Chapter 9

The threshold for an intermediate warrior is one hundred thousand jin of strength, while an advanced warrior is 500,000 jin of strength.

It can be said that there is a huge gap between the two.

Even if it was Lin Fan, he would stay in the Intermediate Martial Artist for a while.

Lin Mo took a look at his money.

Four hundred thousand, say less is a lot, say more is not too much.

The previous money has been used to buy meat, this is all his money.

Putting away the money card, Lin Mo began to rest.

Although the strength has skyrocketed extremely rapidly, every minute of cultivation requires extremely strong will to persist.

Today, I have continuously improved my strength by tens of thousands of catties, and Lin Mo’s spirit is also extremely exhausted.

This sleep until the next morning.

For breakfast, after another 20 catties of exotic animal meat, Lin Mo walked towards the teaching area.

Martial artist, can already practice exercises.

Practicing exercises, energy is generated in the body, possessing attributes, and attribute energy can help people strengthen offensive or heal, speed up recovery, etc.

Today is the day of teaching the exercises on the first day of each month.

Lin Mo just walked in, and suddenly many people looked at him.

Seeing Lin Mo coming in, many people’s expressions changed slightly.

These days, the entire base has been the topic of Lin Mo.

Easily slaughtering the underworld tigers, martial artist-level genius treatment, suppressing the elderly, all these seem a bit unreal to those who have just been promoted to the martial arts.

If all this is done by someone who has been in the martial arts hall for a few years, they would not be surprised, but this is a newcomer, and they can only curse secretly: abnormal.

Lin Mo sat down directly toward the empty position in the front.

The people around hesitated for a moment, and moved away quickly, fearing offending Lin Mo.

Soon, the lecturer came.

The person responsible for explaining the exercises to them was an intermediate martial artist named Han Shuo.

Han Shuo nodded towards the key point, and then said: “Everyone, I will explain to you the cultivation method today. Our Hundred Beast Martial Arts Hall has the best basic exercise method, Hundred Beast Yuan Qigong.”

“This is for you to lay the foundation. The martial artist first cultivates this technique. When it is strong enough, he can consider changing to other attribute techniques. Of course, because of your own attributes, all the exercises without attributes, Some attributes will be attached.”

Lin Mo nodded. When fighting Zhao Jinyu before, Zhao Jinyu’s vitality was accompanied by a dark attribute, and Song Tianyi, when he was stimulating his vitality, his arms were red.

What they cultivate should also be the basic exercises, but it’s just because of their own attributes that changes will occur.

“There are a lot of vitality in the air that we can’t see with the naked eye. Now, people put their palms in front of the dantian, exhale and inhale in accordance with my beat, and at the same time let out their thoughts and feel everything around them.”

Lin Mo did what Han Shuo said.

“When you reach a certain level, you will be able to feel the vitality particles around you and draw them into your body with your mind. When the airflow is generated, you are considered to be a master.”

“As for when to get started, it’s up to you. If you have a good talent, you can get started in half an hour. It’s also possible in a few days. As long as you are a martial artist, you can basically practice.”

Lin Mo practiced silently, but what made him a little irritable was that he didn’t realize everything Han Shuo said.

One hour passed.

A sudden wave of vitality occurred in the person next to him.

Soon, there were other people’s vitality fluctuations, and it was a start.

Lin Mo felt that many people were looking at him, and right, his talent, in the eyes of others, was extremely against the sky.

It turned out that I couldn’t get started, which was a joke.

But such a thing happened.

Han Shuo was also a little nervous at this time. Could it be that what he said was wrong, causing Lin Mo to be unable to get started.

But many people have already started, there shouldn’t be any problems.

Could it be that Lin Mo has no talent for cultivation?

This idea has surfaced in many people’s minds, making them feel incredible, but when they think about it, they think it’s very possible.

After all, before that, all people were cultivating the body, and the strength of the body and the practice were not necessarily the same.

Before this, there had been some people who had extremely strong talents at the beginning, but extremely poor cultivation later.

Although this probability is very low.

Therefore, Lin Mo is actually very low in spiritual talent.

All of a sudden, the eyes of many people looking at Lin Mo changed.

Martial artists are actually very realistic people. You are strong, you are talented, and others will convince you.

But once you fail, their attitude will change quickly.

At this time, Han Shuo also thought of this reason.

He thought about making Lin Mo good before, but now he doesn’t even look at it.

Without the talent for cultivation, it is extremely difficult to make progress later, and there is no need to make a good deal.

At this time, Lin Mo also discovered his own situation.

He was still a little frustrated at first.

But immediately he figured out his situation.

He is different from everyone else!

Others need the exercises to make rapid progress, but they don’t need it.

He only needs resources, a few simple training moves, and his strength can skyrocket.

Before thinking about cultivation, but also thinking about whether cultivation will be better than doing these movements.

As for the attributes attached to the practice, Lin Mo doesn’t care much. As long as the strength is strong enough, the attributes can be ignored at all.

For example, when two people are practicing at the same time, Lin Mo has reached 100,000 catties, while the other party only has more than 10,000 catties. At this time, even if you bring attributes, what is the effect, you are not hit by Lin Mo.

In an instant, Lin Mo knew that he was going to go.

He doesn’t need to practice cultivation at all, just keep eating all kinds of exotic animal meat, high-energy things.

As long as one’s strength is strong enough, everything can be broken.

Lin Mo stood up, turned and left. Since he didn’t want to practice, he didn’t need to stay here anymore.

Lin Mo walked directly towards the restaurant.

“Master, here’s twenty catties of exotic animal meat.” Lin Mo shouted.


The master yelled, turned his head to look, and suddenly said in surprise: “Young man, it’s you again.”

This master was very surprised. Even if Lin Mo is a martial artist, he is too good to eat. In the past few days, he has demanded hundreds of catties of meat.

“Yes.” Lin Mo handed the card over.

His quota is two hundred catties, half of which has now been used.

And this month has only passed a few days, that is to say, if he wants to maintain a high-speed promotion, he must find a way to make money.

Even the four hundred thousand before it is estimated that it will not last two days.

Taking the meat back to the villa, Lin Mo started practicing again.

At this time, news about Lin Mo’s inability to practice quickly spread in the martial arts gym.

When many warriors heard the news, their eyes lit up.

“The curator, something big happened.” Han Shuo knocked on Zhou Xingqing’s door.

“Come in, what’s the matter?” Zhou Xingqing asked.

“Curator, Lin Mo has no talent for cultivation.” Han Shuo said.


Zhou Xingqing’s expression changed slightly. Lin Mo was the trump card in his hand, and he couldn’t practice.

“Director, do you want to take back Lin Mo’s resources?” Han Shuo asked.

Lin Mo was able to enjoy martial arts level treatment because he is a super genius, but now that he can’t practice, he is not a genius.

Zhou Xingqing hesitated, shook his head and said, “No, continue to give it to him.”

“Curator, you…” Han Shuo didn’t understand.

“I think of someone, I want to see if Lin Mo really is a waste.” Zhou Xingqing said with a smile.

A person suddenly appeared in Han Shuo’s mind, and he was surprised: “The curator thinks that Lin Mo will become the next Zhang Kun?”

Zhang Kun was once a genius who couldn’t practice, but he was not discouraged and kept polishing his physique, and finally became a powerful man at the Wuwang level.

However, Zhang Kun is a child of a super family, with sufficient resources, which is not comparable to Lin Mo at all.

“Well, this is the case for the time being.” Zhou Xingqing said.

Inside the villa, Lin Mo once again consumed the meat of the alien animal.

He was sweating profusely, the skin on his body was bronze, full of power, and the whole person was extremely coordinated, like a beast about to explode.

Lin Mo punched the machine sharply.

Twelve thousand, three hundred and twenty-three catties.

It has increased by more than 20,000 catties.

Looking at the numbers on the machine, Lin Mo was more certain about the route he chose.

After touching his stomach, Lin Mo took a shower and changed his clothes, and walked towards the cafeteria again.

This time he was going to take out 100 catties of meat and retreat directly until he had eaten all the meat.

In the martial arts hall, many people looked at Lin Mo, and they all whispered earnestly.

“He is still so arrogant, what’s so arrogant about him, thinking he is a genius.”

“I’m afraid that he will not accept the reality, but someone will help him accept it soon.”

“Genius, waste material.”

“It’s really sad, I was so strong before, I couldn’t practice.”

“I heard that many old people who didn’t plan to take action before, are now ready to attack him. The martial arts level treatment has made many people jealous.”

Lin Mo’s hearing is very strong now, listening to these people’s words, he smiled coldly, not caring at all.

The strong do not need to care about other people’s ideas.

Lin Mo quickly came to the canteen and said to the master: “Master, come here with a hundred catties of exotic animal meat.”

“What?” The master looked at Lin Mo with shock.

“Young man, I heard that it is nothing if there is no talent for cultivation, nor do I, so don’t toss your body.” This was kindly said.

He is not a warrior, and he doesn’t care about these.

Lin Mo smiled and said, “Don’t worry, Master, you will see some good shows in a few days.”

The master shook his head and cut off a hundred catties of exotic animal meat to Lin Mo.

Recently, there is no shortage of exotic animal meat here. Thanks to Lin Mo, he killed so many dark tigers at once and provided a lot of meat to the kitchen.

Holding the meat, Lin Mo walked towards his villa again.

ps: More than three thousand words of chapter, thirty thousand words, ask for a monthly ticket for evaluation of flowers, and decide whether to continue working hard after looking at the data at night. .

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