"My lord, there is a powerful law in the ghost gate!"

"We don't know what that law is, but when we planned this world, we used a one-time treasure to attract the attention of a terrifying existence."

"That terrifying existence, separated by countless worlds, locked on to that law at a glance."

"However, the one-time consumable item did not persist, and the barrier of countless worlds made the horror exist again. It was not locked here for a while, and the will descended."

"So the existence that we can't even imagine, the treasure we care about, was left in the ghost world."

"I would like to fetch him for you, but please let me go!"

There was also a soul reincarnated who sold everyone outright.

Tell the most precious news.

However, Yang Xuan was still not moved by it.

"Your so-called law, I have known it for a long time."

"After all, my ghost world devours not only your primordial spirit and true spirit, but everything about you!"

"Of course, this is also the power of a supernatural rule."

"Although there are some negative effects, it is very easy to use."

Yang Xuan glanced at the few people, then waved his hand casually.

The black silk thread suddenly fell from the sky again.

Then these people disappeared.

Yang Xuan could even imagine that after his return, there would definitely be an uproar in the main world.

"It's time to complete the ultimate of this world."

Two hundred years of supernatural recovery!

The supernatural age!


I will bury it! Death.

Chapter 85 The perfect girl, the incarnation of the world (Please customize! Please subscribe!)

After Yang Xuan killed the primordial spirit reincarnators, the Void Ghost Realm came down completely.

His goal is to refine the bronze gate.

As for the bronze gate in Wang Shan's base, he completely refined it in less than a second.

It's not over yet.

I saw Yang Xuan and Liu Hongyu directly teleporting through the space.

The next second, the second bronze door.

The third, the fourth...the last one!

Adding up before and after, there is not even a minute.

Yang Xuan has already completed the refinement of the last seven bronze gates.

So far!

A total of forty-four bronze doors already belonged to Yang Xuan.

"I succeeded!"

After the last bronze door was refined.

Suddenly, Yang Xuan stood on the spot.

Then, he looked up to the sky.

Boom! Boom!

This moment.

The sky of the spiritually revived world is directly from the dark night with dark moon and few stars.

It turned into a horror scene where the blood moon was in the sky and the blood mist filled the sky.

If this time, you can watch the world from an external perspective.


At this time, the world of spiritual recovery is a big **** red ball.

And all the people, ghosts, monsters, and beasts in the spiritual world.

They also stopped what they were doing at this moment.

Whether it's fighting or resting.

As long as they are sentient beings in this world.

At this moment, he looked up at the sky.

Even if they didn't want to look at it, there was a force in the dark that pulled them to raise their heads.

In that situation, it seemed that a certain great existence came to "September 17", and they had to give the highest etiquette.

"Master, what is going on here!"

Liu Hongyu, who was standing beside Yang Xuan, was terrified by the scene in front of her.

The world has become like this, no matter how you look at it, it looks like it is going to be destroyed.

If it is said that the spiritual recovery brought disaster to this world.

Then the current scene is the real end of the world.

It is a situation where all living beings will be destroyed and die, and the whole world will completely evaporate.

Even a ghost emperor like Liu Hongyu couldn't help leaning on Yang Xuan, looking for a sense of security.

But even so.

She was trembling in Yang Xuan's arms.

"Don't worry, this is the scene of the recasting of the gate of **** and the will of the world descending!"

"Although, it looks like the end of the world!"

"But actually, it's a good thing for this world!"

"The era of spiritual recovery is coming to an end!"

Yang Xuan rubbed Liu Hongyu's beautiful hair.

Then I thought about it.



A pitch-black silk thread of law directly wrapped around Liu Hongyu's body.

In the next second, Yang Xuan summoned a supernatural law and a true spirit light.

The law of supernatural powers is the law of substitutes.

The light of the true spirit was refined by the reincarnation of the primordial spirit after being killed by Yang Xuan.

The light of the true spirit contains the breath of the main world, but it is difficult to completely refine it.

However, if she only relies on Liu Hongyu's own ability, even if she is given a hundred years, she will not be able to refine the light of the true spirit.

Fortunately, there is still the substitute rule.

Yang Xuan thought so.

Although this Wang Shan is old, he is definitely a treasure boy.

He not only guided himself to the coordinates of this world.

He also prepared a huge opportunity for himself.

He even prepared the method for taking Liu Hongyu out for Yang Xuan.

Such a 'good guy'.

Not much to see!

"Hongyu, get a good night's sleep!"

"When you wake up, you can see the real me!"

Yang Xuan whispered to Liu Hongyu in his arms.

Immediately afterwards.

The law of substitutes, the light of the true spirit.

All of them were integrated into Liu Hongyu's body.

Liu Hongyu who was affected by these two forces.

His ghost emperor body shrinks rapidly.

Not long after, she turned into a pure white light exuding an endless divine aura.

Randomly, it fell into Yang Xuan's eyebrows.

"Sleep! When you wake up, we will go home!"

After Yang Xuan finished speaking to Liu Hongyu in his heart, he continued to look up at the sky.

That gentle smile on his face.

This moment also disappeared.

Next, it was time to test his idea.

"Appear! The gate of **** is closed!"


Following Yang Xuan's whisper.

In the blood-colored sky, bursts of roaring sounds suddenly erupted.

not only that!

The ground also trembled at this moment.

on the ground.

The forty-four finished bronze doors were pulled away as if they were attracted by some kind of attraction.

As soon as they came out, they quickly flew towards the sky.

All beings in the entire world of supernatural recovery saw this spectacular sight.

After the forty-four bronze gates flew into the **** sky, they were directly swallowed by the endless **** aura.

But the **** sky.

Also because of the absorption of forty-four bronze doors, the meeting turned into pitch black and gloomy darkness.


In the entire sky, only black is left.

A gate of ghosts hidden behind the endless darkness appeared.

"Is this the gate of hell!"

"The entity's ghost gate!"

"Existence beyond the sixth level! A terrifying world-level artifact that has reached the seventh level!"

"Taking away the ghost gate is equivalent to taking away the core of this world!"

Even Yang Xuan.

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