But because he didn't refine the supernatural crystal, he was only threatening him to serve him.

Therefore, it is not a violation of the agreement in the contract document.

And Wei Xu, who was replaced by the substitute ghost, still retains all the abilities of the reincarnated person.

Even because of his special attributes, he has already replaced Wei Xu, waiting for the mission in this world to end.

You can also return to the world of those who turned around with the true spirit of Wang Shan.

At that time, Wang Shan will be equivalent to getting a demigod-level subordinate.

Plus a demigod-level second soul.

at this moment

He had already begun to imagine that once he returned, the status of the Wang family would be turned upside down.

And he, Wang Shan, will rise to the top!

"Hmph! Aboriginals are natives!"

"Be obedient to me in the future!"

"If you still want to leave this world, if you don't want to fall completely!"

"Just do what I tell you to do!"

After Wang Shan explained to Wei Xu.

I plan to continue to go back to the house to practice.

But it's also this time.

Suddenly, there was a trace of abnormality in the base where he was.

tick! tick!

That was the sound of rain falling.

But there was obviously no thunder just now.

There were no dark clouds in the sky, but suddenly it began to rain.

Naturally, it was impossible for Wang Shan not to notice this strange situation.

"It's raining?"

Wang Shan raised his head suspiciously.

Immediately, he realized something was wrong.

"Why is the moon red?"

"Where are the stars in the sky?"

"Also, why is this raindrop black!"

Sudden change.

Wang Shan, who just got a demigod-level second soul and a demigod-level subordinate, is not so excited anymore.

Chapter 82 In My Name, Command the World (Please Customize! Please Subscribe!)

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

That is, the same time that changes occur.

Three figures immediately appeared around Wang Shan and Wei Xu.

"Enemy attack!"

"It came so fast, I just received Wei Xu's summoning talisman, and he's here!"

"Wang Shan, Wei Xu, the power of the enemy is a supernatural rule, immediately summon the phantom of the ghost gate!"

"Suppress his rules, don't let his rules control our base!"

The soul reincarnators are also very busy in this world, they are usually studying their own things.

So it happened that Wei Xu was attacked by Wang Shan just now.

Otherwise, the few people must be fighting among themselves now.


Facing sudden changes.

Wang Shan also had a big battle in his heart, and then secretly asked Wei Xu, who was being replaced, to join hands with everyone to summon the phantom of the bronze gate.

Wei Xu naturally did not dare to resist.

Because, he still wanted to get rid of Wang Shan one day and take revenge on this **** who kept torturing him.


Ghostly air emerges.

Weird aspect!

With the joint efforts of the five, the phantom of the ancient ghost gate appeared.

"Ghost Suppression!"

After the phantom of the ghost gate appeared, although the blood moon did not disappear.

But the black rain stopped.

The five members of Wang Shan's team breathed a sigh of relief.

Near the refined bronze gate, summon the ghost gate projection.

Its power, strength, and momentum are incomparable to the projection of the bronze door that summons itself to refine on the other side of this world.

Those five primordial spirit reincarnators who attacked the main city of Bronze Gate back then.

Although the ghost gate projection they summoned can suppress the ghost emperor at once.

But in fact, because the distance is too far.

The power of the projection they summoned was only 10% at most.

Now Wang Shan and the others are near the bronze gate they refined, and the projection they summoned is 100% powerful.

"The other party is too big!"

"If you kill one of our teams, you can't wait to call the door."

"Perhaps, Yu Feng and the others suffered a loss because they went to the opponent's territory. After all, in the opponent's territory, the power of the Bronze Gate can be 100% displayed."

Wang Shan's other three teammates also knew the news of Yu Feng's demise.

But in their minds, although the enemy is definitely not weak.

But Yu Feng's team has a 90% chance of suffering from the power of the bronze door's projection.

And underestimate the enemy!

That guy Yu Feng just likes to underestimate the enemy.

After all, the opponent can play 100%, Yu Feng and the others only have 10%.

With such a gap, it is easy and reasonable to be wiped out by the opponent.

But their smiles didn't last long, and all of them turned ugly.

Click! Click!


Their ghost gate projection appeared in less than ten seconds.

Cracks started to appear.

The crack only lasted for three seconds, and then the powerful projection of the ghost gate.

With a bang, it exploded.

That terrifying ghost gate projection was shattered without even being able to break it!

"Ah this..."

Including Wang Shan, all the reincarnated souls stared wide-eyed.

No one knows better than them.

How tyrannical is the phantom of the ghost gate summoned by the bronze gate.

If we compare this phantom with the power system.

Its appearance in the first place represents the arrival of the real immortal!

Taking him as an attack is equivalent to a blow at the level of a real fairy.

Personality and power are both the power of the sixth level of the main world.

Yu Feng's five-member team, although the summoned Ghost Gate Projection has only 10% of its power.

Let a ghost emperor wait for death directly.

If it wasn't for Yang Xuan, their attack at that time.

You can easily kill the Vientiane Ghost Emperor.

But now.

Such a great presence.

He was shattered without even seeing the enemy's figure.

In such a situation, how could it not make people's jaws drop.

"Who? Who the hell〃〃?"

"Could it be that a traitor tampered with our bronze door?"

"It's not a traitor, there's nothing wrong with the Bronze Gate!"

"Sure enough, is the opponent too strong?"

Several of Wang Shan's teammates showed solemn expressions.

They all know that climbing by themselves is no match for the enemy.

Fortunately, at this time, some familiar breath appeared.

"Old Shao! Lin Hai! And you, finally rushed over."

After seeing those people, Wang Shan also breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought to himself.

Fortunately, these people came in time, otherwise he would have shown his cards.

"Shoot together!"

"Wang Shan, you five are all right, can you summon a ghost gate projection!"

Here are the last ten of Wang Shan's Yuanshen reincarnated this time.

As soon as the ten of them came over, they immediately looked at Wang Shan.

"No problem! This time we will go all out, and my team can summon all the three ghost gate projections we have here."

Wang Shan was also ruthless, planning to throw a bomb.

Before Wang Shan, there were four five-member Yuanshen teams.

His team refined three bronze gates.

Each of the other teams refined two.

However, Yu Feng's team was wiped out by the regiment.

Naturally, I can't count on it.

But even so, once their firepower is fully fired, at least five bronze doors will be summoned to project.

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