Chapter 107 Yuan Tu


On a secluded street.

A man wearing a hat put up a Gua stall on the side of the street.

On his shoulder, a black crow showed a humane look in his eyes.

“Yuantu, why are you setting up a fortune-telling stall here?”

“Do you know why I became the number one assassin in Sun Luo Temple?”


“Because every time I kill a strong person, I will use the method of fortune-telling to get close to the opponent, and understand the opponent, such as his personality, preferences, strength, relatives, etc., to calculate the best time to start, and then do One hit kills, so I never missed it.”

“But it’s so quiet here, there is no one, are you so sure that that person will come here?”

“I have calculated, he will definitely pass by here today.”

Yuan Tu said with certainty.

At this moment, a man and a woman with a child were walking over here.

Seeing these three people, Yuan Tu’s mouth raised slightly, “Here.”

It was Lu Zhuang’s clone, Yan Xiaoxing and Lu Qing’er.

“Hey, Master, there is someone here who tells a fortune, shall we go over and take a look?”

Yan Xiaoxing saw the Gua stall on the side of the road, and a look of interest appeared on his face.

“This street is so quiet, there are stalls here…”

Lu Zhuang squinted his eyes and looked thoughtfully at the Gua stall owner with the hat.

Lu Qing’er was gnawing on chicken legs, and when she saw the man in the hat who set up the stall, she immediately stretched out her little finger and pointed at him, “Bad guy!”

Lu Zhuang’s face suddenly became cold.

Immediately, he smiled coldly, and then walked straight to the man in the hat.

“Brother, do you want a fortune teller?”

Yuan Tu didn’t raise his head, and asked in an unpredictable manner.

“What kind of algorithm is this fortune-telling, and how much does it cost?” Lu Zhuang asked.

“I think you have a relationship with me, but I can count three trigrams for you for free.” Yuantu said.

“How can it be done, how can you lose money? So, let me calculate three trigrams with you. As long as you can calculate accurately, I will give you 1,000 yuan per hexagram. If you are not accurate, then you will give me 1,000 How about it?” Lu Zhuang asked with a smile.

Yuantu hesitated, then nodded, “Yes.”

“very good.”

Lu Zhuang smiled slightly, then stretched out his hand and grabbed a handful of stones from the side of the road.

Then, he held the stone in his hand and handed it to the other party, “This first hexagram, you can calculate it for me, there are a few stones in my hand.”

Yuan Tu smiled confidently, “Twenty-five.”


Lu Zhuang squeezed hard, and the small stones in his hands suddenly turned into a pile of powder.

He spread his hand and smiled at the other person, “I’m sorry, you are wrong.”

Yuan Tu’s face suddenly became cold, “You actually cheated.”

“Say I cheated, do you have any evidence?”

Lu Zhuang snorted coldly, and the aura on his body burst out, like the ancient sacred mountain, and smashed straight toward Yuantu.

A look of astonishment appeared on Yuantu’s face.

At this moment, he seemed to see an ancient fierce beast looking down at him.

The strong momentum made him almost breathless.

The strength of this Lu Zhuang turned out to be terrifying.

This level of strength is definitely not something I can contend with.


A bead of sweat rolled down from Yuantu’s forehead.

There was a trace of panic in his eyes. Could it be that the other party found out that his identity was inadequate?

No, there shouldn’t be.

If the other party finds out who he is, just do it directly, there is no need to test himself like this.

Never resist, let alone escape.

Be sure to calm down.

Otherwise, I will definitely die today.

Under the pressure of Lu Zhuang’s momentum, Yuan Tu finally lowered his head, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t question you, I would like to bet and lose, please take this thousand yuan.”

Yuantu resisted the terrifying pressure brought by Luzhuang, and took out a wallet with difficulty, then drew ten hundred yuan denominations of dragon coins from it and handed them to Luzhuang.

Until this moment, that kind of horror like a mountain-like momentum has retreated.

Lu Zhuang glanced at Yuantu’s wallet lightly, and couldn’t help showing a touch of contempt, really poor.

After receiving the money, Lu Zhuang directly took out one and handed it to Yan Xiaoxiao, “Take it, this is your salary for this month, and it has been settled to you in advance.”

Yan Xiaoxing took the stack of Dragon Coins handed over by Lu Zhuang, and was suddenly excited by the little stars that appeared in her eyes, but soon, her expression faded, “Master, you still have extra money to count.”

Lu Zhuang was taken aback, “What’s the extra money?”

Yan Xiaoxing took out a small book, opened it and handed it to Lu Zhuang.

Looking at the series of numbers on it, Lu Zhuang’s head was as big as a fight.

“It’s all right, put it away quickly, I’ll count this for you when I’m free.” Lu Zhuang said silently.

“Okay.” Yan Xiaoxing put away the small books obediently.

Lu Zhuang turned his head and looked at Yuantu again, “Next, I want to slap you, so you will count the second hexagram for me. Next, shall I slap you on the left cheek or on the right cheek?”

Upon hearing this, Yuan Tu’s face suddenly turned black.

It never occurred to him that Lu Zhuang would ask such a question. Not only did he want to slap himself in the face, but he also wanted to figure out whether he had slapped him on the left cheek or the right cheek.

This son is simply deceiving too much.

“Your Excellency, don’t go too far.” Yuan Tu gritted his teeth.

“So you want to fight with me?” Lu Zhuang looked at each other quietly.

“You…” Yuan Tu’s face was blue with anger, he never thought that there would be such a silly unreasonable person in the world.

He naturally didn’t dare to fight Lu Zhuang in a fight.

From the momentum that Lu Zhuang had just exuded, he could feel that if he fought head-on, he would definitely not be Lu Zhuang’s opponent.

But if you don’t fight, do you really want to slap your opponent?

Forget it, remember this before you account, and you must get it back with the profit at that time.

Yuan Tu took a deep breath, “Left face.”

“Sorry, you were wrong again.”

Lu Zhuang said with regret.

Then raised his hand and slapped the opponent’s right face with a slap.

In an instant, Yuantu’s right cheek swelled up and down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Shame… Yuan Tu’s heart was killing intent.

As the first assassin in the Senluo Temple, he regarded human life as a waste, and I don’t know how many people died in his hands.

He has never been so insulted in his life.

He didn’t dare to be angry even after being slapped in the face like this, because once he was angry, he would probably not be able to leave today.

Yuantu suddenly regretted it. He had known that he shouldn’t be here today to set up a fortune-telling stall.

Unwilling to take out his wallet, he took out ten hundred yuan dragon coins and handed them to Lu Zhuang.

Looking at the empty wallet with only one steel jumper, Yuan Tu heaved a sigh of relief, “I’m sorry, you see I have no money anymore, let’s stop here today.”

“You are so poor.”

Lu Zhuang looked at each other contemptuously, and groaned, “In this case, let’s bet less. I think you still have a steel ball in your wallet. Let’s bet a dollar.”

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