Chapter 140

The saint shot!

The news spread on the Internet, and the Internet was immediately fried.

There is a lot of discussion, and everything is said.

[The monkey saint’s shot was a thunder blow, and he directly defeated Lu Zhuang’s army of monsters. What should Lu Zhuang do? 】

[Lu Zhuang is over, and the saint of the monkey clan makes a move. This time, he is really bound to die. 】

[This son is acting crazy, leaving no room for it, I had long since guessed that he would have such a day. 】

[Watching him get up a tall building, watch him entertain guests, watch his building collapse…]

And just as everyone was talking about it, an article about the thief appeared on the Internet.

This message was sent from the official website of Kunlun Palace.

In the article, Lu Zhuang’s various bad behaviors were strongly condemned.

For example: cold-blooded, ruthless, indiscriminate killing of innocents, clever plundering, extortion, bullying of men and women, disrespect for life, unprovoked tribal wars, and so on.

Lin Lin always listed Luzhuang’s eight major crimes, and called on the righteous men of the world to fight against the thief.

Once this essay was issued, it attracted the attention of countless people.

Everyone boiled again.

[It turns out that Lu thief actually did so many bad things. 】

[It should be Kunlun Palace splashing dirty water on him, which may not be completely true. 】

[Kunlun Palace turned back, it seems that Lu Zhuang is really at the end of the road. 】

[Kunlun Palace and Lu Zhuang are at odds with each other. Then Lu Zhuang openly killed the son of Kunlun Palace, how can Kunlun Palace let him go easily? 】

[Kunlun Palace was originally just using Luzhuang. Luzhuang stupidly accepted Kunlun Palace’s solicitation, but now he has been sold. 】

[Kunlun Palace calls on everyone to deal with Luzhuang and beat the water dog, has anyone responded? 】

[Stupid, that Lu Zhuang is insidious and cunning. The first time he killed the Saint Son and tens of thousands of people, and the second time he killed Lihuo Sect and Wuniangu, wouldn’t he leave behind any other players this time? 】

There are different opinions on the Internet.

Things continue to ferment.

At 8 o’clock that evening, someone uploaded a video on the Internet.

In the video, Lu Zhuang’s five leaders are being chained to a huge pillar.

Everyone was dripping with blood and looked very miserable.

Among them, Demon Lord Xuanyou was the most miserable, his head was chopped off, and a group of little monkeys were kicking and playing.

One of the little monkeys spoke arrogantly to the camera, “Before dark tomorrow, Shiwan Dashan, Zhan Xianya, Lu Zhuang, if you don’t come, your men will all die.”


At this moment, everyone was boiling.

It started, it really started.

The sage of the monkey clan grabbed Lu Zhuang’s men and put down the ring on the Zhanxian Cliff of Shiwanda Mountain.

Will Luzhuang go?

Everyone guessed.

It goes without saying how strong the saints of the monkey tribe are.

Being able to reach the level of a saint has already explained all the problems.

It is said that the monkey saint once fought against the saint master. Although the saint master won, the monkey saint did not suffer any loss.

It can be seen that the strength of this monkey saint is absolutely terrifying.

And Lu Zhuang’s strength is undoubtedly extremely terrifying.

Otherwise, it is impossible to do so many earth-shattering things.

Kill the Son of Kunlun and destroy the Sejong Gate.

In just a few days, the demons in the world were almost leveled, and countless demons were frightened.

Its subordinates are even more powerful.

Many people have guessed that Lu Zhuang might have touched the threshold of the saint.

I just don’t know whether Lu Zhuang dare to fight against the monkey saints.

Lu Zhuang also saw this video.

His eyes were extremely cold.

At this moment, his communicator rang.

Lu Zhuang took a look and found that Li Congming was calling.

“Boss, I found the information of that monkey saint. You should need it. I will send it to you.”

The Li family deserves to be the first family of the Dragon Kingdom, and this energy cannot be underestimated.

In fact, Lu Zhuang still knows something about the saint.

There is one in his own family, and that is the nine-tailed celestial fox.

I don’t know if the saint of this monkey clan is stronger than the human nine-tailed celestial fox.

Immediately, Li Congming sent the information over.

[The sage of the monkey tribe is also called the monkey-passing ape, who can be cloned. The sage has infinite power and can make a big black iron rod…]

Looking at the introduction on the information, the corner of Lu Zhuang’s mouth rose slightly.

“Very well, I will meet you tomorrow…”

One hundred thousand mountains, war fairy cliffs.

Cliff top.

A figure is sitting cross-legged.

It is the monkey sage, the monkey monkey.

At this time, a monkey demon came over.

Hearing the sound, the Gibbon Monkey slowly opened his eyes, “Has the news spread?”

“Enlighten the saint, it has been spread.” The monkey demon said with respect.

“Very well,” the monkey monkey nodded, “The saint has not been born for a long time, and everyone in the world has lost the heart of awe. This time, we must step on that Lu Zhuang severely in front of the people in the world, so that the world will live. Understand that the bottom line must not be touched, and the saint needs to be in awe.”

Near Shiwanda Mountain, in a valley.

The flying white tiger, the golden winged roc, the mysterious, the black horn, the six-armed, five big monsters are being chained to a stone pillar by a thick iron chain.

There seemed to be some kind of peculiar power in this iron chain, and being locked by this iron chain, they couldn’t get the strength at all.

At this moment, a group of monkey demon was holding a whip and beating five people continuously.

“Yeah! Are you crazy? Aren’t you very capable?”

“You guys are even running dogs for humans, and you have lost the face of a demon.”

“Our monkey sage is about to take action, then Lu Zhuang is about to die, see who can save you.”

A group of monkeys kept beating and taunting the five flying white tigers brazenly.

The five flying white tigers stared at these monkey monsters with their eyes wide open.

“My lord will definitely come and destroy you, your shit sage can’t be our lord’s opponent at all.”

Flying White Tiger gritted his teeth and said.


A whip was slammed on Feitian Baihu’s face, and Feitian Baihu’s face was suddenly ripped apart, revealing its bones.

“Dare to speak hard, believe it or not, I will cut off your tongue?” said a red-faced monkey demon angrily.


Suddenly, a beam of light struck down from the sky and directly blasted on the red-faced monkey demon. The red-faced monkey was about to be blown into a cloud of blood.

The group of monkeys was shocked, and looked up, only to see a figure in the sky with long white hair flying towards here.

“It’s Lu Zhuang, Lu Zhuang has actually come here.”

A group of monkeys were shocked at once, and fled back one after another.

The five flying white tigers also heard the movement, and when they looked up, they saw that Lu Zhuang had arrived, and their faces suddenly showed excitement.

“It’s the master, the master came to save us.”

“I knew that the master would not give up on us.”

Several people said excitedly.

Lu Zhuang landed on the ground and frowned slightly as he watched the five flying white tigers with bruises all over their bodies.

A beam of light hit the stone pillar he hit, and the stone pillar suddenly burst into pieces.

The iron chains entangled on it suddenly broke apart.

As the chains shattered, the five great monsters immediately regained their freedom.

“Thank you Master!”

The five big monsters all bowed to Lu Zhuang.

“You are here to clean up these monkeys, I will meet their so-called saints.”

Lu Zhuang gave an order, then rose into the sky and flew straight towards Zhan Xianya.

“Damn monkey, see if Grandpa Tiger will not tear you apart today.” The Flying White Tiger grinned at the group of monkeys in the distance.

Golden-winged Dapeng, Xuanyou, Black Horn, and Six Arms all had a cold grin and gearing up.

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