Chapter 4

“In the case of martial arts, there are three martial arts, namely Qingfeng Martial Arts Museum, Jidong Martial Arts Museum, Hundred Animal Martial Arts Museum, these are the three martial arts martial arts, but the headquarters are not in our Blue Maple City. Not big.” Zhao Kuo began to introduce.

Lin Mo nodded.

“As far as the company is concerned, the five major biological companies are the preferred targets, but Bliss Biological Company, I advise you not to go.”

Lin Fan didn’t plan to join the company a long time ago, so naturally he didn’t care about it. Now he just asked about it.

“The last is the legion. Although the legion is powerful, they are large in number, very particular about distribution, and have many rules. Generally speaking, unless they have a military background, they are not the first choice for us.” Zhao Kuo said.

Lin Fan nodded, and then curiously asked, “Which one would you choose?”

“I, North Wind Legion.” Zhao Kuo said with a smile.

“I can’t tell, you still have a legion background.” Lin Mo said with a smile.

“One of my uncles is a colonel, so I go in and mix with them.” Zhao Kuo smiled.

“How about you?” Zhao Kuo asked curiously.

Lin Mo is at the level of warriors, as long as you want, the three major martial arts halls, the five major companies, and the four major army groups can all be chosen at will.

Lin Mo hesitated for a moment, and said, “Beast Martial Arts Hall.”

“Yes, Hundred Beasts Martial Arts Hall treats newcomers the most generously, but they have a great internal struggle. I heard that old people like to bully newcomers. You have to pay attention to this.” Zhao Kuo said.

Bullying the newcomer?

Lin Mo smiled slightly, it’s not always certain who is bullying.

Unlike others, Lin Mo can advance quickly as long as he has enough resources to support his physical consumption.

At this time, the assessment began.

Different forces are their own assessment machines, you can go to the assessment test where you want to go, and you can join if you pass it.

Of course, multiple assessments can also be carried out, and one can choose to join when the time comes.

The assessments are basically machine tests, but there are also some manual assessments.

Lin Mo looked around. Soon, some test sites set off firecrackers for the exams. This was impressively recruiting students of martial arts level.

Crackling crackling crackling crackling.

Lin Mo saw that the Bliss Biological Company also began to celebrate.

When he looked up, he happened to see Song Tianyi also looking at him.

Song Tianyi said a word silently, with a smile on his face.

Lin Mo understands lip language, and he can tell what he means at a glance.

“I prepared a big gift for you.”

Lin Mo narrowed his eyes, this Song Tianyi was looking for death.

Lin Mo turned and left, and walked towards the examination point of the Beast Martial Arts Hall.

The assessment of Baiju Wushu is completely different from other Wushu, and it chooses manual testing.

They directly ask a new martial artist to evaluate, and then decide based on your performance under this new martial artist.

As soon as Lin Mo walked over, he sensed that someone was looking at him. He looked up and found that it was the warrior responsible for the assessment.

The other person glanced at himself, then looked away.

Lin Mo walked up, took out his information, registered, and then waited for the assessment.

At this moment, this warrior is assessing another person, and that person’s strength is about 5,000 catties, but under this warrior’s hand, he persisted for less than a minute.

“Pass, Grade B.” The examiner shouted.

Lin Mo looked at the examiner, only instinctively that the opponent was extremely powerful, fearing that it was at least a high-level warrior, or even a warrior.

Soon, the next one will go up for assessment.

Soon, it was finally Lin Fan’s turn to go up.

At this time, he saw that the martial artist who had been tested sneered at him, and at the same time said something quietly with his mouth.

You are dead! Waste, get out!

Lin Mo narrowed his eyes and couldn’t help thinking of Song Tianyi’s words before.

This is the gift the other party gave to yourself.

It’s just how he knew that he was going to the Hundred Beast Martial Arts Hall for assessment.

Could it be that Zhao Kuo betrayed himself?

No, Zhao Kuo doesn’t have to do that.

This guy gave orders for himself during all the assessments.

If this is the case, this guy’s energy is much stronger than his own.

Lin Mo didn’t shrink back, a newly promoted martial artist was also worthy to shrink himself.

Even if the other party has already learned the exercises.

But from last night to now, Lin Mo’s strength has increased by more than 10,000 catties, and now he has reached more than 30,000 catties.

Of course, the money I got last night was also consumed.

If it weren’t for the money, the body can’t be replenished, and the time is tight, Lin Mo would want to try to be promoted to an intermediate martial artist.

Intermediate warrior, one hundred thousand catties strength.

However, the strength of more than 30,000 catties is enough. Newly promoted martial artists, even if they practice the exercises, their strength is generally increased to about 15,000 catties.

This is the first time to practice the exercises, and it has greatly improved the body.

Lin Fan looked at this warrior and said silently, “Wait a minute, I will beat you up and cry.”

Zhao Jinyu’s eyes suddenly became very cold.

Before Song Tianyi found him, if Lin Mo came to the test, he would clean up the opponent to prevent the opponent from being passed.

Song Tianyi is the grandson of a director of the Bliss Biological Company, and he promises that Lin Mo has no background, he is naturally willing to sell this face and take some benefits at the same time.

It’s just that he didn’t expect Lin Mo to provoke him.

If that’s the case, then interrupt this kid’s limbs.

Zhao Jinyu looked at Lin Mo with disdain.

What is the level of the martial artist, there is a big gap between those who have practiced the exercises and those who have not.

I really thought you could fight me.

“Let’s start.” Zhao Jinyu shouted.

“Hold on.” Lin Mo suddenly shouted.

Hearing Lin Mo’s words, Zhao Jinyu sneered in his heart. At this time, he wanted to be soft, it was too late!

Unless you quit directly now, otherwise, it will definitely interrupt your hands and feet.

But it’s useless even if you go to another assessment location. Today is destined to be a tragedy.

“What’s the matter?” Li Zhi asked.

He is the person in charge of this assessment, a junior martial artist level figure, Lin Mo did not feel wrong.

The junior martial artist also has a million catties of strength. It can be said that squeezing Lin Mo and Zhao Jinyu to death is the same as squeezing an ant to death.

“My lord, I want to know, can I hurt the examiner in this test?” Lin Mo asked.

Hearing what Lin Mo said, Li Zhi was also a little surprised.

For a long time, people who come to the assessment are worried about whether they will pass and whether they will be injured by the examiner.

Today I encountered a student asking whether I could hurt the examiner. It was really interesting.

Li Zhi hasn’t answered yet, Zhao Jinyu has almost been blown up here.

He originally thought that Lin Mo wanted to ask for mercy, but he didn’t expect it to be so. He decided in his heart that he would completely abolish Lin Mo this time.

Although this would be punished by the supervisor afterwards, it was nothing compared to the benefits Song Tianyi gave.

“Of course, you can even fight for life and death.” Zhao Jinyu said first.

Li Zhi turned his head and glanced at Zhao Jinyu, then at Lin Mo, then smiled and said, “Yes, as long as it doesn’t hurt your life, you can fight as you like.”

Li Zhi looked at Lin Mo with interest. The freshman was so rampant, it was really interesting. If he could really beat Zhao Jinyu on the ground, he would be a good seed.

There is no shortage of warriors in the beast martial arts hall, and many warriors die every year, but the true genius will never be saturated. Only the real genius can make the beast martial arts hall stronger.

“In that case, let’s start.” Lin Mo said with a smile. .

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