Chapter 56

Lin Mo quickly rushed towards the Beast Martial Arts Hall, and soon appeared at the door.

When the guard at the door saw Lin Mo, he stood up straight in shock and saluted: “Meet your lord.”

Lin Mo nodded, quickly entered the Beast Martial Arts Hall, and then appeared in a training room.

He saw that in the room, Zhou Xingqing was sitting cross-legged on the ground, his body surging.

A strong breath radiated from his body.

King Wu!

This is the first time that Lin Mo has seen a person who cultivates energy break through to become a king of martial arts.

Lin Mo didn’t have any cultivation energy, so he made a breakthrough quietly, while Zhou Xingqing was different.

Zhou Xingqing was very excited at this time and broke through. He finally broke through. He is also the King of Wu.

He took a lot of resources from the headquarters before, but he was still stuck at the pinnacle of the martial artist-unable to move forward.

But Lin Mo became the King of Wu, which stimulated him. In addition, seeing so many King Wu at the housewarming meeting, his heart was agitated for a while, and his thoughts were gathered.

It’s not that he has never seen King Wu, he can see some of the competitions at the headquarters every year.

But when Lin Mo, the man he watched growing up, came, he was stimulated.

After Zhou Qingwu calmed down his breath, he opened his eyes and suddenly found someone in front of him. He was taken aback. After a closer look, he found that it was Lin Mo, and he was relieved.

“Congratulations to Brother Zhou for being promoted to King Wu.” Lin Mo said with a smile.

If Wu Wang is of the same level, he is usually called by his age. In this regard, Lin Mo is young, so he usually calls him elder brother and sister.

As for the different levels, just call the adults directly.

Zhou Xingqing looked at Lin Mo and looked very excited. He smiled and said, “Lin Mo, how about we fight?”

He has just been promoted to King Wu and has no position on his own strength. It is best to compete with a King Wu like Lin Mo.

Moreover, in Zhou Xingqing’s view, Lin Mo, like him, has just been promoted to the King of Martial Arts. The strength of the two should be the same.

“Okay, I’ll fight with you.” Lin Mo said with a smile.

Zhou Xingqing looked around and said, “It’s not easy to fight here, it’s easy to get things going.”

This is where he practiced. In fact, it was still very strong, but he was now the King of Martial Arts.

Zhou Xingqing had seen the battle of King Wu, it was very scary.

Lin Mo smiled slightly: “No, just stay here.”

The destructive power of King Wu is naturally very large. If he is fighting in the city, it is normal to destroy the entire city.

But that’s a situation where the strength of both parties is similar. If one party is strong enough to control the scene, then naturally there will be no major problems.

“That’s not great.” Zhou Xingqing was a little confused.

“No problem, right here.” Lin Mo said with a smile.

To deal with a newly promoted King Wu, wherever it is so troublesome to run into the wilderness, just stay here.

“If that’s the case, then I will shoot.” Zhou Xingqing said.

He shook his fist quickly and attacked Lin Mo’s chest.

The speed and power were completely different from before, which made him very excited.

But the next moment, his fist was easily grabbed by Lin Mo, making it impossible to break free with all his strength.

He quickly used both legs and the other hand to attack, but Lin Mo clearly gave him the feeling that he was standing in place, but he just couldn’t hit.

The battle between the two gave him the feeling that an adult was bullying a child, which shocked Zhou Xingqing’s heart.

Finally, Zhou Xingqing used his mind skills, and a white tiger appeared.

The next moment, Lin Mo’s mind power skills also appeared.

When the gluttonous phantom appeared, Zhou Xingqing was completely stunned.

He felt like he was fighting with Lin Mo before, as if a child was fighting with an adult, but now that the phantom came out, this feeling became obvious.

In fact, Zhou Xingqing’s white tiger phantom is not too small, it is three meters high and looks very mighty.But Lin Mo’s gluttonous shadow looks nearly twenty meters tall. In front of the gluttonous shadow, his white tiger is just like a little one.

And besides the size, the clarity is also completely different.

His white tiger looks very vague, just like the SD TV that Lin Mo once saw.

Lin Mo’s is high-definition, or even 3D stereo projection, which is not in the same level at all.

This made Zhou Xingqing extremely bewildered. He looked at Lin Mo and wondered if everyone really just broke through for a long time.

Why is this gap so big.

“I give up and stop fighting.” Zhou Xingqing said with a wry smile.

The level is too large, and he will collapse if he continues to fight.

At this moment, he suddenly understood what Lin Mo said before that there was no need to change places.

It is true that there is no need to change places. It is not that King Wu’s destructive power is too weak, but that he is too weak in front of Lin Mo, and he does not even have the qualifications to destroy the place.

Hearing Zhou Xingqing’s words, Lin Mo let go of his hand, and at the same time took the gluttonous shadow back.

“Lin Mo, have you really broken through King Wu in less than two months?” Zhou Xingqing asked.

“Yes, my situation, Brother Zhou, you should be the most clear.” Lin Mo said with a smile.

Zhou Xingqing gave a wry smile, he should be very clear, but the situation is completely different from what he understands.

“Then what is your strength now?” Zhou Xingqing asked again.

It is generally impolite to directly ask about strength, but the relationship between the two is pretty good, so it’s not a big deal to ask about it.

“It’s still a junior martial king, but not inferior to the intermediate martial king, even a senior martial king, it’s not impossible to escape.” Lin Mo said lightly.

Listening to Lin Mo’s words, Zhou Xingqing took a deep breath.

This is too strong.

This is really just being promoted to the King of Martial Arts. Most of the old Martial Kings in the Beast Martial Arts Hall are not Lin Mo’s opponents anymore.

“I’m going to the headquarters next, this Blue Maple City will ask my brother.” Zhou Xingqing said with a smile.

Every newly promoted king of Wu will go to the black headquarters to hold a promotion meeting.

This is the same as any Wu Wang.

Lin Mo smiled and said, “No problem. With me, there won’t be any problems.”

Lin Mo left, and soon, news about Zhou Xingqing’s promotion to King Wu came out.

For a time, the name pressure of Lanfeng City Hundred Beast Martial Arts Hall restrained several other forces, and two martial kings emerged in a short period of time. This was not comparable to other forces.

In the mansion, Lin Mo continued to practice.

He threw a Jialong Pill, a Yuanshen Pill, and a Life Yuan Pill into his mouth.

Immediately began to do squats, the full muscles seemed to be under extreme pressure at this time, and the sweat continued to flow down.

In front of him, there is a picture of the illusion of artistic conception.

The other two pictures have exhausted the power of artistic conception, and only this one still possesses the power of artistic conception.

Lin Mo felt that he was constantly walking through the environment.

Now, he doesn’t need to force his mental power to escape, he can leave or enter at will.

In this artistic conception, Lin Mo has seen almost all forms of the universe, which has improved his mental power very well.

Lin Mo felt the eye environment change again, and he appeared in a volcanic basin.

There are erupting volcanoes everywhere, magma is everywhere, and the entire sky is gray. This is like an apocalyptic scene.

Suddenly, the gray fog in the sky was torn apart.

It was not that the doomsday was rescued, but a huge meteorite smashed down, smashing the surrounding gray mist directly.

Lin Mo calmly watched the world begin to destroy, with various sentiments in his heart.

At this time, the surrounding environment began to change, and Lin Mo suddenly returned to the villa.

He looked at the picture with some regrets, the power of the artistic conception in it has been exhausted, and in the future, one can only comprehend the artistic conception by himself.

This fantasy mood is the one that Lin Mo currently feels best to use.

His mental power is much stronger than ordinary junior martial kings and beast kings, so when he uses the illusionary mood, the opponent will often get caught without any feeling.

Lin Mo sensed his mental strength, and immediately showed joy.


His previous mental strength was only at the level of an intermediate martial king, but now he has finally broken through to the level of a senior martial king.

Being able to break through so quickly, in addition to meditation, experiencing one illusion is also a kind of training.

Lin Mo continued to practice.

A month later, he ran out of pill again.

Lin Mo stood in front of the machine and punched out.

The numbers on the machine jumped quickly.

When he tested it before, it was 27 million catties.

After more than a month of cultivation, his strength has increased by about 6 million catties, and his daily increase has reached 200,000 catties.

The numbers finally stopped, 33.53 million catties.

He has become an intermediate martial king.

In more than two months, from just being promoted to the junior Wuwang to reaching the intermediate Wuwang, Lin Mo is definitely the fastest promoted.

After Lin Mo tested other strengths, his shock technique reached 99 times, an increase of 8 million catties.

Other artistic conceptions have made little progress, and still maintain a power of about 3 million catties.

Taken together, Lin Mo can explode with a force of 50 million catties, and he has reached the level of a high-level martial king.

Coupled with the assistance of the fantasy artistic conception, Lin Mo is not without the power to fight against the senior martial king.

Lin Mo released the Thunder Dragon, and then threw another Thunder Core.

Thunder Dragon has grown faster than Lin Mo imagined, and now he has a huge body, reaching a general level.

That’s right, it’s a general.

The growth of alien beasts mainly still has enough energy, especially high-level alien beasts like Thunder Dragon, as long as they have enough energy, they can actually reach adult status quickly.

The Thunder Dragon was ten meters high at this time, completely different from the previous cute state, and looked completely different.

There was thunder and lightning all over his body, which looked much more powerful than Lin Mo.

Lin Mo gave it a piece of Beast King meat casually, soothed it, and put it away again.

This guy’s appetite is getting bigger and bigger.

· ···Seeking flowers············

Lin Mo put it away and walked towards the Tianlan Chamber of Commerce again.

“My lord, this is the pill that I recently collected.” Jin Dayuan said with a smile.

Lin Mo took a look at him, and his strength was raised to an intermediate martial artist, which was pretty good.

The pill this time is similar to last time.

Lin Mo paid the money, picked up the atlas and looked at it.

There are several new artistic conceptions in the album, most of which are rubbish. Only one of them makes Lin Mo shine.

“Life mood, this one is not bad.”

For a long time, Lin Mo’s practice and recovery have been taking pills. Before, it was Jingyuan Pill, and later it was Shengyuan Pill.

If he can master the mood of life, then he will recover quickly.

Lin Mo smiled and said, “I want this book of life artistic conceptions.”

Jin Dayuan quickly brought it.

I opened it and took a look, and suddenly felt a breath of life.

At this time, Jin Dayuan said: “My lord, I heard that someone is hunting King Wu recently, you have to be careful.”

“Hunting King Wu, what’s the situation?” Lin Mo frowned and said.King Wu can be said to be the most powerful existence in this area, and the most powerful one is an existence like Qiu Fengyun.

Going further, it’s not that it can’t become more, but no one has reached it yet.

Lin Mo felt that he might be able to make the first breakthrough.

Others will be stuck at the peak of King Wu, but he can’t, and he can directly rush to the realm of King Wu.

“I heard that in the four major legions, the five major biological companies, and other martial arts schools, three of them have disappeared. They are all junior martial kings. Some people even encountered a situation where one of them was fighting. It was not the beast king who did it, but the humans themselves.” Jin Dayuan Said.

…… …… …….

Lin Mo thought for a while and shouted: “The five major biological companies?”

Lin Mo speculated that this was a study of arresting King Wu.

At the beginning, the five major companies did a lot of this kind of thing, and it was precisely because of the research of the five major biological companies that they launched a lot of medicines and elixirs.

It’s just that it didn’t involve the Martial King level before, and now it seems that the opposition finally can’t help it.

Hearing Lin Mo’s words, Jin Dayuan also nodded and said, “It’s very possible, but they don’t admit it, and there is no evidence. You must be careful, sir.”

In this area guarded by Lin Mo, he is the only Martial King himself, and it is easy to become the target of the opponent.

“I know, don’t worry, if they dare to come, I will kill them.” Lin Mo smiled, not caring very much.

His strength is not at the level of a junior martial king.

However, Zhou Xingqing is likely to become the opponent’s target.

Before Zhou Xingqing’s Wu Wang promotion meeting, Lin Mo did not go because he was practicing, but the gift was still passed.

Jin Dayuan saw that Lin Mo didn’t care, so he didn’t say more.

Leaving from Jin Dayuan, Lin Mo walked towards the Beast Martial Arts Hall.

He practiced all day without paying attention to the outside world. Like this news, it was only when Jin Dayuan told him.

After Zhou Xingqing broke through to become the King of Martial Arts, now a new deputy curator named Chen Ping, a senior martial artist, presides over the martial arts hall.

As for the curator, he has not returned from the wilderness so far. Lin Mo suspects that he has died in the wilderness.

Lin Mo quickly appeared in Chen Ping’s office and said, “Give me the latest information.”

Chen Ping’s recent life is very comfortable. In Lanfeng City, in the Beast Martial Arts Hall, it can be said that one person is arbitrary, no one dares to disobey him, and his life is very comfortable.

The most important thing is that Lin Mo doesn’t come to him at all, so he is more at ease.

At this time, when he heard this, he shouted angrily: “Who is talking to like this.”

After speaking, he raised his head, and when he saw Lin Mo, he was so scared that he fell directly to the ground.

On the first day he came to Blue Maple City, he visited Lin Mo, and he knew him naturally.

Chen Ping quickly stood up and said tremblingly, “My lord, I will prepare materials for you immediately.”

Lin Mo nodded silently, and sat down on the chair next to him.

Chen Ping went out to set up a company, wiped his cold sweat, and jumped out of his heartbeat.

“It’s horrible, Lin Wu unexpectedly came over, ah, it’s a curse to be crazy, I hope Lin Wu won’t care about it.”

Chen Ping quickly sent the materials, and Lin Mo took a look.

Sure enough, the main thing recently was the disappearance of the three kings of Wu. For this reason, the three major martial arts halls, the five major companies, and the four major army groups also held meetings, but there was no news.

In addition, the Hundred Wars Legion among the four major legions opened up a wilderness to expand its territory.

The commander of the Hundred Wars Legion fought a peak Beastmaster for a day and won, and drove away the Beastmaster in that area.

Lin Mo took a look at the inside of the Beast Martial Arts Hall again.

The biggest thing was that Zhou Xingqing was promoted to King Wu, but due to recent circumstances, he was transferred back to the headquarters.

In addition, next month, curator Qiu Fengyun will fight a pinnacle beast king.

Lin Mo was watching when suddenly the communicator rang.

He picked it up and looked at it, and there was an additional message on it.

“It’s this thing, and that’s right, just to go there.”

ps: Five thousand words big chapter spoon.

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