Chapter 130: Are You Worthy?

With one blow, the flying white tiger was smashed into the air, and the Yin Ling Python turned his head and rushed towards the five Qian Yuanzong members.

He spit out the letter, opened his mouth wide, and bit down at the headed Yang Shao.

“No, this beast is too strong, we are not his opponent at all.”

Yang Shao exclaimed, and quickly flashed to the side.

Boom boom boom…

The Yin Ling Python was extremely violent, and the stone pillars in the hall were destroyed by it one by one.

But Fei Tian Baihu, Yang Shao and others suffered a lot of damage under such violent attacks.

“Go…get out of here.”

Yang Shao wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and ran to the door first.

Several other people also fled out quickly.

This yin spirit giant python seems to be not very intelligent, very crazy, and his eyes are full of killing.

Seeing Yang Shao and the others tried to escape, it immediately dragged its huge body to chase it up.

Boom boom boom…

The stone pillars shattered, and finally the hall could no longer be supported and collapsed.


Five people from Flying White Tiger and Qian Yuanzhong rushed out of the main hall one after another.

The yin spirit giant python was chasing after him, vomiting a letter, his eyes full of bloodthirsty.

Lu Zhuang was waiting on the platform above the abyss.

Hearing the sound, he looked down into the abyss.

It happened to see Feitian White Tiger being chased and killed by a giant python.

“There are such powerful creatures in this Yin Shenzong?”

Lu Zhuang was a little surprised.

Immediately, he took a step forward and walked straight to meet the giant python.

The five flying white tiger and Qian Yuanzong were hurriedly fleeing, and they were overjoyed when they saw Lu Zhuang coming.

Seeing that Lu Zhuang dared to take the initiative to fight him, the python was furious, and opened his huge mouth to bite Lu Zhuang.

“Master, this python…”

Feitian Baihu just wanted to remind that this giant python is very dangerous.

However, before he finished speaking, Lu Zhuang had already started.

An unremarkable punch hit the giant python’s head directly.


Time seemed to freeze at this moment.

The giant python had a pause, and then started from the center of his eyebrows.

A crack spread to the body.


The cracks grew more and more, and finally spread all over the body of the giant python.

The giant python opened his mouth, let out a silent roar, and finally banged into pieces.

Seeing this scene, the five members of Qian Yuanzong’s pupils shrank.

The scalp was numb.

Such a terrifying python was blown up in Lu Zhuang’s hand with a single punch.

Is this f*ck still human?

They all rejoiced, but fortunately they chose to surrender.

Otherwise, with Lu Zhuang’s terrifying combat power, it would be nothing more than a wave of hands to destroy Qian Yuanzong.

“Go down with me to look for it and see if there are any treasures in this Yin Shenzong. The most important thing is the different fruit tree. Don’t leave me a single one.”

Lu Zhuang said to several people.

Then he flew towards the bottom of the abyss.

After searching, digging three feet in the ground.

In the end, they found two magic weapons.

It’s not that the Yinshen Sect is poor, but the other magic weapons are carried by the Yinshen Sect’s Sect Master and the few elders.

Following the Yin Ling python, they were all bombarded with a punch by Lu Zhuang.

More than two hundred different fruit trees were found. Lu Zhuang took all of them into the world tree space, and then left here with a few people.

The next stop is Wuniangu.

Soon after Lu Zhuang and others left, many spies emerged from the neighborhood.

Then, a message spread on the Internet.

“Lu Motou took the Flying White Tiger and the five members of Qian Yuanzong, blood-washed the Yin Shenzong, and there were no chickens and dogs on the door. Since today, Yin Shenzong has been completely removed from this land.”

At this moment, the Internet suddenly boiled.

Before Lu Zhuang dealt with Qian Yuanzong, his methods were relatively mild.

Except for the ancestor of Qian Yuanzong, no one else died.

But this time is different.

Although Lu Zhuang only killed one Yin Ling python, he didn’t think so in the eyes of others.

In the eyes of everyone, they only saw that the Yin Shenzong was all dead, and no one was left alive.

This method is simply too cruel and too bloody.

Suddenly, another wave of opposition to Luzhuang began on the Internet, which turned against the sky.

Lu Zhuang naturally didn’t know these things. At this time, he was on his way to Wunian Valley.

At the same time, Tian Luocheng.

The two people from Huozongyu Wuniangu, Ma Hao, are flying toward the villa on the river bank.

This scene was filmed by many people and posted on the Internet.

【shock! A large number of strong men are heading to the riverside villa, looking bad. 】

[These are people from the two major sects of Wuniangu and Lihuo Sect. It seems that they are going to trouble Lu Motou’s family. 】

[Hahahaha, this wave of salaries is really amazing. 】

[Then Lu Zhuang is on his way to Wunian Valley at this moment. He probably never dreamed that the people in Wunian Valley had quietly touched his lair, so let’s take his family in one pot. 】

There is a lot of discussion on the Internet.

Two groups of Wuniangu and Lihuo Sect have already arrived above the riverside villa.

“Lu Zhuang, I know your clone is here, come out and talk.”

Wuniangu Sect Master Gu Tong spoke, and the sound resounded across the sky like thunder.

At this moment, everyone looked over here.

Countless cameras faced the riverside villa from all directions.


A figure flew up from the riverside villa.

It is the clone of Lu Zhuang staying at home.

“Which sect are you from?” Lu Zhuang asked lightly.

“The old man is Gu Tong, Sect Master of Wunian Valley, and the one next to me is Sect Master Xiao Zuo of Lihuo.” Gu Tong said.

Lu Zhuang nodded, “Oh, it turns out to be Wuniangu and Lihuo Sect. I am on the way to your sect.”

Hearing Lu Zhuang’s words, Gu Tong and Xiao Zuo’s expressions suddenly changed.

As expected, Lu Zhuang was planning to go to his own sect to make trouble.

Fortunately, he anticipated the enemy’s first opportunity, and made it to Tianluo City first.

“Lu Zhuang, you will be able to see each other in the future. Have you ever heard this sentence. It’s not that the grievances between you and me cannot be resolved. Is it necessary to fight to be broken?”

Gu Tong looked at Luzhuang and said.

“Oh? You want to surrender to me just like Qian Yuanzong?” Lu Zhuang asked.

The word surrender is a bit ugly.

Especially for big figures like Gu Tong and Xiao Zuo, it is simply a humiliation.

A trace of anger flashed across Gu Tong’s face, but in the end he took a deep breath to endure it.

“Lu Zhuang, we are here today to want you to make a promise. If you are willing to calm the matter, we will leave. If you have to be aggressive, then we can only use your family to make some articles today.”

Gu Tong said threateningly.

Lu Zhuang laughed immediately, “You want to threaten me with just a few trash fishes?”

Gu Tong’s face suddenly became cold, “Lu Zhuang, do you have to force us to take action?”

“Forcing you to do it? Are you worthy?”

A hint of sarcasm flashed across Lu Zhuang’s face, then slowly raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

Boom boom boom…

A breath of horror skyrocketed from the villa.

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