Chapter 66

When Qiu Fengyun was arresting people before, a strong man came to attack and killed all the arrested people. Some people suspected that the opponent had the pinnacle martial king.

And this time torture, it is indeed the same.

President of Natural Biology Company, the top martial artist, Xiao Yuntian.

This person is surprisingly one of them.

Xiao Yuntian is the president of Biological Corporation, but he did not promote those technologies in his company, but was involved in this matter.

In fact, if he promotes within the company, he is afraid that things will be leaked soon.

Xiao Yuntian obviously also knew about this, so he didn’t promote it in his company, but took part in it alone.

“Notify other companies and corps, this time all the people in this organization must be arrested.” Qin Feng said.

The others also nodded.

These people quickly contacted the leaders of other strengths, and at the same time began to clean up the people in their respective martial arts halls.

There is only Wang Haihe in the Hundred Beast Martial Arts Hall, but it doesn’t need to be processed.

Soon, Qin Feng and An Tianding returned again, the two of them looked plain, and they had obviously dealt with the betrayed Wu-wang in the martial arts hall.

However, it can be seen that Antianding’s face is slightly ugly.

This time, in their martial arts hall, there were two martial kings betrayed, one junior martial king, and one intermediate martial king.

The loss of two Martial Kings at once was a heavy loss for Qingfeng Martial Arts Hall.

Of course, the worst thing was the Hundred Beast Martial Arts Hall, where a curator died and a deputy curator died.

“I just contacted the other corps commanders and presidents, and plan to hold a meeting first.” Qin Feng said.

Lin Mo nodded and said with a smile: “Alright, I also know it, I don’t even know those people.”

“They must be very happy to meet you.” Qin Feng said with a smile.

The meeting started quickly, and the three Lin Mo were directly inside the Beast Martial Arts Hall.

Soon, other army chiefs and company presidents quickly appeared on the screen, but the president of Natural Biology Corporation was missing.

At this time, the presidents of these companies, the commanders of the corps, etc. all looked ugly.

They just got the news, they still didn’t believe it, but for safety, they still arrested people quickly.

Later, they quickly determined the authenticity of this matter through some means.

However, these people quickly turned their attention to Lin Mo.

“You are Lin Mo. I heard that you replaced Qiu Fengyun and became the new curator of the Beast Martial Arts Hall.” asked Sima Xiangru, commander of the Beifeng Legion.

“Yes, from today, I will be the new curator of the Beast Martial Arts Hall.” Lin Mo said with a smile.

Although he hasn’t formally taken office yet, it’s the same. Now he has a pinnacle martial king in the entire Hundred Beast Martial Arts Hall, and there are no other senior martial kings.

He can’t be a curator improperly.

“Are you the curator? Is there no one in the Beast Martial Arts Hall?” Qiu Yuanbin, president of the Bliss Biological Company, sneered.

These people at the helm have been practicing for many years, and some are one or two hundred years old.

Lin Mo, a young man who was less than twenty years old, suddenly came out, naturally making them very cold.

In fact, these people are still eyeing the Hundred Beast Martial Arts Hall. Those who have solved the organization this time may not have the idea of ​​taking the Hundred Beast Martial Arts Hall.

Lin Mo sneered coldly: “You can ask Curator An for this. Her previous thoughts are similar to yours.”

Hearing Lin Mo’s words, everyone else looked towards An Tianding.

An Tianding’s face suddenly became difficult to look at. Before, she really wanted to take Lin Mo, so as to annex the Beast Martial Arts Hall.

An Tianding snorted coldly and shouted: “If you want to fight him, then do it yourself. If you are injured, you deserve it. It’s better to die.”

Listening to what An Tianding said, these people were a little surprised, and looked at Lin Mo again, thinking that this young man is really so powerful.

“Well, this time we are discussing how to solve this problem. Everyone knows that the most difficult thing to solve this time is Xiao Yuntian. When the time comes, the people of Natural Biology Company may not believe it, and will follow We fought, so when the time comes, if they are obedient, they will take it directly, and if they resist fiercely, they will kill it directly.” Qin Feng said.

The others also nodded.

“As for how to divide the Natural Biology Company at that time, I will wait until Xiao Yuntian is taken.” Qin Feng said.

“Okay, that’s it. Everyone surrounds them from their respective places. If Xiao Yuntian escapes, everyone can intercept it.” Lin Mo said with a smile.

Listening to Lin Mo’s words, everyone is still a little uncomfortable, but they didn’t say anything. Lin Mo’s suggestion is indeed good.

“In this case, let’s start to act. This matter should be done sooner rather than later. It is not good for him to hide. It is also troublesome for us to hide the peak of Wuwang.”

The meeting ended quickly.

Lin Mo, the three top Wu Kings sitting on Qin Feng’s strange beasts, quickly rose into the sky.

“Curator Qin’s mount is really good. I think it’s about to be promoted to the Peak Beastmaster.”

Lin Mo looked at the large tortoise below and exclaimed.

The general tortoise is extremely slow and can’t fly yet.

But Qin Feng, the tortoise, can not only fly, but the speed is not worse than the strange beast before Qiu Fengyun.

Qin Feng smiled and said, “That’s true. I was lucky. When I was young, I saved his life, and then he followed me.”

General Wuwang kills and slays alien beasts, but Qin Feng’s rescue of alien beasts is also magical.

Soon, half an hour later, they also approached the headquarters of Natural Biology Company.

At this time, the three communicators rang at the same time.

They seemed to take a look, and their expressions changed slightly.

“Qiu Yuanbin’s rubbish not only didn’t entangle Xiao Yuntian, but he was also seriously injured. If Zhou Qunfeng arrived in time, this guy would be dead.” An Tianding shouted angrily.

Zhou Qunfeng, the commander of the Hundred Battles Corps.

At this time, the mood of fighting over there began, and the three Lin Mo accelerated.

From afar, they can see the battle going on.

Before I got close, I saw a big explosion.

“Natural Biological Company’s defenses are broken. These guys are actually standing with their president. They are really stupid.” Qin Feng said coldly.

At this time, within the Natural Biology Company, these Wu Wangs were all desperate.

There are actually three forces attacking them at the same time.

Xiao Yuntian looked at the three people in front of him with an ugly expression, Qiu Yuanbin among them didn’t need to worry, but there were two others left, it was hard to deal with.

The most important thing is that if these three people arrive, the others will come quickly.

He suddenly turned his head and suddenly saw the three Lin Mo.

“Xiao Yuntian, surrender honestly. This time, the three major martial arts halls, the four major companies, and the four major legions have all been dispatched. You have no chance to escape.” Zhou Qunfeng shouted.

Hearing Zhou Qunfeng’s words, Xiao Yuntian smiled coldly. He took out a potion and inserted it into his arm: “I will let you see today, the results of our research.”

As the medicine entered his body, Xiao Yuntian’s breath became much stronger.

The next moment, he swung his long sword and killed the three of Zhou Qunfeng.


For a time, the four people fought together, extremely crazy.

What made these three people even more incredible was that they were actually suppressed by Xiao Yuntian.

· ···Seeking flowers············

“Haha, have you seen it? This is the result of the research. You three, please die for me.”

Xiao Yuntian’s attack power reached more than 100 million catties. The most frightening thing was that his speed was much faster than the other three.

The three can only defend, not attack.


Qiu Yuanbin’s face changed drastically, and his left hand was chopped off.

Although King Wu is powerful, he doesn’t have the ability to rebirth after breaking his arm. From then on, he will be a one-armed man.

“I’m fighting with you.” Qiu Yuanbin roared.

At this time, all three of them quickly pressed the emergency button.

Lin Mo also saw it at this time, just like Wang Shan’s death horse, regardless of their artistic conception, but the distance is still far away.

The reason for this is that they are in space, looking extremely far away.

“The three of them can’t beat Xiao Yuntian, damn it, is their research really so powerful?” Qin Feng said with an ugly expression.

“There should be sequelae, and they are still very serious, otherwise, he would have killed you already.” Lin Mo said.

Both Qin Feng and An Tianding had ugly faces. Lin Mo was very accurate. This time, thanks to Lin Mo, otherwise they might really die in the future.

…… ……. …

“I’ll go one step ahead, otherwise they may not be able to hold it.” Lin Mo said.

In the next moment, his body disappeared from the tortoise and appeared in the distance. In another flash, he was already more than ten kilometers away from them.

Seeing Lin Mo’s speed, An Tianding and Qin Feng both took a breath.

They know that Lin Mo is fast, but it is too scary to reach this level.

Zhou Qunfeng and the three of them were stubbornly supported at this time, and their bodies were all wounded.

The three of them looked at Xiao Yuntian in horror, and there was a despair in their hearts.

In just one minute, they all suffered hundreds of attacks.

Xiao Yuntian’s speed was too fast, and they couldn’t completely resist it.

Among the three, the worst was Qiu Yuanbin, one arm was gone, and one leg was twisted at this time, really crippled.

“Want to kill me, haha, die for me.”

Xiao Yuntian laughed loudly.

At this time, he felt that he was so powerful that he was invincible.

He attacked the three again.

Zhou Qunfeng and the three struggled to resist.

Suddenly, Zhou Qunfeng’s complexion changed drastically, and he felt a cold light break through his defense and pierced toward his neck.

He can’t defend, it’s too fast!

“Am I going to die?” Zhou Qunfeng was shocked.

At this time, he heard the sound of a weapon colliding, and the cold light quickly disappeared.

The next moment, the three people discovered that the previous attack had stopped.

No, it’s not that it stopped, but the target of the war has changed.

The three of them saw phantom shadows, moving fast in the air, at the extreme speed.

“Who is this? It can actually keep up with Xiao Yuntian’s speed!” Qiu Yuanbin said shockedly.

They had just fought Xiao Yuntian, and they felt the despair at that speed.

At that speed, they can only defend, and have no ability to resist at all.

And now, there are people who can compare the speed with Xiao Yuntian.

“Could it be Sima Xiangru, his speed is extremely fast among us.” Zhou Qunfeng guessed.

At this time, with a blast from the air, Lin Mo’s body flew back quickly, his face flushed.

Although his speed can catch up, his attack power is really not enough.

As he flew out, the three of Zhou Qunfeng finally saw Lin Mo clearly.

In an instant, the three of them were dumbfounded. Spoon.

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