Chapter 391

He just looked at Lin Mo like this, staring at him with big eyes and small eyes for a long time. He can’t tell Lin Mo that he is exactly what Lin Mo thought in his heart.

Follow him all the way, thinking that he will find some treasure, and then he will be the oriole behind.

As a result, when I followed Lin Mo along the road, I didn’t find any treasures, but found that Lin Mo was so powerful.

This Rock Nine Zero Rock Beast is a very powerful existence. Normally, they would hide away when they saw it. As a result, Lin Mo rushed to fight with him.

Then after being kicked by this rock beast, I now look at myself like a okay person and say these things.

When Wang Dalong thought of this in his heart, Lin Mo stared at this Wang Dalong, as if he were the size of his eyes.

Lin Mo was speechless. He didn’t expect to ask this Wang Dalong that he would not speak, and stared at him for a long time.

Lin Mo thought about the purpose of Wang Dalong’s coming here. When he thought about it, he knew what he thought about Wang Dalong’s coming.

Just when Lin Mo thought about it, suddenly the rock beast saw it, and the human in front of it stood up like an okay person.

Then when he saw another human, the rock beast, he felt that his majesty had been challenged, and he kicked it.

As a result, he didn’t kick the human in front of him to death, which really made him particularly shameless.

The rock beast yelled with anger. Lin Mo, who was waiting for Wang Dalong’s reply, heard the cry of the rock beast from behind him.

Feeling deafening, he turned around and saw the rock beast, and when he noticed that the rock beast was yelling, he was staring in the direction of himself and Wang Dalong.

Then he ran towards the two of them. When Lin Mo saw this, he knew that the rock beast had not started to go crazy when he saw something.

If this is the case, I don’t care about this Wang Dalong first, but first solve this rock beast, then I will ask this Wang Dalong why he is here.

Is it like what he thought in his heart? Just when Lin Mo thought about this, he quickly greeted the rock beast that was about to rush…

In this way, Lin Mo was standing next to the two teams of Rock Beasts. While Wang Dalong was thinking about how to reply to Lin Mo, he suddenly heard the yelling of Rock Beasts.

When he heard the yelling of the rock beast, he hurriedly covered his ears because of the yelling of the rock beast.

It really shook his ears and he couldn’t stand it anymore, so he kept covering his ears.

When this Wang Dalong just covered his ears and felt that his ears felt better, not so painful.

He saw Lin Mo quickly turned from his front and followed the rock beast against him. When Wang Dalong saw this, it was 4.7 hours.

He breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Lin Mo was not staring at him, waiting for his reply, but to fight against the rock beast. It was really great.

In this way, I can relax a little bit, and then pray that Lin Mo can be killed by this rock beast, so that I can breathe a sigh of relief for myself. .

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