Chapter 89

In the building, Lin Mo and others moved into the building.

In the building, there were also many people who arrived early at this time.

Lin Mo took a look and found that there were about 3,000 newcomers. The worst was King Wu, and the strongest was King Wu. This number was terrifying.

It is worthy of the big world, in the small world, there is no such situation.

Lin Mo and Wang Jing checked into one of the rooms.

The room is very large, bigger than the rest cabin, it is estimated that it can accommodate more than ten people.

Sure enough, there were some booklets in the room. After Lin Mo opened it, there was an introduction to the Holy Land of Xuanguang, and there were rules here.

Lin Mo quickly opened the book of rules, and soon discovered that there was really no robbery allowed here.

“It’s really interesting, this Xuanguang Holy Land, do these like others fight?” Lin Mo muttered to himself.

At this time, the door was knocked.

Lin Mo walked over and suddenly saw a young woman standing outside the door, smiling and saying, “You are new here. My name is Murong Yaya, can I make friends?”

Lin Mo smiled in his heart, and it was this one again. It seems that robbery is very popular.

“Yes, do you want to come in and sit?” Lin Mo asked.

“No, I have to go to other places. By the way, it’s best not to go out recently. Some newcomers are starting to rob others.” Murong Yaya said.

Lin Mo was taken aback for a moment. Isn’t this girl really here to rob.

It’s really interesting.

After Lin Mo reported their names, they closed the door again.

“Wang Jing, get ready, ready to go out.” Lin Mo said.

It’s time to go out for a robbery, get something to fill up your storage ring.

When the two were about to leave, they heard the door ring again.

He opened the door and found a disciple of Xuanguang Holy Land standing outside the door, his clothes were very obvious.

“Lin Mo, right? I’m from the Holy Land. You broke the rules on the spacecraft and robbed others. Now come with us.”

Lin Mo was taken aback for a moment, squinting his eyes and looking at each other.

Wang Jing was shocked and was about to speak, but Lin Mo held his shoulders.

At the next moment, Lin Mo smiled and said, “Naturally, there is no problem, but I have prepared something to redeem, can you help me see it?”

“Atonement?” The disciple was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and said: “Okay.”

After speaking, he followed Lin Mo into the room.

As soon as he entered the room, the door suddenly closed. Lin Mo looked at him and said with a smile: “Murong Yaya, I thought you really didn’t come to rob. I didn’t expect you to use this method.”

Murong Yaya was shocked: “How can you tell.”

She is very confident in the mystery of her illusion.

In addition, she usually visits to make friends in the name of making friends to find out about the situation.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, others cannot recognize it at all.

I chose Lin Mo because I saw Chen Xueling’s special care for Lin Mo before.

In addition, she also met several other people specifically and asked about Lin Mo.

Among them is Gao Hai.

Gao Hai’s resentment towards Lin Mo was extremely strong, and he said a lot of bad things about Lin Mo, which gave Murong Yaya a lot of information.

Of course, those who can cultivate to Emperor Wu are not fools.What Gao Hai said is actually not important, like Lin Mo’s strength, etc., he didn’t say anything.

Gao Hai saw Murong Yaya’s purpose at a glance. After saying some information about Lin Mo, he sent Murong Yaya away.

In fact, Gao Hai wants to do it if his injury is not good.

“The profound meaning of illusion is a bit interesting, but unfortunately, your level of profound meaning is a bit low.”

Lin Mo quickly displayed the profound meaning of illusion, and instantly Murong Yaya’s disguise was broken, revealing the previous appearance.

Murong Yaya looked at Lin Mo in surprise: “You will also have the profound meaning of illusion~ “?”

Murong Yaya knows how difficult this environment is to comprehend.

If she hadn’t entered the ruins and got the inheritance, she would not have understood the profound meaning of this illusion, but it would have been a long time toss.

“Hand over the things. I don’t need to do it.” Lin Mo said.

This Murong Yaya’s strength is also at the Wuhuang level, but she should be 40 or 50 years old.

However, at the level of Emperor Wu, forty or fifty years old is actually very young, just like ordinary people in their teens.

Murong Yaya looked depressed and reluctantly took out her space ring.

There are many things she deceived in it.

In the past, even if she was discovered and possessed the profound meaning of illusion, she could easily escape.

But here in Lin Mo, there is no chance at all.

Lin Mo took the ring and looked at it, showing a satisfied look.

There are a lot of things in it. According to the unit of calculation given by Chen Xueling before, there are probably about three energy crystals.

Before Lin Mo robbed more than 20 people, plus his own, he also collected about ten squares of wealth.

Murong Yaya has three energy crystals herself.

A little rich woman.

Murong Yaya looked at Lin Mo’s smile and gritted her teeth angrily.

She is the first newcomer to come here, and finally accumulated all these wealth, but the result was all taken care of by Lin Mo. How can she not feel sad.

“Well, wealth is nothing but something outside of the body. Don’t go away with the old and don’t come with the new. Don’t be sad.” Lin Mo persuaded.

Murong Yaya almost vomited blood after hearing this. Is there anyone who persuades people like this?

If you really say that, you will return it to me, and the old will not go, and the new will not come.

“Tell me about the situation here?” Lin Mo said.

Robbery is a good idea, but the people here have been here for a while, presumably the situation is different from that on the spaceship.

Murong Yaya pouted: “If you want to rob others, then I advise you not to think about it. In fact, most of the people here have been robbed. Now the wealth is gathered in the hands of the three major forces.”

“Go on.” Lin Mo became more and more interested.

The three forces seem to be more convenient to rob in this way.

“The first one is Wang Yiren, there are 17 martial emperors under him, the second is Xiaochenchen, fifteen martial emperors under him, the third Beifeng Miaomiao, and twenty martial emperors under him…”

Lin Mo frowned slightly. There were too many people and it was really hard to start.

Although Lin Mo himself is strong, it is really difficult to deal with so many Wu Huangs at once.

But if it is a sneak attack, it should still be possible.

“You carry it in the house, I’ll go out.”

Lin Mo opened the door and walked outside.

From Murong Yaya’s mouth, he already knew the situation of the three.

Now, it’s time to rely on one’s own fantasy and the realm of cause and effect.

Lin Mo quickly became like Gao Hai.

This look used familiarity, Lin Mo didn’t feel guilty at all, who made him want to rob himself.

Lin Mo turned a corner and was about to walk towards the room where Wang Yiren was. When he saw the door to the front room opened, he walked out alone.

The two met each other and were stunned.

The next moment, the person opposite shouted loudly: “Lin Mo, you pretend to be me again!”

Lin Mo touched his nose, looking helpless.

This is bad luck, pretending to be Gao Hai, he actually ran into each other.

Another room door opened and Sister Lan came out.

Lan Qiaoqing said in surprise: “It seems, exactly the same, Lin Mo, can’t you do things with your looks?”

Lin Mo turned black and left quickly.

He changed the road and quickly came to the room near Wang Tianyi and others.

As a result, no people were seen, and then noisy noises were heard nearby. After going down one floor, they finally found these people.

These people were in a rookie room, the door was not closed, and they were robbing directly.

Lin Mo’s robbery was surreptitious, but these people are good, brazen, and they are indeed condensed into power.

Lin Mo quietly walked over, took a look, and quickly rushed into the room, closing the door by the way.

At this time, in the room, Wang Tian was furious and didn’t grab anything.

This new batch of newcomers is so bad, there is nothing at all.

At this moment, he turned his head abruptly, looked at Lin Mo who came in, and shouted: “Who are you?”

Lin Mo didn’t speak, and directly displayed the illusion, and immediately countless strange beasts attacked them.


These people were shocked, and they used their mind powers one after another.

Sure enough, the next moment, Lin Mo’s illusion was broken.

At the same time, a bunch of fields shrouded.

Lin Mo felt a strong pressure covering him, and he really couldn’t do so many people at the same time.

Lin Mo also used the realm of cause and effect, and the Wang who punched directly flew towards him.

Lin Mo flashed his body and quickly appeared in front of Wang Yiren.

The Wang was furious and opened his palm to Lin Mo.

He was also shocked at this time, Lin Mo actually knew the realm of causality.

This is the top area.

Lin Mo easily caught the opponent’s attack, and took away the opponent’s space ring in the next second.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Mo moved his body quickly, his speed was maximized, and he quickly avoided seven or eight attacks.

These people are all strong at the Wuhuang level, and seven or eight people attacked at the same time. If Lin Mo was recruited, he would also be seriously injured.

While avoiding, Lin Mo also glanced at the contents of the ring.

The space ring does not recognize the master, and generally can be used by anyone in the hand.

The contents inside shocked Lin Mo, who looked like twenty-five square energy crystals.

“. 々It is worthy of being one of the three powers, there are so many things.”

Lin Mo flashed his body and quickly walked out of the room.

From the very beginning, he didn’t plan to fight them hard, just grab the space ring directly. Why are you fighting?

Wang Yiren and others rushed out of the room, but Lin Mo was no longer visible.

“Damn it, who is this guy?” Wang Yiren roared angrily.

“The profound meaning of illusion, the realm of causality, the profound meaning of speed, among the newcomers, there is such a strong one!” A Wu Huang said in shock.

Hearing this, everyone’s anger was extinguished a lot.

Such people, even at the same level as them, are not easy to offend.

“I think, let’s forget it,” someone said.

“Yes, forget it.” Someone said again.

Wang Yiren heard that he was furious, and it was not these guys who had lost things, so he said so naturally.

It’s just that these people are not his subordinates, but his allies, and for a while, he doesn’t know what to say.

At this time, Lin Mo quickly walked towards another place.

Soon there was a roar from another place.

After a while, Lin Mo ran away quickly.

Another space ring arrived.

Although the contents of Wang Yiren and Xiaofeng’s space ring were not everything they had snatched.

But for Lin Mo, it is enough.

But then, Lin Mo planned to grab Bei Feng Miaomiao, but found that the other party was hiding in the room and couldn’t get out.

Obviously knowing the situation here, I was too scared to come out (Zhao De’s).

I have to say that Lin Mo’s speed, magic, and causal realm are combined. In the case of a surprise attack, the effect is really good.

Lin Mo returned to the room.

Murong Yaya saw Lin Mo coming back and pouted: “You can’t get it, I advise you to give up. The attack by more than a dozen Martial Emperors is too terrifying.”

Lin Mo smiled and said: “Who said I couldn’t get it, except that Beifeng Miaomiao did not get it, the other two got it.”

Lin Mo tossed the two rings in his hand.

Murong Yaya looked at the ring in Lin Mo’s hand and said in shock, “How is it possible?”

She couldn’t believe that Lin Mo actually grabbed it, and it took such a short time.

At this time, a violent knock on the door sounded: “Lin Mo, open the door, give me things back!”

It was Wang Yiren’s voice, and he chased it after all.

Lin Mo’s disguise this time was even more unsuccessful.

But he didn’t intend to cover it up.

Lin Mo glanced at Murong Yaya and said, “I’m going to start cultivating. You can go cold.”

Murong Yaya almost vomited blood. In this case, things would happen if she went out by herself.

“I’ll stay with you. There are many rooms here anyway,” Murong Yaya said.

Lin Mo started to practice, ignoring the people outside.

Outside the door, Wang Tianyi and Xiao Chenfeng almost burst into anger.

This time the item was robbed, it was ashamed to be thrown home, the power accumulated before, all of a sudden disappeared.

Of course the most important thing is that both of them became paupers.

The two knocked on the door for a long time, and finally found that Lin Mo ignored them at all and could only leave helplessly.

Three days later, the newcomer assessment has finally begun! .

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