The terrifying coercion of the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning enveloped the entire Dao Palace in an instant.

However, as soon as his breath appeared, the gate of good fortune moved!

"I think there is nothing wrong with Yang Xuan's request!"

"In the beginning, you either apologize now, or go to war!"

"He has already refined the spirit of the world. You should understand how great an advantage this is for us who are about to invade the great world of creation."

Since it is impossible to make peace.

The Holy Lord of Creation is not afraid of falling out with the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning.

Anyway, when Yang Xuan made this request, the Holy Creator knew that the overall situation was settled.

Although the Holy Lord in the beginning cherished his face.

But Yang Xuan really made a good move.

Maybe Yang Xuan didn't know the situation of the Holy Lord in the beginning.

But the Creator knows very well.

There was something wrong with the Holy Lord in the beginning, and he was going to go to the great world of creation this time.

Although he has reached the level of the Holy Master, he will not easily end up taking part in such a dangerous operation.

But he has no choice but to enter the great world of creation and find a method to stabilize his problem.


He didn't want to lose face, he didn't let his apprentices and subordinates come to **** the world spirit, but his real body came here with the strongest artifact.

This increases the success rate.

Unfortunately, he still failed.

Just now, facing Yang Xuan's provocative words, he has been forbearance, also because he can use Yang Xuan.

Now being persecuted by Yang Xuan again, he really couldn't think of a better way for a while.

Not to mention, the lord of good fortune is still on Yang Xuan's side.

A look of fully supporting Yang Xuan.

This is uncomfortable.

"You guys are fine!"

"really good!"

The Holy Master of Absolute Beginning gritted his teeth and said.

He is a majestic Holy Master, but he was forced to be like this.

But after thinking about his own situation, he still endured it.

After all, it wasn't once or twice that Bilian was abandoned.

Then, he actually looked at Fairy Fengyu,

"This time, I was wrong!"

After finishing speaking, the Holy Master of Absolute Beginning waved his hand to the bottom.

A flash of spiritual light flew directly in front of Yang Xuan.

After Yang Xuan saw it clearly, he realized that it was a bottle of elixir.

After doing all this, the Holy Lord of the Beginning and his eternal holy ship disappeared directly.

That's a real space transfer.

Seeing him leave, the Creation Lord nodded to Yang Xuan and left.

Not long after the two Holy Masters left, the entire Great Creation World returned to normal.

It's not that Yang Xuan withdrew the evil spirit's aura.

It was Yang Xuan who just gambled again!

He gambled that the Holy Master of Absolute Beginning could not see whether he still had the aura of evil spirits in him.

I also bet that the Holy Master in the beginning did not dare to fight himself to the end!

He won the bet.

Even though he was inexplicably hostile to a holy master, everything was worth it for the sake of the teacher.

"Yang Xuan, you shouldn't have done this!"

"Then the Holy Lord in the beginning is not a good person to get along with."

"This girdle is getting bigger!"

"However, I will meet the ancestor. Judging from the attitude of the ancestor towards you, as long as we stay in the Good Fortune Academy, the Holy Master of the Beginning will have nothing to do with us."

"As for the threat of the ancestor, the Holy Master of Absolute Beginning actually doesn't take it seriously."

"That holy master doesn't care about the life and death of the people below!"

"For him, even if his subordinates die, it's just a matter of spending time cultivating a batch."

Fairy Feng Yu didn't expect things to turn out like this.

After the two Holy Masters left, she was extremely worried.

"I hurt you and still want to act as if nothing happened, not even the Holy Master."

Yang Xuan said simply.

It seems that what he offended was not a holy master, but an ordinary person.

As for Fairy Fengyu, after hearing this, she felt powerless for some reason, and fell limply to Yang Xuan's side.

"I'm tired and injured, take me back to rest!"

Fairy Feng Yu really wanted to go by herself.

But she couldn't figure out why her body just had no strength.

Therefore, it was worth asking Yang Xuan to send her back with a blushing face.

Yang Xuan really didn't think much about it.

He picked up his teacher and walked directly towards the bedroom.

Walking and talking.

"Don't worry, teacher!"

"If I'm not mistaken, the reason why the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning is willing to apologize must be useful to me!"

"He should have come here to **** the will of that world!"

"The next world he will be reincarnated in needs to use the power of the world's will to do a certain thing."

"At that time, I just need to cheat him a bit."

"The existence of the eighth rank, I am naturally not the opponent."

"However, if my guess is correct, if he intends to enter the great world of creation, then I can only hope that he will be blessed with good fortune!"

Yang Xuan said indifferently.

A holy master, he is not an opponent.

But this sage is mainly for self-seeking, so there is room for manipulation.

Reincarnation is not invulnerable, nor is it the safest.

This time he went to the spiritual world and fully demonstrated what it means to be impermanent in the world.

Moreover, he thought of another thing.

If you spend a lot of true spirit points, track down the world where the evil god's breath is.

Then, with the help of the reincarnation tracking talisman, he deceived the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning and dragged him to be reincarnated into the world of evil gods together with him.

Afterwards, with the help of the one-key tracking system, he consumed a lot of true spirit points and directly reincarnated in the reincarnation world.

After this operation, it is estimated that the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning can be confused and refreshed.

If one is not careful, fall is possible.

It's not that the existence of the eighth level has never fallen in the reincarnation world.

Reincarnation is risky, reincarnation needs to be cautious!

PS: Everyone, the author of Xiaopujie didn't rest in his thirties, so I wish you all a happy new year. I wish you all good health and all the best! .

Chapter 89 Title: Supreme Reincarnation (Happy New Year everyone!)

the land of the beginning.

Holy Lord's Mansion.


The Holy Master of Absolute Beginning had just returned, and he smashed his own alchemy furnace all at once.

He didn't care that inside the pill furnace was a furnace of pills that was about to take shape.

Anyway, he wanted to vent his anger now.

"An ant! An ant of the second rank!"

"A mere mortal who is not even a true immortal!"

"You made me apologize!"

"I will make you pay the price!"

"Do you really think I~ can't do anything about you!"

"I am determined to win the spirit of the world, and you will definitely participate in the college assessment-!"

"None of you would have guessed that I have been to the reincarnation world of this assessment, not just once or twice."

"It's not a good place there. This time, I followed the reincarnation. According to the exercises I got last time, I directly cultivated for a hundred years. When I left the gate, I killed Yang Xuan and snatched away the spirit of the world."

"And that evil god's breath, he will definitely bring it to the assessment world, so even if it erupts, it will explode in the assessment world."

"It's just a second-tier position, just wait for death!"

After the Absolute Beginning Lord smashed all the items in the house, the depression in his heart finally dissipated.

Since becoming the Holy Master, even afterward, many worlds have been reincarnated.

He has never been so depressed.

Fortunately, his methods are extremely high, and what he hides is quite deep.

This time, many forces with transcendent status are used to come and assess the world.

In fact, he is the Holy Lord in the beginning, the world that has been to many times.

Even, he has prepared a lot of backup for himself.

He believed that Yang Xuan would definitely reincarnate with the spirit of the world and the breath of the evil god.

At that time, as long as he reincarnates normally, and then pretends to be a native of the native world.

If you continue to kill and seize treasures, even if Yang Xuan dies, the Holy Creator will have nothing to do with him.

"This time, I don't even know how to lose!"

"That is a world where immortality is hidden, and mortals have no hope of becoming immortals without spiritual roots."

"In that world, people with spiritual roots are 51 out of 10,000."

"But I'm different. I've reincarnated in that world thousands of times, and I've already collected several transplantable Heavenly Spirit Roots."

"Although that world has not been taken by me, it is already half of my back garden."

"Haha! Hahahaha!"

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