Chapter 137

In the hall.

A group of demon monkeys looked at the screaming humans on the table with excitement.

“Don’t these humans like to eat our monkey brains? They never imagined that they themselves would now become food on the table of our monkey clan.”

A red-faced monkey grinned demonly.

“Thirty-six ways to eat human flesh. This is the most nourishing way of boiling water over the human brain.”

The other white-faced monkey demon grinned.

The center of the hall.

On the main seat carved with white jade, a black-faced ape is sitting carelessly.

This is the overlord of Heishui City, Heishui Ghost Ape.

Since the Blackwater Ghost Ape captured the Blackwater City, it began to launch a reign of terror against the residents of Blackwater City.

Demon soldiers are sent daily to capture humans for food.

It even made thirty-six cannibalism.

Today’s Heishui City has long been overwhelmed, and the people have no livelihood.

“Since everyone likes it, then I’ll catch a few more humans later. Anyway, there are so many human races in this city of Heishui, so I can catch them after eating.”

Heishui Ghost Ape spoke, and immediately attracted a crowd of demon monkeys to cheer.

“Ape Zun mighty!”

“Ape Zun mighty!”

“Ape Zun mighty!”

Just as the demons were reveling, suddenly, a demon monkey hurried in.

“Report Ape Venerable, that Lu Zhuang led the Kunlun warriors, coming towards me in the direction of Heishui City, and has been hundreds of miles away from Heishui City.”

Hearing this, the hall suddenly became quiet.

The needle falls can be heard.

“Lu Zhuang?” Heishui Ghost Ape frowned, “Is that the Demon Lu that is raging on the human network?”

“It’s him.” The demon monkey soldier said.

Heishui Guisha’s face suddenly became cold, “Does he still want to attack my Heishui City?”

“I heard that Luzhuang destroyed more than a dozen demon forces within half a day yesterday. It was so crazy that it is really possible to attack our Heishui City.” said the red-faced monkey demon.

“I don’t think it is necessary. He should just be passing by. There is a forbidden saint behind our monkey clan. He has to weigh and weigh if he wants to move us.” said the white-faced demon monkey.

The words of the white-faced demon monkey aroused everyone’s approval.

“Yes, unless he doesn’t want to live anymore, Lu Zhuang.”

“What is his identity, what is our identity, how dare he provoke us.”

“The saint can kill him in a matter of minutes.”


The black water ghost ape stopped everyone from speaking.

He frowned, thinking.

Under normal circumstances, Lu Zhuang did not dare to attack him.

But is Luzhuang a normal person?

That’s a lunatic.

A madman can’t do anything.

“Explore again and report again!”

Heishui Guiyuan ordered.


The monster soldier retreated.

Suddenly something happened, and the demon monkeys didn’t want to eat human brains anymore.

There was silence in the hall.

The demon monkeys waited silently.

I don’t know how long it took, the demon monkey soldier hurried in again.

“Report Ape Venerable, that Lu Zhuang is really here, and he is now less than ten miles away from Heishui City.”

Hearing this, the demon monkeys changed their colors.


“This lunatic! Go, let’s avoid the limelight for now!”

Hei Shui Gui Yuan smashed the table in front of him with a palm, stood up, and walked out of the hall first.

However, he had just walked out of the hall when another demon soldier came running.

“Report to Lord Ape, that Lu Zhuang’s battle wrinkles suddenly accelerated, and he has reached the outside of Heishui City at this time.”

“Report Ape Venerable, that Lu Zhuang is flying in the direction of the City Lord’s Mansion, and is about to arrive at the City Lord’s Mansion.”

“Report Ape Venerable, that Luzhuang is here…”

Blackwater Ghost Ape looked up.

Above the high altitude, a huge war boat obscured the sky and sun, hovering over the city lord’s mansion.

At the forefront of the warship, the powerful men with amazing breaths were looking down below with their heads down.

Headed in the middle is a young man wearing a white robe with long black hair.

It’s the same image as that demon on the Internet.

It is Luzhuang.

Looking down at the black water ghost ape below.

Think of the description of the black water ghost monkey in the information.

——This demon cannibalize human flesh, sleeps on human skin, takes murder for pleasure, and in order to satisfy the appetite, creates thirty-six cannibalism, which is very sinful.

“Do it, don’t keep one.” Lu Zhuang ordered.


The five heavenly veterans, three hundred kings and soldiers, slammed down downwards aggressively.

Hei Shui Gui Yuan was so frightened that his legs were weak, and he yelled to the sky, “Lu Zhuang, I am a descendant of a saint, you can’t kill me, otherwise you will be avenged by my forbidden saint.”

However, Lu Zhuang ignored him at all.

What responded to him was a great spear entwined with thunder and lightning.


With one blow, the black water ghost was wiped out in ashes.

On this day, the horror cloud that hung over Heishui City completely dissipated.

Residents in the city flooded the streets.

Cheers, joy.

Recite the name of the land war god.

Celebrate the whole world!

Inside the war boat.

Lu Zhuang held the information about the Black Water Ghost Ape.

The fire shone, and the paper turned into fly ash.

Then, he picked up another piece of information from the side table.

“Target, Ningguang Mountain Range.”

Kunlun Palace, Tianzun Hall.

The lights are still bright.

“What did the Luzhuang kid do today?”

Santianzun looked at Jiang Jingshan and asked.

“Today, he pushed all the way to the west, and took away 18 demonic forces, of which 13 were conquered by him, five were destroyed by him, and one did not remain.” Jiang Jingshan said.

Hearing this, Santianzun took a deep breath, “It’s crazy, I never thought there would be such a lunatic in the world.”

“By the way, Lu Zhuang also asked me to ask the three Heavenly Sovereigns one thing.” Jiang Jingshan said.

“Sound?” Santianzun frowned.

Jiang Jingshan hesitated, “Na Luzhuang said that he was fighting for Kunlun outside, and the old mother at home was very worried about him, often insomnia, sad and exhausted, so he wanted to ask the three gods for 30 Zhiyuan Pills for the old mother to soothe the nerves. Use it.”



It exploded again.

The jade platform under the seat of the three heavens exploded again.

“Lu Zhuang’s child is simply thinking about eating farts. The Zhiyuan Pill is a god pill for cultivation, and each one is worth more than Wang Guo. With 30 Zhiyuan Pills, he really dared to speak.”

Santianzun was angry and stood up.

Er Tian Zun and Da Tian Zun also opened their eyes.

“This little thief joined my Kunlun Sect in the first place. I’m afraid it was because of this idea. He took my Kunlun Palace as his automatic alchemy furnace. It is really a good calculation.” Da Tianzun said with a dark face.

“Uh…then Lu Zhuang said, the son Xing Qianli mother is worried, he can’t bear the worry of the old mother in the family, if there is no Zhiyuan Dan, he has to temporarily put aside the things at hand and go home to serve the old mother.” Jiang Jingshan insisted. Scalp said.

Everyone fell silent.

The hall was quiet, and the needles could be heard.

The three Tianzuns all have gloomy faces, and they seem to be likely to explode at any time.

Seeing Jiang Jingshan frightened.

In the end, Er Tianzun made a decision, “For him, if he can continue to send troops and cause those forbidden saints to take action, it will be worth the cost.”

“The problem is that this little thief is insatiable and can’t get enough to feed him. I’m afraid he will come to ask us for a pill tomorrow. Even our Kunlun Palace can’t withstand his extortion.” Santianzun worried.

Er Tianzun groaned for a moment, “Well, the three of us will begin to retreat from today. Jingshan, you go back and tell the little thief that if you want to ask for a pill in the future, you have to wait for us to leave.”

Datianzun and Santianzun nodded at the same time.

“Yes, we will move out of the Tianzun Hall now and go to retreat in the sky tower.”

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