Chapter 164: Selling Teammates

Looking at the halberd in Lu Zhuang’s hand, Chu Wudi suddenly became angry, his eyes staring like copper bells.

This wild halberd was originally his divine weapon, but it was snatched by Lu Zhuang, and now he used this wild halberd to deal with himself.

This made him feel very aggrieved and angry.

Lu Zhuang wouldn’t care what Chu Wudi thought.

The colorful pagoda on top of his head, holding a halberd and pointing forward, “Come on, send you on the road!”


The three Chu Wudi suddenly exploded in anger.

They are also taboo saints anyway, and this Lu Zhuang didn’t even put them in his eyes.

“Don’t be too arrogant!”

Nether Fire Phoenix yelled.

The black flame shrouded all over his body slammed straight towards Lu Zhuang.

Seeing the Nether Fire Phoenix who was killing him aggressively, Lu Zhuang waved the halberd in his hand.


A white blade of light emitted from the halberd blade and slashed straight towards the opponent.

With a swish, Nether Fire Phoenix’s body flashed extremely quickly, flashing to the side.

The white blade of light pressed against his body and slashed on the void behind him, cutting the void directly into a crack over a hundred meters long.

This scene saw Nether Fire and Phoenix sweating coldly, and he could split such a large space crack with a single blow. Lu Zhuang was also terrible.

Lu Zhuang wouldn’t care what the other party thought.

When he missed a hit, he stepped directly on his foot and rose into the sky, directly facing the Nether Fire Phoenix.

Immediately, with a wave of the halberd in his hand, he directly chopped off the head of Nether Fire Phoenix.

Clean and neat.


The corpse of Nether Fire Phoenix fell from the sky and hit the ground fiercely.

The ground shook severely.

The whole process was too fast, almost between the electric light and flint, the Nether Fire Phoenix had already been cut by Lu Zhuang.

When Chu Wudi and Zibei Tianjia reacted, Nether Fire Phoenix had become a headless corpse.

However, Nether Fire Phoenix is ​​a forbidden saint after all, and it is also a family of Phoenix known for its vitality, so naturally it is not so easy to die.

With a scream, a cluster of black flames rose from the wound on the corpse’s neck, and Nether Huofeng’s head grew again.

Then Nether Huofeng’s body trembled, and he climbed up from the ground like an innocent person.

“My clan has the talent for rebirth from the ashes, stronger than the vitality of ordinary saints. It is not so easy to kill me.”

Nether Fire Phoenix looked at Lu Zhuang faintly.

Only a careful person will find that although this Nether Fire Phoenix is ​​resurrected, the aura on his body has become much weaker.

Obviously, even if he could be reborn from the ashes, the price he paid was not small.

“Oh, isn’t it?” Lu Zhuang sneered, once again holding a halberd and slaying towards Nether Fire Phoenix.

Now Netherworld Fire Phoenix was a little panicked.

Why does Lu Zhuang always stare at him and kill him alone?

Although he has the gift of rebirth from the ashes, rebirth is not without a price.

If he was killed several times by Lu Zhuang, he might not survive.

He quickly turned his head and shouted at Chu Wudi and Zibei Tianjia, “Two fellow daoists, please help me quickly!”

“Quah… when we don’t exist?”

The purple-backed sky clam screamed, and psychedelic colorful lights shot out in his eyes.

At the same time, his stomach clapped high, and then slowly opened his mouth, and a white light wave spouted from his mouth, blasting towards Lu Zhuang.

At the same time Chu Wudi shot.

He pinched the Yin Jue with his hands, and suddenly drilled countless khaki chains from the ground.

Huh huh!

Countless earth-yellow chains danced like ten thousand snakes, soaring into the sky, entwining towards Lu Zhuang.

“Small bugs!”

Lu Zhuang snorted coldly, and directly split the white light wave with a halberd.

At the same time, he stepped on his feet violently and with a bang, the void under his feet suddenly cracked.

All the tangled khaki chains suddenly broke apart.


At the same time, Lu Zhuang took out a black brick and smashed it straight towards it.


The dark slabs magnified rapidly in the sky, like a mountain peak, and slammed straight down at the purple back clam.

The purple-backed sky clam couldn’t avoid it, and was smashed straight into the face.

With a bang, the huge body suddenly exploded, and flesh and blood splashed all over the sky.


Lu Zhuang was a little surprised.

This unremarkable brick is so powerful.

Looking at the power of a blow, it is no different than the colorful pagoda and the small bronze bell.

It’s even worse.

Said that Xiao Ke was indeed a man of great fortune. Once he entered the secret realm, he picked up three very powerful magic weapons at random.

And he also got the name of Luzhuang and got a luxurious outfit.

If it weren’t for the last planted in Lu Zhuang’s hands, he would definitely take off directly after he went back this time.

Unfortunately, all of this finally made Lu Zhuang a wedding dress.


A fist-sized miniature version of the purple-backed sky clam came out of a popped eyeball.

Then he flew towards the exit of the passage without looking back.

This purple-backed sky clam was originally courageous, but at this moment, he was frightened by Lu Zhuang’s terrifying means, and he was immediately frightened.

Immediately leaving Chu Wudi and Nether Fire Phoenix behind, they wanted to run away.

Seeing the purple-backed sky clam run away like this, the two of Youming Huofeng and Chu Wudi suddenly panicked.

There was a timidity in my heart.

With a swish, Nether Fire Phoenix left Chu Wudi without saying a word, and his wings vibrated into a black streamer and flew towards the exit of the passage.

“I’m going to your mother, you two are cheating!!!”

Chu Wudi cursed.

These two guys ran away without saying a word, and sold him directly, trying to use him to hold Luzhuang.

It’s shameless.

He also quickly turned around and flew towards the exit.

“I want to run!”

Lu Zhuang naturally refused to let him go so easily, and threw the bricks directly at Chu Wudi.

With a bang, Chu Wudi was directly smashed to pieces.


A ray of light flashed, and Chu Wudi’s body condensed again.

“Dog thief, you killed Laozi two lives, you will remember it!!!”

Chu Wudi’s face was full of resentment and grief, shouting, and continued to fly towards the exit.

“You dare to scold me, I think you have a few lives enough to kill me!”

Lu Zhuang snorted coldly and waved the halberd in his hand vigorously.


A white blade of light emitted from the halberd blade, followed by the first, and directly split the desperately flying Chu Wudi in half.

Blood is spilled in the sky.

With a scream, the white light flashed again, and Chu Wudi’s split body was actually glued together.

Then, without waiting for Lu Zhuang to make a move, he continued to accelerate towards the exit of the passage.

“Ahhhhhh… the third life, beast… Laozi is endless with you…”

At the cost of two lives, Chu Wudi finally rushed into the exit of the passage.

Lu Zhuang glanced at the space exit, but did not choose to pursue it.

The important thing is to put away the exotic fruit trees here first.

As for these guys, there will be a chance to clean them up after they go out.

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