Chapter 187

“Oh, is it so?”

Lu Zhuang grinned.

There is no big surprise for the energy of his broken star finger to be transferred.

This sky star master can have such a big name, he still has some ability.

“Aren’t you going to make a move to practice with me?”

Lu Zhuang looked at the star master sitting on the highest seat and said with a smile.

“Next, let’s talk about if you can beat them.”

The Celestial Star Master also smiled, “I used to understand the sealing circle in a secret environment, and I have some experience. Today, I will use the sealing circle to entertain you, and I will also take advantage of this to test the power of my circle. .”

As he said, the star master of the sky pinched a seal with both hands.

Then pointed out to Luzhuang Yi.


A golden light shot from his fingertips and blasted straight towards Lu Zhuang.

“That’s it?”

Lu Zhuang blasted out with a punch, directly defeating the golden light.

However, this golden light did not dissipate, but split into two.

Two golden magic circles were constructed above and under Lu Zhuang’s head.

Two golden magic circles, one to the left and one to the right, slowly rotate.


As the two magic circles slowly rotated, there was a loud noise of steel gears biting in the sky.

A mysterious aura radiated from the magic circle, directly enveloping Lu Zhuang.

Lu Zhuang only felt that he was repelled by the whole world, his body couldn’t move, and even the movement of aura became difficult.

From the naked eye, Lu Zhuang’s momentum quickly weakened.

“Hahahaha, this Lu Zhuang has been sealed at least 50% of his strength.”

All the saints sensed Lu Zhuang’s condition, and many people suddenly laughed.

“Take this opportunity and kill me!”

The corner of the star’s mouth rose slightly, and he said.


“Little thief, let you see how great grandpa is…”

“Da Xu Mi fist, die for me!”

“It’s enough to be proud of you to die in Laozi’s hands, kill…”

Following the order from the star master of the sky, all the saints attacked Luzhuang one after another.

All of a sudden, colorful energy lights bombarded Lu Zhuang.

Boom boom boom!

More than a dozen saints took full action, the scene is really terrifying.

The entire space began to collapse and collapsed.

Endless energy light flooded the entire sky, a scene of apocalypse.

The violent explosion made the entire East Pole Sacred Mountain tremble violently, as if it was about to disintegrate.

Seeing this scene, the audience in front of the Internet took a breath.

[Hiss…too ruthless…][Under such a terrifying offensive, that Lu thief probably won’t even have any scum left. 】

[I’m afraid it will be completely emptied directly…]

【Cool myself…Cool myself…】

【Don’t make a conclusion too soon, everyone, the vitality of the saint is extremely powerful. 】

[Yes, ordinary saints have to kill a few times before they can completely die. With the combat power displayed by this Lu Zhuang, I am afraid that even if he is shattered more than ten times, he may not die. 】

[Even if he is not dead, what can I do, so many saints can kill him once, they can kill him ten times…][Hey, dare you to underestimate my land god, when did my land god defeat? 】

This wave of attacks lasted quite a while.

Lu Zhuang’s whole person was overwhelmed by this endless bombardment energy.

Under such a terrifying attack, many people felt that Lu Zhuang was going to end.

It was so cold.

However, Lu Zhuang’s invincible posture has always shown that many people still have confidence in Lu Zhuang.

I think Luzhuang will definitely come back.

Boom boom boom!

The explosion continued.

The horrible explosive energy light obscured the sky, unable to dissipate for a long time.

At this moment, someone suddenly exclaimed.

“Look, what is that?”

“Something has appeared.”

Under the shocking gazes of countless people, a huge figure emerged from the endless rays of destruction.

It’s Luzhuang.

He used taboo techniques and turned into a giant with a thousand feet tall.

Holding a halberd that has also been magnified countless times.

It’s like the ancient gods and demons who walked out of the ancient world.

[It’s Lu Zhuang, he was unscathed…][I know that Lu Zhuang is definitely not that easy to die, he has never disappointed. 】

[He uses taboo techniques. I remember that his subordinates can also use this magical power. 】

[Incarnation of taboos, strength soars, who else can compete with him. 】

[Look, he is going to fight back…]

Under the full attack of all the saints, Lu Zhuang was unscathed.

Many people in Ling Xuan’s eyes all fell to the ground.

This f*ck is hardly a human being. Is this man beaten with iron?

As for the Saint League, all the saints were stunned at once.

How do you fight f*ck?

No way to fight…

More than a dozen of their saints did not break the defense of Lu Zhuang, this is still a hammer.

“You guys don’t want to be confused by the appearance of this Lu Zhuang. Under such a terrifying offensive, I don’t believe that he will really be unscathed. He must have used some secret method to cover up his injuries.”

At this time, the Huang Daxian stood up and said.

Huang Daxian’s words immediately calmed the people who were a little panicked.

“Yes, maybe he is already seriously injured by this time.”

“Maybe we only need to make another shot, and he will reveal his prototype.”

“Exterminate the thief, just today!”

“What are you hesitating about, kill!”

After a short hesitation, more than a dozen saints once again killed Luzhuang.

“The mayfly shakes the tree, and he doesn’t know what he can do!”

Lu Zhuang a thousand-foot-tall giant standing on the void, like a god and devil in the ancient times.

He lowered his head, looked down at the saints who had killed him, and couldn’t help but let out a sneer.

Then slowly raised the halberd in his hand.

Kill indiscriminately! ! !

Huh huh!

Countless blades flashed past.

The saints who had killed Lu Zhuang suddenly shrank their pupils and halted their bodies.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment.

One second, two seconds, three seconds…

Bang bang bang…

In midair, the saints exploded one after another, splitting into two halves.

A corpse fell from the sky, and blood spilled into the sky.




[The thief is so terrifying…][Too strong, only one move killed more than ten saints. 】

There was a cold voice on the Internet.

Lu Zhuang’s random killing was really terrifying, and more than a dozen saints were beheaded in the blink of an eye.

You know, that’s a saint.

Those are the most terrifying and powerful group of people in the world.

In this way, Lu Zhuang’s move was cut in half.

Killing chickens and ducks is not so simple.

Even the Star Master of the Sky, who had been sitting cross-legged on the highest seat, had a slight discoloration on his face at this time.

From the beginning to the end, the wind was calm and the clouds were calm, and Zhi Zhu’s face finally showed a dignified look.

Obviously, the strength that Lu Zhuang showed had already exceeded his expectations.

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