Chapter 6

Half an hour later, Lin Mo’s strength skyrocketed again by 10,000 catties, reaching more than 40,000 catties, followed by a constant hunger pang.

Lin Mo cooked the remaining meat again and then continued to exercise.

Still push-ups.

Compared to running, Lin Mo prefers push-ups, without running around or being exposed to others.

He put his hands on the ground, his body slowly pressed down, his arms began to play, his strength surged wildly.

The muscles continue to strengthen, and the whole person’s sweat is like rain, constantly flowing.


Lin Mo suddenly failed to control his strength, and a crack was directly pressed into the floor.

Lin Mo ignored it and continued to exercise.

Half an hour later, he was sitting on the ground, gasping for breath, only to feel that his entire body exploded, especially his hands, his muscles and muscles were bursting.

“Practicing push-ups seems to be dedicated to exercising the arms. Compared to the arms, other parts of the body seem to have a less effective exercise. It seems that a single exercise cannot be done.”

Lin Mo squeezed his arm and touched his stomach, feeling helpless.

The system is indeed powerful. In less than two hours, his strength soared by 20,000 catties, reaching more than 50,000 catties.

It’s just that it consumes a lot of money, half of the 200,000 that I just got it has already been spent.

“Buy again.”

Lin Mo quickly made up his mind.

The key to improving strength is now.

He quickly went to the martial arts market, spent the remaining 100,000, bought a large piece of meat, and then started training again.

This time Lin Mo practiced squats.

Hold your head in your hands and squat down with your legs.

Sure enough, as Lin Mo began to squat down, the feeling of soaring strength reappeared.

Not only that, but Lin Mo felt that it was harder to complete a squat than push-ups.

He seemed to have hardened his bones, unable to squat down, just like an old man, and his strength surged.

Sweat rushed again, Lin Mo just squatted down, and his stomach became extremely hungry again. After squatting down, Lin Mo had to give up halfway and never stand up.

He also discovered at this time that if it were ordinary actions and battles, it would not have any effect, but once the training began, it would become extremely difficult, and at the same time, it would be extremely strengthened.

After eating the exotic animal meat, Lin Mo’s final strength reached about 70,000 jin.

This was because he was afraid of exercising any longer and couldn’t bear the hunger, so he chose to stop, otherwise, he could continue training.

“Tomorrow is the time to go to the Hundred Beast Martial Arts Hall. Let’s exercise again when that time comes.”

Lin Mo is looking forward to the Hundred Beast Martial Arts Hall. In addition to free food, there are also exercises and so on.

The next day, Lin Mo ran to the Baishou Wuguan branch in Blue Maple City early in the morning to report.

Generally, unless there are special circumstances, otherwise, like them, they will enter the branch first, and then have the opportunity to be promoted to the headquarters.

Of course, with Lin Mo’s strength at this time, he is not qualified to enter the headquarters.

“Are you Lin Mo?” The martial artist in charge registered and asked.

“Yes.” Lin Mo said.

“You came a bit early, and no one else has come yet, so you go there and wait first, and when the time comes, I will call you out.” The warrior said.

“But I haven’t eaten breakfast yet.” Lin Mo touched his stomach and said.

He is here for breakfast.

A meal of 50,000 yuan is still very worthwhile.

In fact, the average warrior, although the food is very extraordinary, but can reach the sky with five or six thousand yuan, Lin Mo’s appetite has risen because of the skyrocketing strength.

“There is food inside, you go in first.” The warrior said.

Although Lin Mo was a little puzzled, he still walked towards the tunnel as he said.

When Lin Mo left, another warrior came over and said, “Wang Feng, you are a little wicked. You actually let him go to the alien beast area. He entered the A4 area. The alien beasts there are not simple. Generally, they just practiced the exercises. The warriors of, they were killed within a few seconds after entering.”

“Don’t worry, we are here. Just pull him out at the critical moment, and these strange beasts don’t dare to kill the martial artist. This kid has defeated Zhao Jinyu before, and he won’t give him a little bit of power. “Wang Feng said with a smile.

Both he and Li Han were responsible for receiving the newcomers today, but he did not expect Lin Mo to come so early.

Hearing that it was the one who had defeated Zhao Jinyu, Li Han did not stop it anymore.

Yesterday, this incident spread throughout the branch.

At this time, Lin Mo kept moving towards the passage and quickly entered a park. Seeing the situation here, he knew without looking, he was afraid that he was being teased by that person.

But he is not afraid, just take a look at the situation here.

Lin Mo hadn’t walked far, and suddenly felt a murderous intent. He turned his head abruptly, and suddenly saw a dark figure rushing towards him.

Lin Mo recognized at a glance, this was a low-level pinnacle alien beast, Minghu.

The dark tiger is completely dark and smaller than a normal tiger, but its agility is not worse than that of a leopard. It is an extremely dangerous alien animal.

Lin Mo didn’t hesitate, and punched out abruptly.


Minghu’s head exploded, and his entire body flew out and died directly.

The smell of blood emanated, and suddenly seven or eight ghost tigers appeared again quickly.

Lin Mo turned his head and looked around, no one showed up, what is going on?

In the next moment, these dark tigers rushed over quickly and rushed towards Lin Mo.

Lin Mo discovered that the dark tiger even had black teeth.

According to the knowledge he learned in school, the dark tiger’s teeth are poisonous, and once bitten, it will have a paralyzing effect.

Naturally, Lin Mo would not be attacked stupidly. Seeing no one was blocking him, Lin Mo would kill him.

His body turned into a shadow, which quickly shuttled among these underworld tigers.

Boom boom boom!

Heads of Minghu exploded.

The strength of these dark tigers is very strong, they are agile, and they are weak in strength.

But even if it is weaker, there are about 20,000 catties of strength.

It’s a pity that I met Lin Mo and died directly.

Killing all the Minghu, Lin Mo looked at the Minghu corpse all over the floor, his stomach screamed unconsciously.

“Isn’t this the food he was talking about?” Lin Mo said to himself.

Immediately, he set a fire on the spot and roasted it directly.

Inside the base, Wang Feng and Li Han waited for half an hour, only to find that the alarm did not sound.

There are extremely high-tech products in the base. Once Lin Mo is in danger, the machines inside will be rescued and an alarm will be issued.

Now half an hour later, there is no alarm.

“Didn’t that kid enter the Dark Tiger area?” Wang Feng questioned.

It was not easy to catch those dark tigers, because the supervisor used a lot of effort to train the martial artist to catch them.

“Is the machine broken?” Li Han said solemnly.

Hearing Li Han’s words, Wang Feng’s heart tightened, and he hurriedly shouted: “Go, let’s go and see.”

This is okay to disarm people, if they really kill people, then they will also have to bear a great deal of responsibility.

They quickly entered the passage and came to the Dark Tiger area.

As soon as they entered, they saw a dead tiger’s body, and their hearts were shocked.

“It’s terrifying with a punch and headshot!” Li Han said solemnly.

Wang Feng also nodded, Minghu had no other injuries on his body, it was obviously a headshot.

They continued to move forward, and soon they saw a lot of the dead tiger’s corpses, and they felt that the blood was a little condensed.

The two looked at each other, and both saw the shock in each other’s eyes.

“Is this really he killed?” Wang Feng said with a trembling tone.

“Apart from him, I’m afraid there is no one else.” Li Han swallowed his saliva and said.

“I really want to offend a terrifying guy.” Wang Feng felt a little bit crying at this time.

He is also a junior warrior, he has joined the Baiju Wuguan for almost two years, and his strength is only 30,000.

Suppressing one Hades is okay, but if two Hades to go together, they can’t bear it.

After all, Minghu is extremely fast, and it is also toxic.

But Lin Mo actually killed more than a dozen Dark Tigers by himself.

This strength is extremely terrifying.

I am afraid that only those who have joined the martial arts gym for several years and have reached an intermediate level can do it.

At this time, both of them smelled a burst of barbecue.

ps: The new book sets sail, Guiqiu flowers evaluation ticket monthly support.

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