Chapter 80

There are not many things in the stone mansion, first of all a small number of books.

These books don’t know what materials they are made of. It is estimated that they are at least several thousand years old, and there is nothing at all.

Lin Mo opened it and read it.

However, he didn’t recognize the above fonts, so he found a translator to translate it. It was a relatively remote font.

After reading the above, Lin Mo looked a little excited.

The above record is impressively related to the breakthrough of King Wu to Emperor Wu.

Maybe it was because these things weren’t too important to that person, so when they left, they didn’t take them away.

In order to reach the realm of King Wu, it is indeed necessary to combine the profound meanings to condense the realm of profound meanings.

But the so-called condensing of the three kinds of profound meanings is actually the lowest level of the set of profound meanings.

The Wuhuang level is the real difference between genius and waste.

It is introduced in the book that the real high-level combination is actually not only three combinations, but more combinations, and the objects of the combination are also selective.

For example, there are four types of earth, fire, fengshui, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth species, or even a combination of the seven types of earth, fire, fengshui, thunder, light, and darkness.

In addition, it can also be a combination of the four profound meanings of life, destruction, death, and destiny.

The combination of these results in the Profound Realm, which is much stronger than the general Profound Realm.

In the battle of Emperor Wu, maybe if you open the domain, the opponent may lose.

The method of combination is also written above, Lin Mo finally knows how to condense into a field, which actually requires the participation of mental power.

In other words, if you have enough profound meaning, you still need enough mental power.

Mental power is actually the glue of the three profound meanings.

Lin Mo thought for a while and decided to choose the four major attributes of life, destruction, death, and destiny to condense the field.

These four condensed realms, called the 680 cause and effect realms, are the top realms.

In addition, the realm of all-attribute condensation is called the comprehension of all things.

Everything in the world is also made up of these things.

Lin Mo turned to the end and saw one thing, his eyes lit up.

Dual domain skills!

This was created by a Wu Huang who couldn’t break through to a higher level.

Originally, a person could only combine one domain, but because that person was unable to break through, in order to increase his strength, he created another domain.

Lin Mo originally planned to abandon the realm of everything and condense the realm of cause and effect, but now he has decided to understand everything.

It is difficult for others to comprehend the profound meaning, even for those Wu Huang, it is not easy to comprehend the profound meaning, but for Lin Mo, it is not difficult.

But this time there are more profound meanings that need to be understood, and the time required is probably longer.

Lin Mo put down the book and began to look at other things.

Soon, he took out a token with the word Xuanguang written on it.

“What token is this? Is it a large force?”

Lin Mo guessed in his mind.

He also didn’t understand. After putting the token away again, Lin Mo took a look at other things. They were just ordinary things and worthless.

This disappointed him.

Lin Mo waved his hand and the king of beasts was quickly released.

The king of beasts looked at Lin Mo, smiled quickly, and shouted, “Master.”

Lin Mo asked: “What’s your name?”

The Eighth Beast King quickly said: “Master, my name is Aunt Carrit, Naos.”

Lin Mo had a headache after hearing it. The name was too difficult to remember. The name of this strange beast was the same as the foreigner he had encountered before.

“From today, you are the bastard.” Lin Mo said.

The King Eight Beast King was stunned, silent, if it wasn’t for the person in front of him to be its owner, it would definitely rush up and beat the opponent severely.

Lin Mo’s voice suddenly rose: “Why, not satisfied.”

“Satisfied, the master gave me a name, how could I be dissatisfied.” The Eighth Beast King quickly said with a smile.

It feels bitter, but people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

The descendant of its dignified Xuanwu has actually become the bachelor of the king, and it loses Xuanwu’s face when he talks about it.

Lin Mo nodded in satisfaction, and then said, “Show me gravity.”

The king and eight beast kings don’t understand what Lin Mo means, but the master tells himself to release gravity, just release it honestly.

His little gravity can’t hurt Lin Mo.

A piece of gray energy appeared. In an instant, Lin Mo felt as if he was carrying a million catties on his back.

Lin Mo squatted down and started doing push-ups.

As soon as he did it, his eyes lit up.


No matter what he did before, the maximum increase of 20,000 catties in one hour was up to 480,000 catties in twenty-four hours a day.

But there is still a need to rest in the middle, so 300,000 catties is the limit set by Lin Mo.

And now, he found that he could increase to 30,000 catties in one hour.

“Battle, increase gravity.” Lin Mo shouted.

Hearing Lin Mo’s words, Wang Ba added another million catties.

Suddenly Lin Mo found that the effect had been strengthened again. In one hour, he could probably increase his strength by 40,000 catties, which was doubled.

“Show all your gravity.”

Lin Mo remembered that during the previous battle, the gravity exerted by the eight beast kings was much stronger than it is now, probably reaching five or six million catties.

Don’t look at this and Lin Mo’s own strength is very different, but if you are carrying five or six million catties to fight against people, the impact is still very large.

The king and eight beast kings don’t understand what Lin Mo is doing. He is practicing in gravity, but he can become stronger by practicing in this way, bullshit.

However, since the owner said it, it naturally displays it quickly.

The gravity suddenly increased, much stronger than Lin Mo imagined, reaching a full 7 million catties.

But think about it, when the king of the eight beast kings used it before, the area covered by it was very large, but now the area covered by it is much smaller.

Lin Mo started to practice again. This time, he could reach about 80,000 jin in one hour. In other words, Lin Mo could cultivate for one hour now, and he could reach (bdeh) the situation in the past four hours.

The only problem is that the energy consumed is more serious.

“Looking back, I also understood the profound meaning of gravity. It won’t be fun any day that the eight beast kings of the province hang up.” Lin Mo muttered silently.

Lin Mo took out some pills and took them. Now the effects of these pills on him are much smaller. After all, his body is far from what Peak Wu Wang can compare.

And these pills are for the peak Wuwang.

However, Lin Mo didn’t have a martial emperor-level pill, so he could barely handle it.

He began to do push-ups, and while doing it, he began to comprehend the mood of death.

Two days later, the other peak martial kings also returned.

The remaining Beastmasters were basically cleaned up by them.

The rest, belonging to Tibet, are too hidden, and they can’t find it either.

But even if there is, it is estimated that there is only one head.

As they returned, Lin Mo held a meeting again.

“Qin Feng, these alien animal corpses, and these spirit medicines, you can use them to refine the pill. This is the pill I want.”

Lin Mo threw the previous ring back.

Lin Mo left a part of the corpse of the Beastmaster inside, all of which are top-notch.

As for the elixir, they were obtained from the Eight Kings of Beasts.

As a beast king who has lived for thousands of years, he has many treasures in his collection, and now they are all cheap Lin Mo.

“Yes, my lord.” Qin Feng said.

Lin Mo waved his hand and some papers flew out: “This is a method of condensing the realm of profound meaning. If you can make a breakthrough, you can try it yourself.”

The method of cohesion says that the value is indeed worth the money, and that it is worthless, but it is actually worthless.

For this thing, Lin Mo did not intend to keep it.

In fact, even if it was given to them, they would not be able to condense, and the strongest among them was only to comprehend the two profound meanings.

But even so, these people are overjoyed and are full of gratitude to Lin Mo.

“How is the integration going?” Lin Mo asked.

“It’s almost done, the next step is to make a full announcement.” Qin Feng said.

Lin Mo nodded and said, “Publish it. From today, even if it is completely unified.”

Immediately Lin Mo looked at Zhou Qunfeng, waved his hand, and a pile of ore appeared. He smiled and said: “I heard that Brother Zhou is the best at refining equipment. This is a batch of top ore I got. I want to ask you to help. I refine a weapon.”

These ores were also obtained by Lin Mo from the king of beasts.

I have to say that this old guy has lived a long time and has gained a lot.

“No problem, I must help the adults refine it well.” Zhou Qunfeng said quickly.

Lin Mo nodded, took out the Dutian Sword, and let Zhou Qunfeng take a look.

Du Tian Dao suits Wu Wang at most, but Lin Mo felt unsuitable when he reached the peak of Wu Wang.

However, he was promoted too quickly, so he didn’t change, and now he finally decided to change.

After explaining some things, Lin Mo was about to leave. At this time, An Tianding walked over and said with a smile: “My lord, I have something here, I hope it will be useful to adults.”

Lin Mo took it over and took a look. It turned out to be some of Wang Tianba’s notes.

Wang Tianba was the one who hollowed out the shell of the eight beast kings.

“Thank you, this is very important to me.” Lin Mo said with joy.

“As long as the adults don’t blame me for the past, it was too reckless before.” An Tianding said quickly.

Since Lin Mo killed Qiu Yuanbin and Li Zhiheng, she has been worried about Lin Mo and her calculations.

At this time, I took advantage of this opportunity to give gifts in a hurry.

Lin Mo smiled and waved his hand to indicate that the matter was over.

This made An Tianding couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Lin Mo opened this diary, which recorded Wang Tianba’s previous deeds.

“Today, I unified the human realm. Within the human realm, there is no one who can fight against me. It is really boring. Tomorrow I will find a strange beast.”


“Yah, that old bastard hides in the formation under the big lake, so I can’t kill it, it’s really annoying.”

Lin Mo smiled slightly. He had encountered this incident himself, but the difference was that he broke the big formation and subdued the eight beast kings.

He continued to look down, and the things below immediately aroused his great interest. .

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