support His Majesty〃〃!"

"Many immortals in the upper world have met with hatred against our Yuluojian Sect!"

"Before the master died, he blessed us from the beginning. Once someone shows that he has the ability to counterattack the upper realm, then we will immediately join the opponent's command."

"The wish of all the ancestors of our school is to kill all the evil immortals in the sky."

Sword Master Yu Luo finally spoke with a trace of tone this time.

However, the fierceness of her tone was far inferior to the words in her words.

This is because she can't adjust so many emotions.

"The enemy's family!"

"I see!"

Although Yang Xuan didn't know yet, what was the reason.

But the general situation, has already guessed one or two.

"The patriarch was once one of the true immortals in the upper realm, who practiced the Feather Falling Heart Sutra of pure heart and asceticism!"

"At that time, the patriarch was the same as the true immortal in the upper realm, and he completely regarded the lower realm as the same thing."

"But later, Patriarch, she..."

stop! stop! stop!

Sword Master Yu Luo intends to tell Yang Xuan what happened.

However, Yang Xuan stopped directly.

"Okay, stop talking!"

"I already know what's behind."

"There is a problem with your patriarch's technique, or one step closer, from being ruthless to being sentient."

"Then I started looking at the lower world and fell in love with a certain person!"

"In the end, when that person enters the upper realm, don't kill other immortals."

"Afterwards comes revenge, and then dies. Before he dies, he passes down the exercises. I hope that one day there will be someone in the lower realm who can counterattack the upper realm."

"Just tell me, am I right?"

Yang Xuanru said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Sword Master Yu Luo, who was originally expressionless, was stunned.

Yang Xuan could tell from her face that she wanted to ask.

Why would you know the same.

"That's exactly what it is."

"It seems that His Majesty is also one of the immortals of that era!"

"It's just that you were reincarnated into this world, while our ancestor has fallen."

The Yuluo sword master obviously thought something wrong.

But Yang Xuan thought about it, but did not explain.

Because it's good for them to admit their mistakes like this, saving Yang Xuan from revealing his identity as a reincarnated person.

At that time, if outsiders think so.

Then the group of reincarnators would never think of who he is.

This is tantamount to hiding one's identity in front of the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning.

It is a good thing.

The enemy is in the light, and I am in the dark.

Simply not too cool.

"Since you all submit to me, then show me the Feather Falling Heart Sutra."

Yang Xuan directly asked for the exercises, which were the core exercises.

When he even opened his mouth, he knew that the other party would definitely not refuse.


Sure enough, Sword Master Yu Luo took out a book as soon as he finished speaking.

She carried this cheat book with her everywhere.

When handing it over to Yang Xuan, she also said: "The Patriarch once said that the Feather Falling Heart Sutra does not necessarily require women to practice, but the hidden dangers of women's practice are the least."

"When a man is practicing, sometimes he will be impulsive because of that aspect, and he will go crazy directly."

"After all, men are animals that think with their lower body."

"However, if His Majesty wants to cultivate, I, the three thousand women from the Feather Falling Sword Sect, can help His Majesty."

"We're all okay with it, and we're all alone, and none of us have ever talked to a male friend!"

Sword Master Yu Luo didn't care that Yan Gu's case was by his side.

He actually said it so bluntly.

Even, Yang Xuan found himself unable to refute.

"Relax, I am not that superficial person!"

"But your proposal can be considered!"

After Yang Xuan thought about it for a while, he felt that his image could not be lost.

Other men may practice, but for some reason, they can't control themselves.

But Yang Xuan, he doesn't need to practice by himself.

But he was really moved by Sword Master Yu Luo's proposal.

Just thinking of his teacher calmed down his mood.

So, he didn't say much.

After directly taking the Feather Falling Heart Sutra, Yang Xuan looked at it carefully.

Today's Yang Xuan, in the past ten days, has already condensed the golden elixir of reincarnation.

His spiritual power has been completely fused with the Samsara Golden Elixir, but the Samsara Golden Elixir is hidden in the Nine Suns Golden Elixir.

Therefore, the first thing that outsiders can perceive is his Nine Suns Golden Pill.

But now that the cultivator's skills are in front of him, Yang Xuan's first thought is to advance his Nine Suns Golden Pill.

Let's see if we can achieve the primordial spirit.

brush! brush! brush!

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