Fairy Fengyu was 100% sure that Yang Xuan's gains far exceeded other people's imagination.

"That's right! Real spirit, I don't need it now."

Yang Xuan nodded, and then called up his own data.

Real name: Yang Xuan

Number of Reincarnations: 2

1. Ordinary Urban World (SSS Perfect Level)

Reincarnation achievements:

Invincible in the world, the kingdoms unite, create idealism, break the shackles, and upgrade the world.

2. Doomsday of Spiritual Recovery (Supreme Reincarnation)

Reincarnation achievements:

Invincible in the world, suppress the doomsday, recast the gate of ghosts, save the world, unite the two worlds, and reincarnate supremely (the only one)

Supreme Reincarnation: Your deeds have surpassed the evaluation principle, allowing the Tower of True Reincarnation to obtain all the authority of a world for the first time, so it was given the title of "Supreme Reincarnation".

The world of martial arts has automatically recorded your true spirit breath, and you can reincarnate into the world of martial arts anytime and anywhere.

Guoshu World has taken the initiative to join the Tower of Reincarnation and become an affiliated world of this world.

You have obtained the initial authority of the Tower of Reincarnation, and have the right to inquire about the information of any person whose authority is not as good as yours.

At the same time, it has the ability to hide, or partially hide, the information of self-reincarnation.

The current authority of the Reincarnation Tower: 1


1. True spirit points: 10 million (has reached the upper limit of the doomsday of supernatural recovery)

2. The spirit of the world has been bound

This is Yang Xuan's harvest.

Among them, the supreme reincarnator made Yang Xuan the only person with the first authority in the world of reincarnators.

This harvest may be more powerful than the law of reincarnation.

Enough to cause shock in the whole world.

Yang Xuan buried this information in his heart and didn't tell anyone.

····Ask for flowers··········

Because this thing is too crazy.

Even to Fairy Feng Yu, he only told the truthful information.

This time, Yang Xuan's gain in the True Spirit Point was also extremely huge.

A total of 10 million true spirit points made him a local tyrant in an instant.

This amount of soul points.

Among the students of the entire Good Fortune Academy, they can all be ranked in the top 100.

So according to what Fairy Fengyu said.

Go to other worlds and choose to condense golden pills, get enough benefits, and then return to buy through the True Reincarnation Tower, directly and instantly fuse the body.

This is no problem.

And, while risky, in some ways.

On the contrary, it is extremely safe.

For example.

In case of condensation, there is an accident.

If it is the body, it will be useless.

But the reincarnation world is just a loss of a chance to reincarnate and the materials to condense the golden core.

So, there are pros and cons to this.

"Okay! I'm going to recuperate, you go and prepare yourself."

"After three days, take part in the assessment on time."

Fairy Feng Yu issued an order to chase away guests.

Although her injuries were suppressed, at least she had to recover for a while.

Although in the beginning, the Holy Lord left the elixir.

But Fairy Feng Yu didn't intend to use his medicine.

It's not about worrying about the medicine being tampered with.

It was Feng Yu Fairy, who was also a person with a temper.

She is about to break through the seventh rank.

The goal of this trip to the great world of good fortune is to help oneself break through.

When the time comes, she slowly accumulates.

Waiting for the day when he breaks through again and becomes the eighth rank.

She will definitely find the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning and wound him.

Then, smash the pill on his face.

Tell him to heal well.

"Teacher cultivates in meditation, just call me if you have something to do!"

Yang Xuan nodded, then turned and left.

Fairy Fengyu needs to cultivate, and he also has things to do.

The matter of the world spirit is settled.


But he also wants another person to become a local resident of the world of the Reincarnation Tower.

Commonly known as, on the account.


Good Fortune Academy, inside the True Reincarnation Tower.

After Yang Xuan left Fairy Fengyu, he quickly returned here and directly entered the exclusive reincarnation room of his teacher.

"Taling, I want to exchange for Liu Hongyu's qualification to become the reincarnation world."

"The binding object is me."

Yang Xuan communicated with the Reincarnation Tower and directly stated his request.


"The fluctuation of the soul in another world was detected, and the breath of the true spirit in this world was detected. The fusion degree of the soul and the true spirit is 85%."

"It can consume 100,000 points to increase to 100%."

"Whether to improve."


Yang Xuan had already thought of it.

If you want Liu Hongyu to return to the main world, you can't just rely on the substitute ghost.

Fortunately, the cost is something he can fully afford.

"The degree of fit has been improved, and it is detected that the other party has no physical body."

"Do you want to spend 10,000 soul points to buy a temporary body?"

Taling asked again.

The temporary body is a temporary carrier.

The Resurrection Tower can be used as a temporary carrier for people who have lost their bodies.

But for this kind of carrier, the highest degree of fit is 90%.

Using this carrier for a long time will affect the toughness and stability of the true spirit.

In the end, even reincarnated people in the Yuanshen stage will become ordinary people.

There is only one way to regain a 100% fit body, reincarnation.

After reincarnation, one cannot die and return.

Instead, when he was alive, he chose to return to his real body.

A forced return talisman for the return of the real body.

Price: 1 million true spirit points.

This is equivalent to spending one million to buy a physical body.

It's expensive, but in some ways, it's also cheap.

After all, among the heavens and myriad realms.

I don't know how many powerful monks have lost their bodies by accident.

I want to find a body that fits 100%, but I don't even have a way.

If they were given this chance, let alone a million, they would be willing even if it was 10 million true spirit points.

So this thing is the benevolent see benevolence, the wise see wisdom.

"Buy a temporary body!"

"Buy a forced return symbol!"

One million is not a small number though.

But Yang Xuan was still willing.

It's just that the regression symbol can't be used now.

So Yang Xuan also bought a temporary body for Liu Hongyu.

This physical body is only used for three days.

As for the spirit of the world, she is the guardian spirit, originally a spirit body.

There is absolutely no need for a physical body.

She didn't want to be reincarnated out of her own will, so she thought it was good to follow Yang Xuan like this.

For this reason, Yang Xuan did not force her.

The purchase is successful, and the temporary body is generated!

The principle of generation is based on the situation of the other party.

Right after Yang Xuan bought the temporary body, he hurriedly took out Liu Hongyu's true spirit.

Immediately afterwards.

A powerful energy descends.

Endless vitality appeared from all directions.

Then a woman who was elegant and elegant, possessed an air of lightness, delicate skin, and a leisurely demeanor, slowly appeared in front of Yang Xuan.

The woman seemed to have just woken up.

She had beautiful eyes, a lazy smile on her peach cheeks, and her breathing was a little heavy, but her exhalation was like orchids, with a hint of fragrance.

The whole person looks indescribably gentle and pleasant.

"Ah this..."

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