Chapter 145

As Lu Zhuang’s five fingers slowly applied force, Ji Chengzhi’s eyes began to stare, his complexion flushed, and his hands and feet were struggling violently.

Seeing this scene, the three Tianzun and Jiang Jingshan’s faces were extremely ugly.

Especially Da Tianzun, his canthus eyes were splitting, Lu Zhuang clearly wanted to use his son to persecute them, it was shameless and extremely shameless.

Seeing that Ji Chengzhi was about to be strangled to death by Lu Zhuang alive, Da Tianzun finally couldn’t help but speak, “I’ll give it, you let him go.”

Lu Zhuang smiled coldly, “Didn’t you say it’s impossible?”

“I’ll go steal it and beg for help. In short, no matter what method I use, I will definitely bring you these hundred Chenxin Pills.” Da Tianzun gritted his teeth and said.

“Da Tianzun is really a kind man.” Lu Zhuang chuckled, then put Ji Chengzhi down.

Gently patted Ji Chengzhi on the shoulder, “I just joked with you, don’t take it seriously.”

I believe you a ghost! Ji Chengzhi cursed in his heart.

He had just clearly felt the killing intent from Lu Zhuang’s body, and he believed that if his father hadn’t spoken at the critical moment, Lu Zhuang would definitely kill himself without hesitation.

Lu Zhuang didn’t care what Ji Chengzhi thought. He turned his head and looked at Da Tianzun, “Give you ten days, and I will see the pill in ten days.”


Da Tianzun gritted his teeth and said.

He is really afraid of Lu Zhuang now, this son is moody, cold-blooded and ferocious, but his strength is terrifying, he really doesn’t want to say a word to this kind of person.

Lu Zhuang laughed, then turned his head to look at Ertianzun.

Ertianzun felt a little in his heart, and there was always an ominous premonition when Lu Zhuang looked at him like this.

Lu Zhuang’s gaze fell on the fan in Er Tianzun’s hand, “This thing is predestined to me.”

Because of your mother… Ertianzun was almost furious.

This Samadhi fire fan was finally obtained by him, and he almost lost half of his life for it. This Lu Zhuang wanted this treasure of his own as soon as he opened his mouth, it was so deceptive.

Ertianzun’s face was blue, and he said nothing, his chest rose and fell sharply, making a whirring sound like a bellows.

“I feel the fighting spirit emanating from Ertianzun. Could it be that you want to fight with me?” Lu Zhuang looked at Ertianzun leisurely.

Then, an extremely tyrannical aura radiated from his body, and it smashed straight to the front Er Tianzun.

Ertianzun’s face turned pale, and a shadow of death flooded his heart. He gritted his teeth immediately and handed over the fan in his hand, “Here you are!”

“Er Tianzun is also magnificent.”

Lu Zhuang smiled and took the Samadhi Lihuo fan, put it away, and turned his head to look at the Santianzun next to him.

Seeing this scene, Santianzun’s face suddenly showed a touch of decisiveness.

He raised his hand sharply and punched his chest with a punch.

With a puff, Santianzun suddenly spouted a mouthful of blood, and his whole body fell straight to the ground.

“This man is crazy, this man…”

Lu Zhuang shook his head silently, with his hands on his back, turned around and walked out of the Tianzun Hall step by step.

Seeing Lu Zhuangyuan go, Er Tianzun and Da Tianzun both shook their bodies at the same time, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

“Too much deception! The old man has practiced the Tao for hundreds of years and has never been so humiliated before, ah…”

The second day respected the sky and roared wildly.

Da Tianzun was also trembling with anger, he took a few hundred deep breaths, and finally calmed down.

Turning his head, he looked at Ji Chengzhi, whose face was pale due to excessive blood loss.

“Son, don’t blame your father for being cruel, Lu Zhuang is cruel, and if I don’t do this today, Lu Zhuang dog thief will definitely not let you go.”

Da Tianzun stroked Ji Chengzhi’s cheek and said distressedly.

“The child knows that the child does not blame the father. The father does not have to worry about the child. Although the child has lost his right hand, the child still has the left hand, and the child can still write beautiful articles.”

“Then Lu Zhuang can destroy my body, but it can’t destroy my will. When Lu Zhuang is in trouble next time, I can still write a petition for a thief and ruin him.”

Ji Chengzhi stared at his father, and his words showed an arrogance of iron bone, rather than bending.

Hearing this, Da Tianzun immediately felt relieved, “Okay, okay, my son has the ambition to rise to the clouds, and the sky will surely go up in the future, and his name will go down in history. That Luzhuang child has done evil and lost his conscience, and sooner or later he will end up with a violent death.”

“Let’s bear with him first, let him wait for the good opportunity, and let him take a good look at you when this little thief is in trouble in the future.”

When Lu Zhuang came out of Kunlun Palace, he received a call from Li Smart.

Said that there was a news to discuss with Lu Zhuang.

At this moment, in the living room of Li’s house, Li Congming is talking with Lu Zhuang.

“Boss, what do you plan to do next? Do you want to continue to eliminate demons?” Li Congming asked.

“Forget it, it’s almost done.” Lu Zhuang shook his head.

After so many days of conquest, the information he obtained from Kunlun Palace has drastically reduced.

Now those materials have basically been used up.

If it reappears and continues to eliminate the demons, you have to bother to find it, which is too troublesome.

“Boss, did you deal with those demons to snatch their different fruit trees?” Li Congming asked.

“There is a part of the reason,” Lu Zhuang said.

At the beginning, in order to complete the second phase of the system, he really wanted to snatch the different fruit tree and catch the monsters into his own space.

However, after seeing the tragedy of the human beings under the rule of the demons, he had an idea to do something.

He Lu Zhuang is not a saint, he has no lofty ambitions, and he would not think about things like saving the common people.

However, he belongs to the same human race after all.

If he can, he is still willing to help.

“If it’s for a different fruit tree, I actually have a suggestion.” Li Congming said.

“Oh, what’s the suggestion?” Lu Zhuang asked.

“Do you know the secret world?” Li Congming asked.

Hearing this, Lu Zhuang was taken aback for a moment, “What secret environment?”

“It seems that you don’t know.” Li Congzong took a sip of tea and continued, “Let’s put it this way, the secret realm is the space opened up by the ancient cultivation power. Came out of the super secret realm of the world.”

“Oh.” Lu Zhuang was a little surprised.

It was the first time he heard of this kind of argument.

He originally thought that those hidden Sejong gates were hidden in the mountains, and they came out of the mountains to save the world after their aura recovered.

It turned out not to be the case.

After Li Congming’s description, Lu Zhuang knew that the spirit world, like the spirit world, belonged to a kind of secret realm.

In ancient times, the earth once had an extremely brilliant civilization of cultivation. People mainly focused on cultivation. Powerful cultivators could even move mountains and seas, so powerful that they were incredibly powerful.

However, for some reason, the aura on the earth began to dry up, and the earth was no longer suitable for cultivators to survive.

As a result, those cultivators have moved to a super secret realm called the virtual world, lingering on their lives.

It wasn’t until ten years ago that the earth’s will awakened, and the spiritual energy recovered again. The descendants of the cultivators who had hidden in the spiritual realm saw hope, so they returned to the earth one after another.

After some exchanges, Lu Zhuang understood a lot, and Li Chongming was worthy of being the eldest young master of the first family, and he understood that there is so much.

“Your Li family is so powerful, is it also from the virtual world?” Lu Zhuang asked curiously.

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