Chapter 132 Kunlun Warriors

“Shen Luo Temple really ran away.”

Lu Zhuang frowned slightly as he looked at the empty field in front of him.

When he found this place, Senluo Temple was already empty.

Nothing is left.

But Lu Zhuang was not very surprised.

He asked Yuantu. According to Yuantu, the sect of Senluo Temple was actually located on an ancient war castle.

This war castle is an ancient treasure that can be used as a large flying weapon.

It can even hide in the void.

Unless there is a specific way, there is no trace at all.

In desperation, Lu Zhuang had to retreat first.

Two more days passed.

On this day, the appointment of Kunlun Palace finally arrived.

[Feng Luzhuang is the god of war in Kunlun, commanding the Kunlun warriors, and the demons in the world. 】

At the same time, Kunlun Palace issued an announcement on the Internet.

For a time, the world shook.

[Lu Motou finally bowed his head to Kunlun. 】

[Kunlun deserves to be Kunlun, even if it has been a little down in recent years, it is still the number one sect in the world and the number one in ten thousand sects. 】

[Hopefully, under Kunlun’s control, Demon Lu can constrain a little bit, and stop recklessly. 】

[What Demon Lu, after all, is not a dog for power. 】

There are rumors on the Internet.

Many people are mocking Lu Zhuang.

For these rumors, Lu Zhuang would naturally not bother.

There is only interest in his eyes.

Use the information resources of Kunlun Palace to collect exotic fruit trees to make the world tree grow rapidly.

At this time, he had already decided on a move.

At this moment, Lu Zhuang is counting the spoils.

He didn’t use the pill, talisman, etc., and gave them all to his parents, as well as Yan Xiaoxing.

There were also the magic weapons he searched, including several defensive ones, and Lu Zhuang also gave them self-defense.

As for the attacking magic weapon, he is prepared to stay.

Rewards will be given to those subordinates at that time.

After all, it is obvious that his subordinates are working hard and relying solely on force to suppress them will not work.

Have to give them enough benefits.

Both kindness and power can make them loyal and work hard.

After careful consideration, Lu Zhuang decided to leave the nine-tailed celestial fox to take care of himself.

With the strength of the nine-tailed celestial fox saint level, unless a strong like the Kunlun Palace saint master comes, no one will be her opponent.

As for the other five monsters, Lu decided to take them all away.

Act as a thug.

Swing (wash) for oneself to level (tribute) the demons under the world, and charge into battle.

After learning of Lu Zhuang’s decision, the Nine-Tailed Heavenly Fox felt bitter.

But no way.

She originally wanted to attack Lu Zhuang and let Lu Zhuang fall under her pomegranate skirt.

It’s a pity that Lu Zhuang doesn’t eat her at all.

Moreover, she was bound by Lu Zhuang’s soul-control seal.

Although this power of control has loosened a little after rising to the taboo level, it still cannot violate Lu Zhuang’s orders.


Arranged properly, Luzhuang rose straight into the sky and flew straight towards Kyoto.


Kunlun Palace.

Lu Zhuang’s arrival seemed calm and did not cause much sensation.

The three great gods of Kunlun Palace did not choose to announce the arrival of Luzhuang.

And the three of them chose to avoid seeing Lu Zhuang’s arrival.

On the one hand, it was because he couldn’t put his face down, and his subconsciousness was still a little bit indifferent to Luzhuang. On the other hand, he was worried that Luzhuang would make things difficult for him.

The holy lord can’t get out of retreat, if you really start, no one in the entire Kunlun Palace is Luzhuang’s opponent.

Finally, I had to let the good old man Jiang Jingshan go to receive Luzhuang.

Lu Zhuang didn’t care about Kunlun Palace’s attitude.

He knows very well that he and Kunlun Palace are just using each other to get what they need.

For him, as long as Kunlun Palace can hand over the information of the world’s monsters to himself.

However, although the three great gods did not receive Lu Zhuang, they told Jiang Jingshan not to be negligent.

After all, they still want Lu Zhuang to do things.

If Lu Zhuang is really angered, then their calculations will be lost, and it may even be destroyed by Lu Zhuang.

Jiang Jingshan didn’t dare to neglect, and he gave Lu Zhuang a warm welcome.

Afterwards, Jiang Jingshan took Lu Zhuang to the battle barracks of Kunlun Palace.

After all, after Lu Zhuang commanded the Kunlun soldiers, he always had to understand first.

There are three hundred soldiers in Kunlun Palace.

These three hundred soldiers are all masters at the king level.

In this world, Kunlun Palace is the only one who can take out three hundred kings at once.

These soldiers are divided into three battalions, led by three masters of the noble level.

At this moment, the battle barracks, in a room.

Three venerable leaders are talking.

“I heard that Demon Lu is coming to take over our Kunlun soldiers.”

“Hehe, after all, it is a great power of the Tianzun level. Since he has taken refuge in our Kunlun Palace, naturally he can’t be allowed to sit idle.”

“What Demon Lu, blowing so hard on the Internet, in the end, it’s not that we have to obediently surrender to our Kunlun Palace.”

“That is, I am the first one to be unconvinced when this kind of person comes to command our war department.”

“What can you do if you are not convinced, he is Tianzun, not you and I can afford.”

“What can’t you offend? The three of us are the elders of the battle hall. We are not under him in terms of identity.”

“That’s it, if he can do his duty, it’s fine. If he dares to engage in the so-called self-reliance here, I don’t mind letting him know who has the final say in this war department.”

While the three were chatting, a subordinate hurried in.

“Report to the three commanders. The new God of War has arrived. The God of War has ordered that everyone will rush to the playground to gather within three minutes.”

Upon hearing this, the three commanders glanced at each other.

“Hehe, he really dared to show off.”

“He said three minutes, we just dragged it to four minutes, I see what he can do with us.”

“Yes, I don’t believe it anymore. Without the presence of the three of us, I see how he leads the war department.”

The three laughed at each other.

They are very clear about the temperament of these boys in the war barracks.

One by one, he was rebellious, and there were many thorns.

Without them, it would not be easy to command those soldiers.

If Lu Zhuang wanted to take over the War Department, he had to obediently beg them.

They seemed to have foreseen the next scenario where Lu Zhuang whispered to himself for help.


Accompanied by Jiang Jingshan, Lu Zhuang stood on the high platform and waited silently.

A famous soldier rushed to receive the order.

Seeing that there were only Lu Zhuang and Jiang Jingshan on the high platform, and no three leaders, these soldiers were suddenly at a loss.

“Stand in line with your original team.”

Lu Zhuang spoke with a voice like thunder.

Those soldiers were shocked, and quickly stood in line according to what Lu Zhuang had said.

However, some soldiers ignored Lu Zhuang’s orders.

“Who are you, why do you order us?” A king-level youth looked at Lu Zhuang questioningly.

“This is the newly appointed God of War of Kunlun. From now on, the God of War will be in charge of the War Department.”

Jiang Jingshan introduced to everyone.

“We don’t know the God of War, we only know our three commanders.”

The soldier said.

Jiang Jingshan’s face suddenly changed, and he was so stunned that he was looking for death.

Do you think Lu Zhuang is the kind of person who can reason with you?

“You shut up, but the consequences of not respecting the order are very serious. Don’t stand up quickly yet.” Jiang Jingshan hurriedly scolded.

“Hmph, we only honor the orders of the three commanders, otherwise it will be useless if anyone comes.” said the soldier.

Several other soldiers also nodded one after another.

Several people remained unmoved.

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