Chapter 69

In the training room, Lin Mo meditates on gluttony while the author push-ups, while also comprehending the mood of life.

The artistic conception of life is an artistic conception that Lin Mo values ​​very much. If possible, he also wants to raise this artistic conception to the level of profound meaning.

In this way, even without the pill, he can recover his body.

Suddenly, Lin Mo was shocked and stood up from the ground with a smile on his face.

“The artistic conception of life has finally been promoted to the meaning of life.”

These days, Lin Mo has given up all other profound meanings and concentrates on comprehending the artistic conception of life.

He found that it was much more difficult to understand the profound meaning now than before.

Lin Mo had a lot easier to comprehend the meaning of speed and the meaning of destruction before.

However, this kind of difficulty, before his super cultivation talent, could not last long, he still broke through quickly.

“If you want to advance to Martial Emperor, you need to comprehend the three kinds of profound meanings that can be combined, and then combine them to form the realm of profound meanings, before you can advance, but the books I got only record these, but there is no way to combine them.”

Lin Mo also got some books from Qiu Fengyun’s ring, which were all his practice notes, as well as some practice techniques.

Among them is Qiu Fengyun’s preparation for promotion to Emperor Wu.

Qiu Fengyun’s strength was actually very strong, and he understood the two kinds of profound meanings, but there was still a long way to go before the third kind of profound meanings.

“Don’t rush to be promoted to Emperor Wu. After they reach the peak of Emperor Wu, if they don’t break through, their strength cannot be improved. I am different. They can always improve, or even ignore the requirements of the Emperor. In some respects, it’s still worse.”

Lin Mo took a look at the time, and tomorrow is the promotion ceremony.

“I don’t know how long I will be the curator?”

Lin Mo chuckled softly. He was promoted too fast, and maybe he would leave soon after he was there.

He walked to the machine and punched it, and the numbers on the machine jumped quickly.

Six thousand six hundred thirty thousand catties!

These days, Lin Mo’s daily increase in strength and mood reached about 25 kilograms.

The distance of 300,000 is already very close. Next, we need to find new training methods to increase strength gains.

Lin Mo tested other moods and powers.

The shock power is still ninety-nine times, and the increased power is about 9 million catties.

The other artistic conceptions add up to about 15 million catties.

However, he now masters the three kinds of profound meanings, and when they are superimposed, they increase by almost 20 million catties.

Profound meaning and artistic conception are the same. The more they are stacked, the more restrictions there will be. Unless Lin Mo can be combined like a breakthrough Wuhuang, otherwise, it is difficult to increase more strength.

Adding up all the strengths, Lin Mo’s strength broke through to 104 million catties.

This power should be about the same as the strongest in various martial arts gyms, companies, and corps.

The power that those people burst out should also be at this level.

One day passed in a blink of an eye, and the next day, the promotion ceremony finally began.

The ceremony was held at the place where Lin Mo held the promotion meeting.

All kinds of people arrived early in the morning.

Qiuyunshan stood at the door and greeted him constantly.

“The commander of the North Wind Legion is here~ “.”

“Xuantian Chamber of Commerce, Wang Yongnian Wang Wu is here.”

“President of Bliss Biological Company, Qiu Yuanbin is here.”

Standing at the gate, Qiu Yunshan kept shouting, and his voice could be heard throughout the city.

When they heard the names of the legendary figures in the hearts of many warriors, many people were very excited and wished that they could also participate.

It’s just that if you want to participate in this ceremony, you need to be at least at the level of a martial artist, or have a special status, and ordinary people are not eligible to participate.

Qiu Yuanbin walked into the Hundred Beast Martial Arts Hall, and his injuries were miraculously healed, and even his arms recovered.

Obviously, some means should be used.

Soon, more powerhouses arrived, and these people all brought gifts.

Qiu Yunshan has a smile on his face. This time he has received a lot of gifts. Lin Mo will certainly not put all of them away by himself by then. Even if it is obtained from part of the martial arts hall, it will be very impressive.

Inside the martial arts hall, Zhao Kuo followed Zhou Qunfeng, looking at the powerhouse walking around, only to feel frightened.

Here, anyone he meets casually is stronger than him.

“Legion commander, won’t Lin Mo come out?” Zhao Kuo asked curiously.

Zhou Qunfeng said with a smile: “He is the protagonist today. He will come out when the promotion ceremony begins.”

More and more people came, and it was completely over from morning until noon.

At this time, the chairs in front of the entire high platform were full.

Many people looked at the person sitting in the front and felt horrified. There were more than 30 Wuwang sitting there.

This is the first time that almost everyone has seen so many King Wu.

Usually, as long as the meeting is attended by the king of Wu, the king of Wu is basically sitting in the first row, but now, some of the kings are sitting relatively behind, because in front of them sits the more powerful king.

Qiuyunshan stepped onto the stage and said with a smile: “Thank you for your support. Today is the big day when the curator of the Beast Martial Arts Hall takes office. The former Martial Art Martial King Lin Mo was promoted to the curator. Now the promotion ceremony begins. ”

Lin Mo walked out of the backstage and stepped onto the high platform.

At this moment, everyone’s eyes fell on Lin Mo.

“So young.”

“I heard that he has been practicing for less than two years, he is already the pinnacle of martial arts, and my cultivation over the years has really benefited the dog.”

“This is Lin Mo? I can’t see how strong it is at all. It’s incredible.”

“It’s so handsome, I don’t know if he has a wife, I really want to chase him.”

There was a lot of discussion for a while.

Zhao Kuo also saw Lin Mo at this time. He had always doubted the authenticity of this matter before. It was not that he did not believe in Zou Qunfeng, but that it sounded too incredible.

And now, he finally determined that the person who became the new curator of the Beast Martial Arts Hall was his best friend, Lin Mo.

Zhao Kuo smiled bitterly, the gap was too big, he was only an intermediate martial artist, and he was already the pinnacle of martial arts.

He was a little embarrassed to see Lin Mo.

On the stage, Lin Mo accepted the seal representing the curator of the Beast Martial Arts Museum and officially became the curator.

Immediately, he walked to the podium and began to speak.

This is an established process, and Qiu Yunshan prepared the speech for him.

Lin Mo took a look before and thought it was okay, so he will do it.

Lin Mo was about to give a speech. Suddenly, Qiu Yunshan came up and whispered in his ear.

Seeing this scene, many people were very curious, what happened?

Lin Mo put the speech in his trouser pocket and said with a smile: “Everyone, there is a peak Beastmaster to provoke me. I will kill it, and then we will continue.”

Hearing Lin Mo’s words, there was an uproar at the scene.

Beastmasters all possess high intelligence, and it is obviously deliberate to provoke at this time.

Lin Mo was about to leave. Looking at the mess below, he suddenly smiled and said, “If you want to see it, you can come.”

Lin Mo said and flew towards the sky.

When the other King Wu saw this, they all flew up and quickly followed.

They have also seen the battle between the peak beast king and the peak martial king, but there has never been a curator or president or legion commander waiting for the appointment of the peak monster to make trouble.

King Wu can fly, but other people can’t.

Fortunately, Lin Mo and others were not flying fast. These people quickly left the Beast Martial Arts Hall and followed.

Many people know that the former curator of the Hundred Beast Martial Arts Hall was seriously injured because of a battle with the pinnacle beast king, and he was given the opportunity to be killed.

Such a large-scale dispatch immediately made the entire city soar again.

Lin Mo and others quickly left Xuanwu City and entered the wilderness about thirty miles away, and they saw the strange beasts.

At this time, on the opposite side, there were more than 30 beast kings, among which the peak beast kings were better.

Lin Mo flew over and shouted: “. 々Which one wants to challenge me?”

Among the Beastmaster, a huge strange beast came out.

Chijin Titan.

This guy was the one who fought Qiu Fengyun last time, but looking at its appearance, the injury on his body was already healed.

Chijin Titan shouted: “You are the new curator of the Hundred Beast Martial Arts Hall? Qiu Fengyun is dead, then you replace him and fight me.”

Chijin Titan had fought Qiu Fengyun several times before, and he was very hateful.

Now that Qiu Fengyun is dead, it did not relieve its hatred, but aimed at the new curator.

Lin Mo sneered: “Are you going to go on your own, or do you go together behind you?”

The Chijin Titan glanced at the (Wang Zhaohao) Martial Kings behind Lin Mo, full of jealousy.

Fortunately, it brought enough Beastmasters today, otherwise, the other party will go directly together and kill it, and the other Beastmasters will have no choice.

“One-on-one, life and death fight, the same as before.” Chijin Titan said.

Previously, it was referring to the rules set when he and Qiu Fengyun were fighting.

“Well, today I am promoted to curator, and I will kill a peak beast king to celebrate.” Lin Mo shouted sharply.

Listening to Lin Mo’s words, many Wu Wangs took a deep breath.

Lin Mo is too rampant, Qiu Fengyun has not been able to kill it, does Lin Mo feel that he is stronger than Qiu Fengyun.

On the contrary, some of the top martial arts kings, looking at Lin Mo’s expression, looked very solemn.

They were shocked by the strength that Lin Mo showed last time. Listening to Lin Mo’s words at this time, they suddenly felt a little skeptical. Isn’t Lin Mo yet to show his full strength before?

After Lin Mo and Chijin Titan had finished speaking, they rushed over and the battle began.


Lin Mo’s fist and Chijin Titan’s fist collided with each other, making a booming explosion.

Once again, many martial artists hurriedly backed away, their expressions changed drastically.

At this time, on the battlefield, Chijin Titans and Lin Mo retreated at the same time, making the first punch and a tie.

The next moment, Lin Mo disappeared, appeared on Chijin Titan’s head, and slashed it down with a slash! .

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