Chapter 73

In Xuanwu City, Qin Feng is enjoying the food leisurely.

At his level, it is already very difficult to improve. Maybe he has cultivated for a month without any improvement in his strength.

At this point, he envied Lin Mo very much. Lin Mo is a pervert. He has reached the pinnacle of martial arts, and he has broken through all day without incident.

Comprehend a profound meaning today, and break through spiritual power tomorrow.

Although the cultivation time was much shorter than that of them, the artistic conception was now ahead of them.

Since there was no way to progress in cultivation, Qin Feng naturally began to enjoy life.

This point, in fact, the top martial kings are almost the same.

He was eating delicious food when he saw his assistant walk in quickly.

His assistant is his nephew, who is brought by his side and cultivated himself.

The only thing that made him a little regretful was that this nephew’s talent was indeed not good. After so long of cultivation, he reached the level of a peak martial artist, and he was unable to condense his thoughts and become a martial king.

He also gave him a lot of things to strengthen his mental power, but it still didn’t work.

“Uncle, something big happened.” Qin Hai said.

“What’s the big deal?” Qin Feng said calmly.

The same thing is a major event in Qin Hai’s eyes, but not necessarily a major event in his eyes.

“Curator Lin Mo slaughtered tens of thousands of strange animals.” Qin Hai said.


Qin Feng was shocked: “Is he trying to fight a full-scale war with the alien beast?”

He admired Lin Mo’s strength very much.

At least Qin Feng believes that he is not Lin Mo’s opponent, and even admits that he is the No. 1 Martial King.

But even so, he would not think that Lin Mo could fight all the monsters alone.

“Is there any reaction from the alien beast?” Qin Feng asked.

Although asked, Qin Hai could already imagine what happened this time.

“No, it’s very calm. I even heard that Sky Swallowing Python was restricted by many Peak Beast Kings.” Qin Hai said.

13  “It turned out to be like this, it seems that something should have happened, but it’s okay to be able to slaughter tens of thousands of animals, it’s really amazing.” Qin Feng sighed.

He thought for a while, and said, “You go to the Hundred Beast Martial Arts Hall to express your condolences. Just say that we are in the Extremely Frozen Martial Art Hall. At any time, we will stand with their Hundred Beast Martial Arts Hall.”

Qin Hai’s expression changed slightly: “Uncle, isn’t this too risky, what if a strange beast really comes to attack?”

Qin Feng shouted angrily: “You idiot, hasn’t your mental power been broken, and you are stupid enough to do it now.”

Qin Hai was very afraid of Qin Feng and left quickly.

Qin Feng looked at Qin Hai, his nephew, who wants to break through King Wu, seems to have to ask Lin Mo for help.

For his nephew, he also spent a lot of effort. There is no shortage of pills, exercises, etc., but there is no way to break through, and there is no way.

At this time, people from other forces also knew about it.

After some sighs, people also handed in information one after another, expressing their willingness to advance and retreat together.

No one who can become the pinnacle martial arts king is a fool. You can know what the situation is by looking at the performance of the alien beast, and it’s like Qin Hai, who still doesn’t know the situation clearly.

Lin Mo didn’t go back to the martial arts hall directly, but walked around. In his opinion, the reason why his fantasy artistic conception did not break through was entirely because he had too little knowledge.

Only by watching more things and accumulating some pictures can we break through.

After shopping for half a month, Lin Mo returned to the martial arts gym.

As soon as he saw Lin Mo, Qiuyunshan hurried over.

Half a month ago, after he learned the news, he was almost frightened to death.

He thought that Lin Mo was going out, just to negotiate with the strange beasts, but Lin Mo actually killed thousands of strange beasts.

Just when he thought he was going to go to war, the alien beast was quiet.

For a time, he admired Lin Mo.

“The curator, this is a post sent by the major forces, expressing their willingness to advance and retreat together.” Qiu Yunshan said with a smile.

Lin Mo picked it up and looked at it, and said with a smile: “It’s all very good at giving favors. Knowing that they won’t be able to fight, they all posted this post.”

“By the way, Curator Qin Feng hopes that you can help his nephew promote to King Wu. He is willing to take out a hundred Shenlong Pills.” Qiu Yunshan said.

Shenlong Pill, a pill that strengthens the body, is also very helpful to the peak Wuwang.

One hundred, this is a very huge fortune. It is no longer a matter of money. Many of the medicinal materials needed are very precious. They need to go deep into the wilderness, and even get them from some martial king-level monsters.

Even a powerful person like Qin Feng could not easily obtain it.

Lin Mo released his thought power and found Qin Feng in an instant.

Qin Feng was watching a play at this time, and as soon as that feeling appeared, he knew it was Lin Mo.

“Curator Qin is really leisurely. Bring your nephew.” Lin Mo’s voice sounded.

Qin Feng complained for a while, and in front of Lin Mo, there was almost no personal privacy.

But when he heard Lin Mo promised to help his son, he was overjoyed.

Soon, he took Qin Hai to the Beast Martial Arts Hall.

Qin Feng asked Qin Hai to stand in the open space, while he went in to find Lin Mo.

Seeing Qin Feng handing over the medicine, Lin Mo was very satisfied.

This kind of pill medicine is also available in the martial arts museum, but not many. He has taken some before and the effect is very good.

“Go ahead, how can I help him?” Lin Mo asked.

Qin Feng said: “I want you to use the illusion to make him encounter powerful enemies, and let him fall into a life-and-death battle, a good spiritual breakthrough!”

Before, no one had strong illusion ability, and Qin Feng couldn’t help his nephew, but now he is okay.

The image of the illusion that Lin Mo got was from a long time ago, and the person who mastered the profound meaning of illusion is no longer there.

“No problem, but if he can’t bear it, don’t blame me.” Lin Mo said.

Some people can break through in battle, but some people will break down in battle.

This will test the strength of a person’s soul.

“Since you are okay, let’s start.”

Lin Mo’s mental power has now reached the Wuhuang level, and he can influence Qin Hai outside directly in the room.

Qin Hai was waiting for his uncle to come out at this time, and he didn’t know why Qin Feng brought him here.

At this time, he suddenly heard a voice: “Lin Mo, do you dare to slaughter our strange beasts, today is your death date.”

The next moment, he saw several peak monsters rushing towards the martial arts hall, his face changed drastically.

In the next moment, Lin Mo and Qin Feng both rose into the sky, fighting with the pinnacle beast king.

Some beast kings started to slaughter people, and one of the beast kings rushed towards him.

This is a colorful fox.

Colorful fox!

Qin Hai knew this strange beast.

He was so scared that he ran away quickly, but the colorful fox was much faster than him, and instantly appeared in front of him and grabbed him.

Qin Hai gritted his teeth, drew out his treasured sword, and shouted, “Kill!”

He fought quickly, but he was not the opponent of the colorful fox at all.

But he rushed up again and again and killed the colorful fox.

The magic is that every time, he has not been killed, and there is still room for fighting.

At this time, in the open space, Qin Hai kept holding a treasured sword, slashing frantically.

In front of him, Lin Mo and Qin Feng are watching.

Lin Mo smiled and said, “You nephew, although a little stupid, but the will is quite tough.”

“That is, I often practice with him.” Qin Feng said with a smile.

Qin Feng broke through to the stage of King Martial for Qin Hai, but often started to hone, but unfortunately it still didn’t work.

After another half an hour, Lin Mo shook his head and said, “Toughness is good, but it’s still not good. Let me give him some big excitement.”

Qin Feng nodded.

Soon, Qin Hai let out a scream and roared loudly: “No!”

Qin Feng was very curious, what exactly did Lin Mo do to make Qin Hai really sad.

He had never seen Qin Hai like this before.

“Uncle, uncle, how could you die like this.” Qin Hai cried out crying.

Qin Feng turned to look at Lin Mo, speechless for a while.

This guy actually killed himself, no wonder Qin Hai was so sad.

The next moment, he saw Qin Hai roaring: “I’m fighting you!”

Qin Hai rushed forward frantically, hacking continuously, shooting out the blades one by one, and then offset by Lin Mo.

He didn’t want Qin Hai to destroy things here.

In the illusion, the colorful fox still fights Lin Mo. While fighting, it constantly humiliates: “Garbage is garbage, your uncle is garbage, you are also garbage, haha, watch me smash it!”

The colorful fox’s body flashed and appeared next to Qin Feng’s corpse, grabbed Qin Feng’s corpse, and slammed it hard, Qin Feng’s corpse banged and exploded to shreds.

“No!” Qin Hai shouted loudly.

In the next moment, his mental power finally broke through and condensed into mind power.

“It’s done, it’s a breakthrough.” Lin Mo said with a smile.

“Haha, thank you, Director Lin.” Qin Feng was overjoyed and finally broke through.

At this time, Lin Mo suddenly closed his eyes and seemed to have realized something.

In the next moment, the aura on his body continued to change, and then Qin Feng found that he was also in an illusion, and his surroundings were constantly changing.

This shocked him, wondering if Lin Mo wanted to attack himself.

But the next moment, he found himself back to reality.

Lin Mo smiled and said, “Sorry, there was a breakthrough just now and I didn’t control it.”

Lin Mo was overjoyed in his heart. He has always wanted to break through and become the mystery of fantasy.

But the painstaking practice didn’t result. This time he used the illusion to help Qin Hai break through. He actually realized something else and made a breakthrough.


Qin Feng’s eyes widened. After thinking about it, he knew what Lin Mo had broken through.

The profound meaning of illusion.

The fourth kind of profound meaning!

When he thought that he had only comprehended two kinds of profound meanings up to now, and Lin Mo had actually comprehended four kinds, he wanted to vomit blood.

The gap is too big!

At this time, Qin Hai laughed loudly, and Qin Feng suddenly felt a little puzzled.

Lin Mo smiled and said, “He has just been greatly stimulated, and I will let him calm down.”

Qin Feng nodded, this is good, the province can’t bear the illusion all at once.

In the illusion, all the alien beasts left, and Qin Hai sat on the ground, exhausted physically and mentally.

But the mood finally calmed down.

The colorful fox just now, under the control of Lin Mo, was also killed by him after the breakthrough.

“Uncle, I made a breakthrough, but unfortunately you are no longer there.” Qin Hai said sadly.

At this time, he discovered that the world was beginning to disappear, and the buildings, people, animals, corpses, everything was slowly disappearing.

When he shook his head, he found that he was still in the place before, and everything was still intact.

And the uncle, who should have died, stood with Lin Mo and looked at him with a smile.

“Uncle, what’s going on?” Qin Hai walked over and asked in a daze.

Qin Feng said with a smile: “Don’t hurry up, Curator Lin, he has used the illusion to help you break through to King Wu.”

Qin Hai suddenly realized that what he had just experienced was the environment, but it was really too real, and he didn’t feel it at all.

“Thank you, Curator Lin.” Qin Hai arched his hands.

“Thank you more uncle.” Lin Mo smiled.

Qin Hai quickly said, “Thank you, Uncle.”

It’s just that he looked at Lin Mo, still terrified in his heart.

Although it is to help myself break through, but the feeling before is too terrifying! .

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