Chapter 135 Surrender or Die

That afternoon.

Kunlun Palace, war barracks.

Thousands of soldiers were dispatched under the leadership of Lu Zhuang.

The huge war boat is like an ancient behemoth, pressing across the sky.

This scene was seen by someone with a heart, and it was posted on the Internet.

For a time, the world shook.

[Lu Motou turned out to be the eagle dog of Kunlun Palace. Is he going to kill again? 】

[Not a murder, this time he is targeting a monster. 】

[All monsters be careful, Demon Lu is here to kill you! 】

[This time I don’t know how many more creatures have fallen and their heads are rolling. 】

[Haha, don’t worry, I guess he’s just doing something, at most, killing some insignificant small shrimps, so he doesn’t dare to move the real thing. 】

[Yes, in the past, the Holy Lord of Kunlun still had seven points of room for monsters, how could he dare to cross the line? 】

There is a lot of discussion on the Internet.

Whatever you say.

At this moment, almost all eyes from within the Dragon Kingdom converged on him.

Nanhai, in an underwater palace.

A huge black dragon is listening to the report.

“Lu Zhuang, this guy is doing things again.”

“This time I even want to attack our monster clan, so I don’t know how to live or die.”

He looked disapproving when he heard that Lu Zhuang led the Kunlun soldiers on the expedition.

Speaking of which, he and Lu Zhuang are still having a holiday.

Last time, he heard the bewitching of a human being and sent his Shui Clan along the Tianluo River to attack Tianluo City.

But all the subordinates he sent were killed in battle.

Later, I heard that most of those aquariums were killed by Lu Zhuang.

This hatred can be forged.

He had wanted to trouble Lu Zhuang in the past, but that Lu Zhuang grew too fast.

Before he could do anything, he heard the news that Lu Zhuang had killed the son of Kunlun.

Thinking that he was just a demon venerable, he finally endured it.

“At most, it just means catching some small fishes and shrimps. It’s just a clown jumping for a day.”

“A dog that bites may be terrible, but does a dog on a chain want to bite?”

The black dragon sneered, and didn’t care about it anymore.


At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came.

The whole palace shook.

The black dragon’s face suddenly changed, “What’s the matter?”

A small shrimp monster ran in, “Report… a lot of people are calling from outside.”

“Come on, welcome the enemy with me!”

The black dragon yelled loudly.

Immediately, countless shrimp soldiers and crabs will begin to gather.

The black flood dragon roared, leading a group of shrimp soldiers and crabs to kill outside the palace.

As soon as he got out of the sea, he saw a scene that would never be forgotten.

I saw that above the sky, a huge battleship, like a fortress in the sky, was suspended.

Huh huh!

A famous king-level soldier wearing armor and holding a weapon flew down from the battleship like a heavenly soldier.

The leaders are three huge monsters.

The aura of these three great demons was terrifying, causing the sky to tremble, and the sea began to boil.

Surprisingly… Tianzun.

The three great demons led three hundred kings and soldiers descended over the sea.


The big demon with a pair of black horns on his head shouted.

Huh huh!

These soldiers acted immediately and divided into two square formations in an orderly manner, leaving an aisle in the middle.

At the other end of the aisle, three men walked in the void.

The head is a black-haired man.

Wearing a white robe, with long hair fluttering in the wind, like an immortal in the sky.

He stepped on the void, as if stepping on the surface of the water, every step he stepped on, aroused a circle of void ripples.

Behind him, followed by two burly men.

One blonde, one white hair.

Following behind, like two loyal guards.

The three walked to the front of the team.

The white-haired man immediately took out a large golden chair and placed it behind the black-haired man.

The black-haired man sat down very casually.

Then, the blond man walked out from behind.

From above, looking down at the crowd of black dragons.

“My lord has an order, give you two choices, surrender or die!”

This scene made all the shrimp soldiers and crabs frighten their legs.

The black dragon also felt dry in his throat.

Oh My God……

I’m just a little demon venerable. In order to deal with me, you made such a big battle.

Five Heavenly Sovereigns, Three Hundred Kings…

Do you want to be so exaggerated?

“I… I would surrender.”

Tianluocheng, a mahjong hall.

Lu Dongmin is playing mahjong with a group of people.

Beside him, Lu Qing’er grabbed the chicken leg in one hand and gnawed silently.

At this moment, a middle-aged man wearing a white gown walked in and followed a teenager beside him.

The strange thing is that two people walked in, but no one found them.

Only Lu Qing’er felt it, turned his head and looked over.

A breath of profound and profound permeated.

The noisy mahjong hall suddenly became quiet.

The whole world seemed to be the middle-aged man and Lu Qing’er.

Lu Qing’er seemed to be accustomed to it for a long time.

“Uncle Bai, you are here.” Lu Qinger greeted sweetly.

“I haven’t seen you for some days. I specially came to visit you today and bring you some delicious food by the way.”

The middle-aged man smiled and took out a bracelet and handed it to Lu Qing’er.

“Thank you, Uncle Bai.”

Lu Qing’er smiled suddenly when she heard that it was delicious, and took the bracelet.

This bracelet is obviously a space equipment.

Lu Qing’er grabbed the bracelet and tapped the mouth of the storage tank in his hand, then transferred all the food in the bracelet to the storage tank.

She handed the bracelet to the other person again, “Uncle, the white fruit that was the last time was delicious, do you have any more?”

“Are you talking about Tianchi Chenxin Fruit? I will go back to pick it.” The middle-aged man said with a smile on his face.

Lu Qing’er waved her hand, “Forget it, my grandpa is looking for me.”

“That’s fine, I’ll bring it to you next time.”

The middle-aged man retired, and the entire mahjong hall was restored.

There was a lot of noise, but no one noticed what had just happened in the mahjong hall.

The street outside.

“Master, Master Qinglong likes to eat Tianchi Chenxin Fruit, but you have already picked the Tianchi Chenxin Fruit. Where can we find it?”

The young man looked at the middle-aged man with a frown.

“Look, Master Qinglong is the hope of our clan’s rise. As long as she is useful and likes to eat, she has to find her even if she digs three feet.” The middle-aged man said.

It’s late at night.

Kunlun Palace.

Tianzun Hall, brightly lit.

The three great gods of Kunlun Palace are in talks with Jiang Jingshan.

“What action can Luzhuang do today?” Da Tianzun asked.

“Returning to the Great Heavenly Sovereign, today Lu Zhuang led the War Department to push all the way, destroying more than a dozen demon forces in half a day.”

Jiang Jingshan respectfully said.


The three great gods took a deep breath.

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