Chapter 87

Lin Mo robbed a total of 23 people, and then it was impossible to proceed because the matter was completely exposed.

The rest of the people either all ran to the entertainment area, or they closed the door and refused to come out.

This makes Lin Mo very helpless.

However, the harvest is also super rich, allowing Lin Mo to enjoy a feeling of wealth.

He came to the exchange area, except for a few more expensive ones, everything else was exchanged for the needed medicine.

He bought one hundred of the Wuhuang-level body refining medicine, Longshan Pill.

The pill to enhance the power of mind, Yuanchen Pill. I also purchased a hundred of them.

In addition, I also purchased one hundred Wanwu Pills, which are specially used to restore the body.

In fact, it is best to use vital energy to restore the body.

Last time he hunted and killed many Beastmasters, Lin Mo collected some life energy.

However, life energy is precious and it is too wasteful to use for cultivation.

It is better to recover with pill in normal times.

After purchasing these pills, Lin Mo found himself almost a pauper again.

The elixir of Wuhuang level was too expensive, and the amount Lin Mo purchased was a bit large, which immediately ran out of property.

But Lin Mo didn’t care, he just made a profit after running out.

If you are strong, making money is not easy.

Before because of the token, he hurried to the place where the spaceship appeared, and the rest of the profound meaning has not been comprehended.

Lin Mo started taking the pill and began to enlighten the profound meaning of Qiqiqi.

Wang Jing looked at Lin Mo’s cultivation and was very confused. Is this Lin Mo’s cultivation method?

Can such a simple practice method make Lin Mo so strong?

He couldn’t understand at all, he could only sit on the side and absorb energy.

Not to mention, the vitality in this spaceship is more abundant than the vitality of the small world, and the effect of cultivation is better.


Gao Hai walked out of his resting cabin, and his injuries finally recovered.

“Fortunately, I still kept a hand and hid some life-saving things. Although Lin Mo snatched my two space rings, I still didn’t find the last one.” Gao Hai said.

He walked out of the resting cabin, ready to continue.

Now that he has nothing, he can only start robbery again.

As long as he grabs four or five, he can replenish what he lost before, and even more than before.

Gao Hai walked towards the end of the rest cabin on this floor.

Generally, the closer it is to the end, the more you have just boarded the spacecraft.

At the same time, once someone moves in, the light on the gate will also light up.

Gao Hai found the latest rest cabin and knocked on the door.

Soon, the door was opened, and a young man walked out, looked at Gao Hai, his eyes lit up, and he smiled and said, “Is there anything wrong?”

Gao Hai smiled and said: “You must have just boarded the spacecraft, you must be unclear about the rules here, I know some unspoken rules here, how about we talk about it?”

Gao Hai said skillfully, this method is a testament to Bailing.

The person who just came up is very unfamiliar with this place. At this time, someone tells him these rules, even if the other party doesn’t believe it, they will choose to listen.

As long as you let him in, you can take it in an instant.

“Okay, please come in.” The young man said with a smile.

Gao Hai walked towards the room.

As soon as he took a step, he felt a little uneasy in his heart. At the same time, when he first saw the young man, his expression quickly appeared in his mind.

“Something’s wrong!”

Gao Hai swiftly withdrew, and the next moment he saw more than a dozen martial emperor-level powerhouses rushing out of the opponent’s room.

One area quickly covered him!

His face changed drastically at this sight.

He stood in the passage, cold sweat constantly shed.

If this has just entered, I am afraid that I will be beaten to death again.

“Gao Hai, if you are lucky, next time you meet, I will definitely want you to die.”

“Hmph, dare to rob us and wait for our revenge.”

“Gao Hai, you and I will never die…”

“Gao Hai, obediently call out what you robbed of me, otherwise, even if you get to the Holy Land of Profound Light, I won’t let you go.”


These people shouted sharply, but did not rush out.

Now the most things are gone. If this rushes into the passage, if there is a conflict, and it is deemed to be fighting in the passage and thrown off the spaceship, then it will be a big loss.

Gao Hai watched this scene dumbfounded.

He has robbed some people, but there are no such people in the question.

He is an extremely intelligent person, and he will understand after a little thought.

Someone pretends to be himself!

And that person’s strength is probably extremely powerful, so he can rob so many people.

Even, not all of them are here.

For a time, Gao Hai was in grief and indignation.

“I didn’t do it, I was framed too!” Gao Hai hurriedly shouted.

“Don’t deny it, it’s you.”

“Yes, I still want to deny it, huh, can’t we be idiots?”

“You wait, sooner or later I will pack you up.”


These people didn’t believe it at all, they cursed one by one.

Gao Hai almost cried at this time.

He quickly analyzed, and soon, a person appeared in his mind.

It can even be said that that person is the only candidate.

“Lin Mo, I’m not over with you!” Gao Hai shouted angrily.

At this time, a young woman walked by, looked at this place, and couldn’t help asking: “What’s wrong with you here?”

Gao Hai took a look, and was immediately attracted by the opponent’s eyebrows, what a beautiful girl.

He hurriedly said the matter, and then a helpless expression appeared on his face: “This young lady, how innocent you say I am. There is no reason to be wronged.”

The young woman nodded and said, “It’s true, that person is Damn it. You can just come to me for a drink and don’t care about them.”

drink wine?

Gao Hai was happy and nodded quickly.

He glanced at those people and snorted disdainfully. It was all waste to be robbed so easily.

Gao Hai followed the young woman into the other’s resting cabin.

Before entering the rest cabin, he deliberately sensed that there was only another woman in the room.

And that woman was exactly the same as the woman she had met.


I am too convinced.

Gao Hai feels that this must be God’s compensation for himself, if they can all win together…

He walked in, when the door was closed.

“Gao Hai, die!”

There was a sharp shout.

The next moment, the double five-element magnetic field quickly fell, and Gao Hai was instantly fixed in place, unable to move.

Yes, the twins are sisters Lan Keqing and Lan Qiaoqing.

“Gao Hai, rob us and die!” Lan Qiaoqing exclaimed angrily.

Gao Hai was completely dumbfounded when he heard Lan Qiaoqing’s words.

Then Lin Mo cursed in his heart: “Asshole, you even grab such beautiful twins. Are you still a man?”

He hurriedly said: “Both of them are misunderstandings. I just said that it is another person. He may have displayed a certain ability and become like me.”

Lan Qiaoqing nodded: “I know, you are not him, you are too bad, our Five Elements Magnetic Domain can’t deal with him at all.”

Listening to Lan Qiaoqing’s words, Gao Hai was both sad and happy.

Finally, someone believed him, and the reason turned out to be that he was too weak.

At this moment, he wanted to cry.

“But your face is really annoying, sister, hit him!” Lan Qiaoqing shouted.

Lan Keqing walked over, her breath cold…

She punched Gao Hai in the face.

Here, Lan Qiaoqing also hit Gao Hai’s face with a punch.

Soon, Gao Hai’s face became a pig’s head, and he couldn’t see the original appearance at all.

“It’s much better this way, let’s talk about it, who is that person?” Lan Qiaoqing asked.

“It’s Lin Mo, it’s him, it must be him, you must seek revenge from him.”

Gao Hai mumbled.

At this time, his heart was desperate, and he only wanted to retaliate against Lin Mo.

If you don’t cheat like this, you will cheat me.

After figuring out the real culprit behind the scenes, Gao Hai was quickly thrown out of the resting cabin.

He ran back to his resting pod in horror, and didn’t dare to come out.

Lin Mo didn’t know that the matter of planting Gao Hai himself was exposed so quickly.

Of course, I don’t care if I know it.

At this moment, he feels good.

Soon, the profound meaning of fire was completely understood.

Suddenly, the temperature of the rest cabin was much higher.

Wang Jing opened his eyes and took a look, slightly surprised.

“The profound meaning of fire, why does the master comprehend this? But this is a good comprehension. After comprehending the four profound meanings, you can continue to comprehend other things.”

Wang Jing sighed slightly.

Just like artistic conception, the more profound meanings generally understood, the more difficult it will be to comprehend later.

Generally a kind of profound meaning is the easiest, and then the difficulty keeps increasing.

Therefore, when a lot of King Wu first comprehend, they would choose the most difficult one, and after the most difficult one was killed, the others could continue to comprehend.

Otherwise, put the difficult ones behind, for fear that the latter will not be able to comprehend them at all.

Wang Jing closed his eyes and continued to practice.

In a blink of an eye, five days passed.

Wang Jingzheng was cultivating, and he felt that his cultivation was really comfortable these few days. Compared with his previous cultivation, he has made some progress in his cultivation.

At this time, a strong wind blew in the room suddenly.

This surprised him very much. The room was closed, where did the wind come from.

He opened his eyes and suddenly saw cyan energy condensed around Lin Mo.

The Profound Meaning of Wind!

Wang Jing’s eyes widened in disbelief.

And comprehend a kind of profound meaning!

How can this be?

It’s not so fast even to comprehend the artistic conception.

Wang Jing remembered how he had comprehended the profound meaning in the first place. He is considered to have a good talent, but he can comprehend a kind of profound meaning, which takes more than a year on average.

The last kind of profound meaning, he spent a full four years.

For five days, Wang Jing felt 4.7 his heart ached a little, and the air seemed a little stuffy.

“How can you be my master if you are not strong? My master is so strong.”

After comforting himself, Wang Jing closed his eyes and continued to practice.

Six days later, he suddenly felt particularly damp in the room, as if his clothes were all wet.

He suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Lin Mo.

Sure enough, Lin Mo understood the meaning of water.

At this moment, Wang Jing completely collapsed.

“I haven’t played like that, how can I practice cultivation?”

The king’s heart roared wildly.

Fifteen days, three kinds of profound meanings.

Think about it, it took him two years to comprehend the three profound meanings.

And if you count from the end, it’s nearly six years.

Six years, fifteen days.

Wang Jing felt that he was about to vomit blood.

“No, I can’t stay. I’ll go out.”

Wang Jing suddenly opened the door of the room and walked towards the entertainment area without cultivating anymore.

If he continues to practice, he will be in a madness.

Lin Mo didn’t know Wang Jing’s situation at all, and this speed was too normal in his opinion.

He continued to comprehend the profound meaning of the earth.

Then there is light and darkness.

As long as we are fully aware, we will be able to condense the realm of all things.

At that time, he will be able to own the two highest-level domains.

Lin Mo continued to comprehend while sitting and doing push-ups. .

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