Chapter 123

The constellation organization headquarters.

In the meeting room, the atmosphere was solemn.

“The Suzaku team missed again. Suzaku tried to entangle the enemy with Fengtianpa and managed to escape, but Fengtianpa was snatched by the opponent…”

“These bastard things, I didn’t grab the spirit gathering disk, but gave the other party a treasure, and wasted the number of times the teleport talisman was used once, oh my mother, I feel sorry for the old man…”

“The evil Clan of Lu Zhuang is very young, but he has such a terrifying strength. I am afraid that no one in our organization is his opponent except for the star master.”

“The Spirit Gathering Array must be obtained, but Luzhuang is now in the limelight and shouldn’t be offended. Let’s slow down for the time being and wait for the good opportunity.”




Kyoto, Kunlun Palace.

The two old men and a middle-aged man sat cross-legged on the futon.

These three people are the three great gods of Kunlun Palace.

“The Son is dead, what do you think?”

The big Tianzun with a long white beard holding a whisk in his hand spoke.

“Where is Lu Zhuang sacred? He reached such a realm silently.”

Er Tianzun frowned, with long white hair dangling.

“Smashing the void with one foot, this level of strength is probably higher than the three of us. Unless the Holy Master takes action, it may not be easy to deal with him with our current strength.”

The three-day-zun with long black hair spoke.

Hearing this, Er Tianzun shook his head, “The Holy Lord has been retreating in the Tian Pavilion since his battle with the Wutian Demon Lord three years ago, and he has not made a single step for three years, I am afraid…”

“Such important matters are related to my Kunlun survival, no matter what, I still have to ask the holy lord for instructions.” Santianzun said.

“Yes, the Holy Lord has not been able to retreat for the past three years. Although it doesn’t matter, the breath is still there. Maybe the situation is not as we imagined. Let’s go. Let’s go and ask for an answer together.”

Da Tianzun stood up and walked out the door first.

Ertianzun and Santianzun followed behind.

A huge stone tower, towering into the clouds.

Outside the stone tower, runes are densely covered, and the pattern of the formation is faint.

It’s like an ancient fairy house.

The three of them entered the stone tower and walked up the steps.

The highest level.

Two ancient characters are engraved on the thick stone gate: Tiange.

As soon as they approached the Shimen, the three of them felt a terrifying breath coming from the Shimen.

If facing the majesty of the sky, the vastness is endless.

The three saluted Shimen together.

“Enlighten the Holy Master, today there is a son who has risen in the sky, violently violating Kunlun’s will. Even the son was killed by this son. This son is fierce and fierce. I am afraid that it is not its enemy…”

With a respectful expression on his face, Da Tianzun told Lu Zhuang’s affairs.

After speaking, the three stood outside the door and waited silently.

I don’t know how long it took, that Shimen suddenly twisted.

A small jade sword and a piece of paper came out from the door.

Da Tianzun quickly stepped forward to take it.

“This is… the token of Daxue Mountain.”

Seeing the jade sword, the three of them suddenly changed their expressions.

Immediately, they looked at the note again.

Two words were written on the note: solicitation.

It turned out to be soliciting…

The three looked at each other.

When the Son was killed, not only was the Lord not angry, he even took the initiative to recruit the enemy?

Isn’t this meant to compromise with that little thief?

“I seem to understand the meaning of the Holy Lord…” Er Tianzun thoughtfully, then said.

“The holy lord means that this son is a good sword.”

“We might as well recruit this one and let him use it for us. When he has no use value in the future, or is disobedient, we can use this token and ask the Daxueshan person to remove it.”

Er Tian Zun and Da Tian Zun nodded at the same time, “Very wonderful!”

Tianluo City, riverside villa.

Damn it, those who deserve to retreat also retreated.

After a great battle, it was devastated.

As for those demons, they returned to the world tree space.

Those who came to support Lu Zhuang, such as Long Feiyang and Li Congming, were all invited into the villa by Lu Zhuang.

Since the return, Luzhuang has been collecting exotic fruit trees.

After such a long time, the amount of exotic fruit trees in his space has been considerable.

Moreover, after such a long time, some of the exotic fruits on the exotic fruit trees have matured.

There are so many that the Luzhuang family can’t finish it.

It just so happened that, through this incident, he decided to pick those different fruits and distribute them to everyone.

Long Feiyang and others didn’t know why Lu Zhuang left them.

But since Lu Zhuang asked them to stay temporarily, they couldn’t say anything.

A group of people all sat down in the living room.

Drinking tea and chatting.

In the face of Dragon City Lord, and even a few venerables, Hu Qi and Wuzheng seemed a little restrained.

But obviously no one discriminated against them.

With their strength, they can stand up and support Lu Zhuang under such a great pressure.

This alone is enough to be respected by everyone.

While everyone was chatting, Lu Zhuang came in with a big basket.

“It’s a rare occasion for everyone to come back with some of my family’s souvenirs.”

Lu Zhuang said with a smile.

The big basket was placed in front of everyone.

Native products?

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

I don’t know what plane Lu Zhuang is flying.

One after another looked towards the basket.

When they saw the different fruits in the basket, they were all stunned.

Different fruits are all different fruits.

The exotic fruit in your house is actually packed in baskets.

“Come on, everyone has a share.”

Lu Zhuang sorted out all the exotic fruits in the basket.

Even among them, Wuzheng and Hu Qi, who have reached the ninth rank, have each got a king fruit.

Holding Wang Guo in their hands, Hu Qi and Wu Zheng were moved to tears.

With their strength, it is really difficult to get Wang Guo.

I think that even a big family like the Zong family struggled to get a king fruit.

And now, Lu Zhuang gave them such a precious thing.

Chen Guangzu, Zong Wuji, and Xu Yuanwu were a little envious of this scene.

This is Wang Guo.

Just sent it out.

It’s such a big deal.

But they are not jealous.

Because Lu Zhuang also gave them many exotic fruits.

These different fruits are enough for the three of them to cultivate a large number of masters.

Seeing that Lu Zhuang produced so many different fruits, even Li Congming, the eldest master of the world’s number one family, was a little surprised.

The boss is too proud.

I’m afraid that even his own family can’t easily produce so many different fruits.

Boss, how many talents have to be robbed to have so many different fruit trees.

No wonder so many people are jealous and come to crusade.

He sighed in his heart, and then Li Cong turned his head and looked at Lu Zhuang, “Boss, you have made such a big noise this time. I wonder what you plan to do next?”

Li’s clever words immediately aroused everyone’s ideas.

Everyone looked at Lu Zhuang and raised their ears.

They were all very curious about what Lu Zhuang would do next.

In the eyes of everyone, Lu Zhuang is not a good person, but Kunlun Palace is not easy to provoke.

This time Lu Zhuang and Kunlun Palace had forged a big feud.

Whether it’s Luzhuang or Kunlun Palace, I’m afraid they won’t let it go.

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