Chapter 77

Looking at this talented supernatural power, Lin Mo was slightly silent.

It’s not that this talent’s supernatural powers are not strong enough, but this talent’s supernatural powers are somewhat limited.

Talent supernatural power: the mountain deity.

Lin Mo just has some bloodline activated, even if it breaks out, it is far from reaching the mountain giant.

And once he uses his magical powers, he can turn into a mountain giant.

In a short period of time, the strength and defensive power broke out in an instant.

But there is also a problem, that is, once it is used, the body will become extremely huge.

At that time, he will become naked.

Lin Mo intends to go back and let them study whether there are clothing made of special materials that can be stretched during transformation and will not break.

Lin Mo squeezed his fist. He didn’t know how strong he was, only that he was much stronger than before.

He glanced at the machine, hesitated, walked over and punched it.


The whole machine exploded directly.

Lin Mo was silent, he knew this was the case.

“Forget it, don’t care about it for now.”

Lin Mo walked outside.

He picked up his communicator and said, “Everyone will come and gather.”

Qin Feng and others all received the news and hurriedly moved towards the Bai Beast Martial Arts Hall.

In these days, they have integrated their forces. Although they have not yet joined forces, they can quickly change as long as Lin Mo gives an order.

In the conference room, Lin Mo sits at the top and the others sit down, all looking up at Lin Mo.

Before they looked at Lin Mo and didn’t feel anything, but now Lin Mo is sitting, but it puts them under great pressure.

This kind of feeling, they only felt when they were still very weak, such as the martial artist level.

At that time, they looked at those general level monsters, beast kings, martial masters, and martial kings.

This is the aura suppression that will be produced when the strength of the two reaches a certain level.

And now, this feeling has appeared again.

This shocked them.

A month ago, although Lin Mo was able to crush them, he did not feel that way.

This month, Lin Mo’s strength has improved to what extent.

For a while, these people seemed a little nervous.

Lin Mo looked at them and said with a smile: “Don’t be nervous, I am calling you here this time, mainly for the purpose of setting up an alliance. In the future, you will be members of parliament, and I will serve as chairperson for the time being.”

Qin Feng smiled and said, “In fact, it would be good for an adult to be the owner directly. Why bother to be a councillor?”

The others also nodded. Lin Mo is too strong. They are the same as the MPs. They are actually the same.

Lin Mo didn’t explain, and said, “That’s it. You go to build the parliament hall, and then integrate all the forces. From now on, human beings will be one. There is no need to fight each other, and it is obvious that they are powerful, but they are always suppressed by alien beasts.”

In fact, if they can unite, they are stronger than alien beasts.

Since Lin Mo said so, these people dare not object.

“Let’s go, take you to kill the alien beasts today. Kill all the beast kings first.” Lin Mo said lightly.

The hearts of the other people suddenly raised, and finally they were about to slaughter the alien beast.

These people followed Lin Mo and flew towards the king’s court of the alien beast.

Among the different beasts, the beast kings are usually scattered in various places, but in it, there is a royal court, which is the place where the beast kings usually gather.

Even when there is no gathering, there will be a lot of Beastmasters staying there, because there is a huge energy lake with extremely abundant energy.

Lin Mo and others flew directly in the sky, without restraining the aura of themselves and others.

The strange beasts below felt the powerful aura of these people, and they fled quickly with fright.

Soon, many peak beast kings also got news, and they were furious.

The Sky Swallowing Python roared: “Humans are so brave, is this wanting to go to full-scale war with us?”

It has the least affection for humans. Last time its subordinates were almost slaughtered by Lin Mo, and even the subordinates of several other beast kings were slaughtered.

The purple-gold dragon snorted coldly: “I said a long time ago that we will go to war with them in an all-round way. This area is ours. Humans should honestly be our food.”

“They are going to war this time, just accompany them to war.”

Said a huge colorful spider.

This is the King of Colorful Spiders, a kind of spider with great toxicity.

Around it, the other beast kings avoided far away.

Once there was a Beastmaster who died because of being poisoned near it.

At this time, in the energy lake, a bastard swam up.

This bastard has a huge body, and his head is a dragon head.

This guy obviously has the blood of Xuanwu.

Don’t look at the purple and gold dragons here, but these, in fact, are not as good as this bastard in blood.

Seeing this bastard walk ashore, all the beast kings looked at it.

“Boss, what do you say?” Swallowing Python asked.

This bastard is the head of these beast kings.

The king and eight beast kings glanced at these beast kings and said, “Since the humans are going to fight, then we will accompany them. Forget it, if we haven’t taken action for so many years, the humans must have forgotten me.”

The king and eight beast king recalled the battle he once fought with that person.

For so many years, it didn’t make another move because of that person.

“I don’t know if you are still alive, but after so many years, even if you are still alive, it is impossible to come back.” The Eighth Beast King said softly.

He turned his head and glanced at his shell, and saw that the middle position was sunken in a piece, which was beaten by that person back then.

“Humans, I will pay you back the harm you brought me.” The Eighth Beast King said viciously.

Over the years, it hasn’t gone out, just because it’s worried that the person hasn’t left.

There is actually a natural array in this energy lake, hiding in it, which can save your life.

As early as a few hundred years ago, its injury had actually recovered. In these hundreds of years, it has been cultivating, and its strength is much stronger than other pinnacle beast kings.

At this time, there was an explosion!

The earth trembled slightly.

In the wilderness, the artistic conception of Lin Mo and others approached the court of the King of Beasts.

At this time, there was a deep pit with a diameter of two hundred meters on the ground of the explosion.

Inside the pit, there was only a pile of minced meat.

Just now, there was a high-level Beastmaster.

The reason why this high-level Beastmaster did not leave was to warn Lin Mo and others to leave, thinking that Lin Mo and others would not go to war immediately.

As a result, Lin Mo didn’t say anything, and punched it down, and it became like this.

Lin Mo actually just wanted to test how strong he is after the breakthrough.

Considering that this is just a high-level Beastmaster, he only used about 30% of his power, but the result was still too powerful.

Lin Mo wondered whether his current strength had exceeded 200 million catties.

Looking at the huge pit below, Qin Feng and the others also quickened their heartbeats.

They tried to replace themselves with below in their minds, and found that although they would not die like this high-level Beastmaster, they would definitely be seriously injured…

Even the kind of serious injury that was completely abolished.

For a while, the eyes of these people looking at Lin Mo became more jealous and respectful.

It’s too strong to offend.

At this time these people have already decided that Lin Mo will say what he says in the future.

Building an alliance, even if Lin Mo says that all of them belong to his family, it’s okay.

It’s horrible, Lin Mo is no longer at the same level as them.

Lin Mo stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and a cloud of green energy was caught from the minced meat below.

Life energy!

This thing Lin Mo ran out when he broke through before, so I plan to save some more at this time.

At the time of the breakthrough, if there was no life energy, Lin Mo alone felt that he might not be able to make it through.

The power generated when the bloodline awakens is too strong, and the body simply can’t bear it.

The group continued to move towards the court of the alien beast king.

After the previous high-level Beastmaster was blasted, no other Beastmaster dared to stop Yijing.

However, Lin Mo and others had not yet reached the court of the alien beasts, they encountered those alien beasts.

Obviously, these Beastmasters didn’t want to fight in the royal court either. After all, there was a lake of energy there. If they were to fight there, it would be lost all at once.

Lin Mo was looking at the opposite beast king at this time, there were hundreds of heads in total, and the head was a huge king and eight beast kings.

Looking at this king of eight beasts, Lin Mo suddenly drooled.

He suddenly remembered the turtle soup he had eaten before, it tasted so delicious.

Such a big turtle must taste better.

The king and eight beast kings felt a chill all over his body at this time, and he hurriedly ran his energy to feel better.

The swallowing python flew out and shouted: “Lin Mo, are you planning to go to full-scale war with us? You humans don’t want to live anymore.”

Lin Mo smiled carelessly and said, ”

Swallowing Python, I settled the matter with you the last time. This time it happened to be solved together. It is so complete, and it happened to be solved together today. ”

Lin Mo flew out alone as he said.

Qin Feng and the others glanced at each other, then quickly backed away.

Seeing this scene, these Beastmasters were a bit stunned.

“You don’t plan to fight all of our Beastmasters alone. Hahaha, Lin Mo, you are getting more and more mad 4.7.”

The swallowing python laughed loudly.

He had only seen the battle between Lin Mo and Chijin Titan before. Lin Mo was indeed very powerful and could kill Chijin Titan, but they, these pinnacle beast kings, could easily kill Lin Mo.

The king of beasts looked at Lin Mo, and a person appeared in his mind.

At this time Lin Mo’s behavior was too similar to that person.

He came like this at the beginning, and then he was severely injured, and escaped to the bottom of the energy lake at a critical moment, only to save his life.

Lin Mo took a step forward and instantly appeared in front of the swallowing python.

This guy repeatedly provokes himself, so let’s start with this guy.

When the swallowing python saw Lin Mo appear, his eyes were full of fierce light, and he opened his mouth, and a black light shot out from his mouth, with rancidity.

At the same time, its voice resounded across the land: “Haha, Lin Mo, you are so careless, under the light of my death, you are dead.”

The Beastmaster’s voice didn’t come from his mouth.

In terms of body structure, they are actually no different from other monsters.

Being able to speak is a way of using their mind power.

The general-level strange beast lacks mental power, has no thought power, and cannot speak.


The black light suddenly exploded, and Lin Mo appeared on the head of the swallowing python.

The sound of the swallowing python stopped abruptly and looked at Lin Mo in horror. .

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