But the incarnation of the will of the world no longer cares.

It doesn't matter if you drop the level, as long as the world doesn't shatter.


Tracked successfully.

Target: Guoshu world!

Spatial Coordinates: Locked, Connectable!

Can be traced further.

With the help of the reincarnation pod, the real spirit is reincarnated in the world of martial arts, consuming 30,000 real spirit points.

Without the help of the reincarnation pod, it costs 300,000.

The real body has descended and cannot be opened!

Immediately afterwards.

The simple introduction information appeared in Yang Xuan's mind.

Yang Xuan really doesn't have many true spirit points now.

Psionic power cannot replace true spirit points.

So if he reincarnates, he can't do it now.


What he wants is not reincarnation.

"The world coordinates are locked, and I will leave it to you!"

Yang Xuan communicated with the incarnation of the will of the world, and soon a large amount of spiritual energy was injected into his body.

Immediately afterwards.

Ghost Gate continued to tremble.

above the sky.

The grand door became even bigger.

The scene after the ghost gate also changed from an abyss **** to a blue star.

The world coordinates are obtained successfully.

The two worlds are connected successfully.

Things have developed to this point, everything is exactly as Yang Xuan thought.

But the only thing Yang Xuan didn't expect was that.

The moment the two worlds came into contact, a girl transformed by the will of the world.

He actually chose to downgrade the spiritual world.


The level of the spirit world is nearly four levels higher than that of the martial arts world.

Here two hundred years ago, people living in the material world were ordinary people.

However, the development of the ghost world is still extremely rapid.

Therefore, the low level of the material world does not mean that the rank of the world must be weak.

twenty two

The world of martial arts is at most the world of the third rank.

With the help of Yang Xuan, he began to upgrade, and he was only advancing towards the fourth-tier world.

So just now, after the spiritual world communicated with the martial arts world.

The martial arts world is trembling.

Even if.

The will of the world in the martial arts world felt the aura of his own benefactor in the aura of the spiritual world.

Nor could it stop her fear.

If the will of the world had a mind of its own, it could even speak.

Then she must say it again.

"Ah! Don't come here!"

"Don't come here!"

There is no comparison between the world will of the martial art world and the world will of the spiritual world.

But today's spiritual world needs the help of the martial arts world.

Even, the will of the world in the spirit world, in order to completely integrate with the world of martial arts.

Not only began to degrade, but also took the initiative to turn many supernatural laws into the most primitive power of the world.

With the blessing of these huge world powers, the personality of the martial arts world has been directly promoted to the fifth level.

In the world of martial arts, he was promoted to two levels in an instant.


Above the sky, the huge ghost gate also collapsed.

In the end, it turned into a series of black silk threads, and had to escape into the world of martial arts.

After that, there is world fusion.

The martial arts world is expanding wildly.

The survivors of the spiritual world were also transferred to the world of martial arts by mysterious power one by one.

The supernatural laws emanating from the survivors were also completely shattered at the gate of hell, and they were taken away when they dissipated.

The ghost masters have completely turned into ordinary people.

Moreover, he has not suffered backlash or harm because of being drawn away from the supernatural law.

They're just normal, and they're different again.

Then one by one was randomly teleported to a certain place in the martial arts world.

"World integration, success!"

Yang Xuan's body of ghosts and gods also began to become illusory at this moment.

What I just obtained, is comparable to the seventh-level position, the power of a great existence.

In an instant, it fell to the sixth level, and then the fifth level.

In less than a minute, his ghost body dissipated.

The power of ghosts and gods originally existed with the help of the supernatural world.

Lost the support of the spirit world.

Yang Xuan was immediately beaten back to his original shape.

He, who was already physically dead, has changed back to a state where he can only exist by relying on the power of his mind.

"Send me back!"

"My affairs in this world are over."

"For me, in this world, I have no regrets."

The power of Yang Xuan's spiritual manifestation turned him into an illusory little light man.

He uses the power of the mind to communicate the will of the two worlds.

After all, what he did was only good for the two worlds.

So it's normal for them to send themselves back instead of dying.

But unexpectedly it reappeared.

Just when Yang Xuan thought that he was about to return with Liu Hongyu.


A terrifying pulling force directly pulled Yang Xuan, who had turned into a phantom in his mind, away.

The sudden situation did not frighten Yang Xuan.

Because although the force pulling him was strong, it didn't have any malice.

Moreover, it is very warm.

So Yang Xuan didn't resist, and just like that, he was directly brought to the highest point of the cloud by that terrifying will.

Immediately afterwards.

Yang Xuan found that his perception had been greatly improved.

The strength of this improvement is not only great.

The speed of improvement is also very fast.

It's just a short time.

Yang Xuan discovered that he could actually see the situation of the whole world.

This is the will of the world, handing over its senses to Yang Xuan.

He, Yang Xuan, has become a real spokesperson for the will of the world at this moment.

Although only temporarily.

"It turns out that it is the will of the martial arts world that is thanking me."

"He actually shared the origin of the world with me and invited me to visit its world."

"But this visit is an opportunity for me to face the core of the world!"

"The core of the world, the origin of the way of heaven, I have realized the method of alchemy."

"After returning, you can advance to the third level, which is the existence of the Jindan stage."

Under the world-class perception.

Yang Xuan's sensory abilities not only spread to the whole world.

Even the speed of his thinking has been terribly improved.

With just one thought, he collected the changes in the world of martial arts.

Here, out of your own way.

Martial arts and technology go hand in hand.

Warriors and mechs coexist.

The people here are basically like a dragon.

Everyone practices martial arts.

Yang Xuan also had a single thought, and found the person he was looking for.

Wang Tong, a young novice, an old Taoist priest.

From the time Yang Xuan returned to the main world to the time when he used the spirit world to get in touch with the martial art world.

For the martial arts world, fifty years have passed.

But because of the upgrading of the world and the popularization of martial arts, people in this world have an average life expectancy of 150 years.

Therefore, fifty years later, all the masters of martial arts that Yang Xuan had met were still alive and well.

Especially the little monk from Shaolin.

He has already refined into the Tathagata palm.

The old Taoist also blazed his own path and lived out his second life. With the help of Tai Chi, he was rejuvenated.

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