Chapter 96

The Holy Land for Cultivation is located in the middle of a huge lake. Lin Mo even feels that the lake is as big as an inland sea.

The water in the lake is not ordinary water, but the same as the lake in the Palace of the King of Beasts that Lin Mo had seen at the beginning. It was all energy water.

However, there are thousands of lakes like the King’s Court of strange beasts, none of them can compare to a lake here.

The sacred place for spiritual practice is located on an island in the center of the lake.

You can’t fly on the lake here, you can only travel through eight bridges connecting the islands in the lake.

If it is flying on the lake, it will be attacked by the magic circle on the lake.

If it doesn’t reach the Martial Saint level, it will be instantly wiped out.

Even Wu Sheng would be trapped on the lake, unable to leave.

Lin Mo walked along the bridge, holding a token passed to him by Chen Xueling in his hand.

This is a token of spiritual practice.

The whole cultivating holy realm is divided into two parts, one is a variety of sacred places for cultivation, and the other is a mansion like Lin Mo.

On the island, there are not many mansions like Lin Mo, only more than 300 sets.

Part of it is the Holy Lord, where Wu Sheng lives, and the rest is only for the true disciples, that is to say, if it is not a true disciple, even Wu Zong is not qualified to live in it.

In Xuanguang Holy Land, there are some Wu Sheng, and only five Holy Masters.

In fact, the five holy masters are all Wusheng peak powerhouses.

Lin Mo went to the island and quickly found his mansion.

The entire mansion is huge, covering an area of ​​one hundred acres.

After Lin Mo entered, he found that the materials used in the construction here are all very high-grade.

Even if he and other people fight here, they will not damage this mansion any more.

Inside the mansion, there are training rooms, gardens, battlefields, recreation rooms, bedrooms, study rooms and other places, which are extremely complete. Lin Mo estimates that there is no problem living with a few hundred people, or even more than that. Crowded.

But now such a mansion belongs to him.

Lin Mo strolled around the mansion, and then released the Eight Beast King and Thunder Dragon Elizabeth.

The two beast kings slept in the beast-raising ring boring to death, and they both looked very excited when they came out at this time.

“Master, where is this?” The Eighth Beast King said in shock.

He found that the vitality here was many times higher than the energy lake he was in before.

The most important thing is that he found that here, his head seemed very clear, and he thought everything clearly.

If it is used to comprehend the profound meaning and so on, it is definitely very good.

Elizabeth was also very excited, and flew around the mansion, and then occupied a garden as her lair.

Lin Mo smiled and said, “This is the Cangyun Big World, the spiritual realm of the Holy Land of Profound Light. Stay in the mansion, or you will be killed and eaten again. Don’t blame me for not reminding you. Here, the Emperor Wu is everywhere. Yes, I have seen thousands of them before. You are a Beastmaster, and any one of them can kill you when you go out.”

The king and eight beast king shrank his head, and then shouted: “I want to break through and become the beast king.”

In fact, it has understood the three kinds of profound meanings, and it can completely break through to become the Beast King, but it doesn’t know how to break through.

Lin Mo asked: “What kind of profundity do you have?”

Upanishads can condense everything.

Like the martial emperors that Lin Mo met before, because they all have inheritance, they are all selective when they understand.

Lin Mo himself had comprehend indiscriminately at the beginning, but he has a strong understanding, so he can comprehend it directly.

Regarding the top martial kings of his original world, in Lin Mo’s opinion, even if he has a method, he can truly become a martial emperor, probably not even one.

The Eighth Beast King said: “The profound meaning of water, the profound meaning of thunder, or the profound meaning of magnetic force.”

Lin Mo shook his head and said, “From today, you will cultivate your gravity mood with all your strength, and you will first reach the profound meaning of gravity.”

If the king and eight beast kings understand the profound meaning of gravity, then they can better help themselves in their cultivation.

The Eighth Beast King shrank his head, very helpless, as expected, he still couldn’t advance to the Beast King.

“When you have mastered the profound meaning of gravity, you can enter the realm of the Beast Emperor.” Lin Mo said.

“Really?” The Eighth Beast King was suspicious.

“Naturally, it is not an ordinary field.” Lin Mo said.

In the booklet he had obtained before, there was a kind of the profound meaning of water, the profound meaning of thunder, the profound meaning of magnetic force, and the profound meaning of gravity. It was called the field of magnetic storm.

This kind of field is stronger than the five-star magnetic field of the Lan sisters.

In the field of magnetic storms, in addition to the profound meaning of water a little easier, the other three profound meanings are extremely difficult to comprehend.

The talents of the king and eight beast kings are actually very good, but after thousands of years of cultivation, they have not fully comprehended these profound meanings, and you can see how difficult it is.

After dismissing the king of the eight beasts, Lin Mo called Elizabeth, urged, and threw her some pills to make her advance quickly, and then began to count his own things.

This time he went to the Holy Land of Xuanguang, he could be said to have gained a lot.

The harvest on the spacecraft has already purchased the pill, and there are still many that have not been taken.

In the newcomer camp, Lin Mo probably harvested a hundred energy crystals.

In fact, it is mainly the contribution of Murong Yaya, Wang Yiren, and the three smiling dusty.

Among them, Murong Yaya is less, and Wang Yiren and Xiaochen are more dusty, adding up to hundreds of energy crystals.

Then there are the rewards from this assessment.

The first place was 30 energy crystals, and 60 energy crystals broke the record twice.

In addition, it was this house and two opportunities to enter the Ten Thousand Origins Holy Realm.

In Lin Mo’s view, the most precious thing should be this house.

All added up, he now has about two hundred square energy crystals.

Lin Mo took out an energy crystal, which is somewhat similar to the universe cube in the Marvel movie that Lin Mo watched in his previous life.

Lin Mo can sense that there is a huge amount of energy in it.

This thing, for others, can absorb the energy inside to practice, but for Lin Mo, it can only be used as money.

Putting things away, Lin Mo walked to the machine.

This is also a machine for testing power.

Lin Mo’s previous machine had a maximum limit of 300 million jin, which was still the highest level of technology in the small world he was in.

As for this machine, the force marked on it is 10 billion catties.

This can be tested to the peak of Wu Zong, and it is definitely enough for Lin Mo to use it for a long time.

Lin Mo punched the machine, the numbers on the machine kept beating, and soon stopped.

25.34 million catties.

The data is higher than Lin Mo guessed, but it’s pretty much the same.

Lin Mo urged a mood attack.


His fist fell hard on the machine.

The numbers jumped again.

Three hundred and five million catties!

Lin Mo showed a slight smile, and with the power of profound meaning, he reached the level of an intermediate martial emperor.

The upright accumulates to a certain level, but in fact it also reaches a certain level, unless Lin Mo makes a big breakthrough.

He once again superimposed on the concussion skills.


It was another punch on the machine.

The machine number jumped last time and then stopped.

Three hundred and two hundred and thirty thousand!

Concussion Skill Lin Mo has been stuck in the bottleneck ninety-nine times without a breakthrough.

He estimated that the next breakthrough would be the same as the previous bottleneck, and there would be a great leap forward, not very tangled.

· ···Seeking flowers············

Lin Mo has too many ways to improve his strength. Although his concussion skills are good, he doesn’t have to improve.

“The next period of time is to practice hard and raise the strength to the Intermediate Martial Sovereign first.”

Because he did not join any major genre, Lin Mo now seems very quiet.

Suddenly, his communicator rang.

This communicator was issued by Chen Xueling later, and every newcomer has it.

Lin Mo’s previous communicator in the small world was too low-level, and it was not easy to use in this world.

Lin Mo took a look, it was Wang Jing, and he clicked to connect.

“Master, I am outside the lake and can’t get in, can you tell them and let me in.” Wang Jing’s voice came.

“Wait a minute, I’ll go out to pick you up.” Lin Mo said and turned off the communicator.

After Lin Mo came out, he saw Wang Jing being blocked by the guards.

The sacred place of cultivation is an important place, and most people cannot enter it.

When Wang Jing saw Lin Mo, he was overjoyed and shouted, “Master, I am here.”

Lin Mo walked over, looked at Wang Jing, and thought for a while and said, “Wang Jing, although you were defeated by me at the beginning, you have experienced some things together now, I think…”

…….. 0

Before Lin Mo finished speaking, Wang Jing shouted loudly: “I don’t agree to dissolve the relationship between master and servant. In this life, you will be the master, and the master often retreats, so you always need someone to help you inquire about external news, or Do something.”

Lin Mo looked at Wang Jing in astonishment, and he was moved a little in his heart.

But what Wang Jing said makes sense.

“Alright, you can follow me in.” Lin Mo said.

Wang Jing breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he reacted quickly.

It was only after Wang Jing arrived at Bao Logistics that he realized that the competition here is so great. It is difficult for him to grow fast as an ordinary disciple.

In addition, Lin Mo has a great impact, and many people want to challenge Lin Mo.

As Lin Mo’s servant, many people are already asking him for trouble.

Compared with Lin Mo, staying at Bao Logistics is a hard time.

There is no treasure if you want treasures, and there is no place to practice cultivation, and you are still excluded, and life is not easy.

Wang Jing followed Lin Mo into the mansion, and suddenly felt a big difference.

Lin Mo threw him a ring and said, “These are some training materials, you can use them first.”

These are things that Lin Mo didn’t use after getting it. After all, he didn’t cultivate energy, and many of them were useless.

Wang Jing glanced at it, and his eyes suddenly brightened.

Lots of treasures!

“Master, don’t worry, I will help you handle other things well, and promise not to let those things affect your cultivation.” Wang Jing said.

Lin Mo nodded, this is what Wang Jing did well before.

“By the way, Master, because you have broken some records, some geniuses who joined the sect before want to challenge you. They even let out a word, saying that you are vulnerable.” Wang Jing hurriedly said the news he had received. .

“Don’t worry about them.”

Lin Mo looked indifferent and didn’t care at all.

Whatever others like to evaluate, they will evaluate it, whatever it is, improving the strength is the key.

Wang Jing thought that it was so, and he smiled and said, “Master, don’t worry, I will pay attention to you when you are in retreat and will not let them disturb you.”

Lin Mo nodded and let Wang Jing be responsible for the management of the mansion, while he took the Eighth Beast King into the training room.

There are still two kinds of mystery in the realm of everything. This time we retreat and solve it all at once. Spoon.

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