Chapter 99

Lin Mo continued to wander around Danyun Mountain. There were many elixirs on the mountain, and the effect was no longer limited to the kind of healing and strengthening cultivation that Lin Mo had thought before.

Some pills can be used for combat, such as refining sword pills.

After taking some medicines, it can bring people spiritual joy, just like some drugs from Lin Mo’s previous life.

There are also medicines that can continuously release light when used as a light bulb.

Of course, although these medicinal pills are strange, but they are generally not expensive, they are not as good as those purchased by Lin Mo.

When Lin Mo wandered around, in the entire Xuanguang Holy Land, a large number of junior martial emperors began to fly towards Danyun Mountain.

When Wu Huang goes out, he likes to ride on treasure boats, mounts, etc. This will look very demeanor, and it can also appear very relaxed.

But at this time, these Martial Emperors were all flying quickly, fearing that they would lose their own part if they were late.

Such a situation naturally caused a sensation in Xuanguang Holy Land.

Some people quickly inquired, and then they found out that it was Lin Mo who had just joined the Xuanguang Holy Land more than a month ago and broke multiple records in a row. It was in Danyun Mountain.

For a time, more people flew towards Danyun Mountain in the entire Xuanguang Holy Land.

Many people who saw this situation thought that something had happened, and flew over.

For a time, the sky was full of flying King Wu, Emperor Wu and so on.

Danyun Mountain is still peaceful.

Although it is really hot here, there is no scene of scolding or fighting each other.

The cultivators here spend their energy on alchemy, refining tools, and cultivation.

Suddenly, the cultivators on the mountain discovered that the distance was densely packed, as if countless cultivators were flying towards this side.

Someone joked: “Look, look at the scene over there, like a large number of warriors flying here.”

Many people looked over there and found that it was really similar, with small black dots very dense.

But soon, they discovered that there were actually a large number of warriors flying towards them.

The warrior here does not refer to the lowest-level warrior, but a collective term for a cultivator.

“What happened? How come so many people come.”

“Could it be that other forces attacked it?”

“No, they are from Xuanguang Holy Land. I have seen a few acquaintances.”

The people on Danyun Mountain were confused for a while, not knowing what happened.

At this time, Zhuge Liufeng, the lord of Bao Logistics, was shocked when he got the news.

He rushed over quickly, and the holy elephant condensed in the void and stopped everyone: “What happened?”

A man in the lead said: “Report to the Lord that we heard that Lin Mo is in Danyun Mountain, so come and challenge him!”

Zhuge Liufeng was taken aback for a moment, because so many people came because of the kid Lin Mo.

This kid has such a big influence?

For Lin Mo, Zhuge Liufeng was naturally impressed.

This is the first true disciple who refuses to join the four major schools.

“Hmph, more than a month has passed, this kid should know that no one has taught how difficult it is to make progress~ “.” Zhuge Liufeng snorted coldly in his heart.

He looked at these people and said, “I will open the Xuantian battlefield. This time this holy lord will satisfy you. Everyone will go there, and I will take Lin Mo over.”

Zhuge Liufeng didn’t want these people to pass by. In the event of a battle, Danyun Mountain might be destroyed.

Seeing these people flying towards the Xuantian battlefield, Zhuge Liufeng quickly flew towards Danyun Mountain.

Dan Yunshan, Lin Mo took the pill from Qin Long and was very satisfied.

The number of each kind of pill is more than 300, of which there are 100 of each, and it is still above the Intermediate Martial Emperor.

These pills are enough for Lin Mo to practice for a long time.

He was about to leave when he saw Zhuge Liufeng appear not far in front of him.

“Meet the Holy Lord!” Lin Mo arched his hands.

“Lin Mo, you are causing me a big trouble.” Zhuge Liufeng sighed.

“Holy Lord laughed.” Lin Mo said with a smile.

“I’m not kidding, you know, tens of thousands of people just flew toward this side, I stopped, so you give me a face, go and compare them three times.” Zhuge Liufeng said with a smile.

Lin Mo nodded: “Since the Holy Lord has spoken, I will play with them.”

Lin Mo knew that many people wanted to challenge himself, but he didn’t expect this to be the case.

Qin Long stood beside Lin Mo, his expression shocked as he listened to the words of the two.

He was full of admiration for Lin Mo at this time. Faced with such a situation, he could actually laugh out, tens of thousands of people.

This is not the former newcomer Wuhuang, but the real elite.

Zhuge Liufeng took Lin Mo and disappeared instantly.

The next moment, on the battlefield of Xuantian, a ray of light fell, and Lin Mo and Zhuge Liufeng quickly appeared.

Seeing Lin Mo appeared, many Wuhuang emperors were boiling.

“Lin Mo, dare to fight with me?”

“Lin Mo, who got a false name, avoided for more than a month, and now finally dared to show up.”

“Lin Mo, I want to challenge you.”


Various sounds sounded.

At this time, in the crowd, the Lan sisters, Wang Yiren, Bei Feng Miaomiao, etc. were also there.

When they saw this scale, these people were stunned.

“Sister, why do you think that guy is so earth-shattering every time.” Lan Qiaoqing sighed.

“It may be the difference between super geniuses,” Lan Keqing said.

“I know this.” Bei Feng Miaomiao said with a smile.

Seeing the Lan sisters looking at herself, Bei Feng Miaomiao said: “Geniuses are full of arrogance, especially those who can enter the Holy Land of Profound Light, not to mention. Lin Mo has continuously broken records before, which means he is better than them. They are naturally not reconciled.”

The Lan sisters nodded suddenly.

On the battlefield, Lin Mo glanced at these people and said softly: “Give you three opportunities to choose the strongest three. To be honest, the junior martial emperor is no longer worthy to fight with me.”

Listening to Lin Mo’s words, the scene boiled again.

The one who will come to challenge Lin Mo is naturally the junior Wu Sovereign. Wu Wang does not have that courage, and the intermediate Wu Sovereign is not glorious if he wins.

Zhuge Liufeng looked at Lin Mo and became more interested. In this case, he even dared to stimulate them. This was so bold.

Soon, the three of them made a choice.

When the first person appeared, many people rejoiced again.

“Lin Mo is in danger,” Bei Feng Miaomiao said.

“What is the danger?” Lan Keqing asked.

“His first opponent is Qin Lian. This person’s domain is telepathy. With the ability of the spiritual domain, he can completely avoid Lin Mo’s attack.” Bei Feng Miaomiao said.

“Can attacks in the causal realm be avoided?” Lan Qiaoqing asked curiously.

“Of course it can, but this time is very short, and most people can’t react at all, but people with the spiritual realm can, and Qin Lian also has a second realm, a multi-dimensional realm, which can increase the number of attacks, which is very powerful.” Bei Feng Miaomiao said again.

At this time, on stage.

Zhuge Liufeng has left, leaving Lin Mo and Qin Lian behind.

Qin Lian looks very handsome. At this time, he smiled and looked at Lin Mo: “Lin Mo, I admit that you are very strong in the field of causality, but if you want to occupy the first genius position with this, I don’t agree!”

Only on the first day?

Lin Mo doesn’t know, but it doesn’t matter. Today, I accompany them to play a game. In fact, Lin Mo wants to test the effect of the new field.

Qin Lian smiled and said, “. 々 Lin Mo, show your domain.”

Lin Mo looked at Qin Lian, wondering if he knew he had condensed a new field?

But immediately felt that it was impossible, so the other party was referring to the realm of cause and effect.

That being the case, I just don’t release the realm of cause and effect.

Lin Mo quickly released the realm of everything and enveloped Qin Lian.

In an instant, everything about Qin Lian was clearly seen by Lin Mo.

“The spiritual realm, the multiple realms, are also dual realms just like me. No wonder I was allowed to use the causal realm. It turns out that there is a spiritual realm.” Lin Moxin said.

As the owner of the realm of causality, Lin Mo naturally has an understanding of the realm of mind, a realm that has a certain restraint on the realm of causality.

In this case, there is no need to use the causal field. Anyway, Lin Mo didn’t plan to use it at first.

He quickly displayed the profound meaning of speed, and his whole body quickly approached Qin Lian.

When Qin Lian saw Lin Mo’s attack method, he was also very dazed, so why didn’t he perform a causal domain attack.

But the battle changed at any time, and he didn’t have too much entanglement.

Qin Lian sneered and quickly displayed multiple areas.

The next moment, he opened his hand, and energy shot out from his hand, it was a sword intent!

Rapid growth in diversified areas.

In the next second, the original more than a dozen sword intents became hundreds of sword intents.

Every sword intent has the most peak attack of the junior martial emperor.

Watching this scene, many people opened their mouths and substituted themselves in, but they couldn’t avoid it.

Qin Long looked at these attacks and sighed: “Much faster than (Zhao Dehao) my attacks.”

When he attacked Lin Mo with the sword-raising gourd, it was much slower than Qin Lian’s attacking speed at this time, so Lin Mo easily avoided it.

Hundreds of swordsmanship sealed all Lin Mo’s retreat. For a while, everyone held their breath and decided to see how Lin Mo coped.

Qin Lian has already done what Lin Mo might react next.

But the next moment, everyone was stunned.

I saw all the attacks, all annihilated, and turned into energy particles.

Qin Lian was dumbfounded.

Lin Mo appeared in front of him instantly and punched him.

Although Qin Lian was in astonishment, the strength of the spiritual realm lies in his early induction.

He quickly avoided at this time.


Qin Lian was beaten out, and he was a little confused at this moment.

My own telepathy is useless?

The corner of Lin Mo’s mouth is slightly cocked, everything about you is under my observation, it’s a fart!


Qin Lian hit the ground fiercely, spitting out blood, directly making Lin Mo unable to fight with a punch.

The entire battlefield was silent, and no one recovered.

Until now, they have not understood what happened in the battle just now.

“This is… the second field!” Zhuge Liufeng said in surprise.

“All things realm.” A female voice sounded.

Mu Tianqin suddenly appeared behind Zhuge Liufeng. .

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