Chapter 389

Because only when you use this misty footwork, you can quickly change your position under the palm of the rock beast, and you can’t let the rock beast shoot yourself.

At this time, Lin Mo had to show his ethereal pace quickly when he thought of this, and then saw that Lin Mo’s speed increased even more.

I saw that every time Lin Mo went to a place, her feet seemed to be illusory.

Just as Lin Mo quickly used the ethereal pace, the rock beast was completely irritated. He didn’t expect to want to solve the little human in front of him?

As a result, he didn’t shoot this human to death for a long time, which made him very angry. At this time, he not only stretched out a palm 900.

Instead, both palms quickly patted the past, intending to pat Lin Mo together. He didn’t believe that Lin Mo could escape the left.

After avoiding the right, he didn’t believe that his two palms were so huge that Lin Mo could escape.

So the rock beast quickly patted Lin Mo with both palms, and Lin Mo was already slowly using his ethereal steps.

I felt that I became familiar with it slowly, but suddenly I saw this rock beast, and unexpectedly gave birth to two palms to deal with him.

Lin Mo knew that this rock beast should be a special angry man, and wanted to kill himself quickly.

Lin Mo decided that he should practice some of his other moves at this time, so that he could just use this rock beast as a test object.

See what his moves and attacks would look like on this rock beast.

Lin Mo thought of finally encountering this rock beast, his body’s defense is equivalent to a rock, and his own moves are against his words.

Although it can’t cause any harm to him, it will definitely hinder him.

So when Lin Mo thought about it this way, he had completely regarded the rock beast as his sparring partner, so he quickly used the ethereal pace.

It shuttled back and forth between the two palms and fingers of the rock beast, and then quickly displayed its bdeh skill, stretched out his fist, facing the palm of the rock beast, and was about to attack.

See if he can cause a certain amount of damage to this rock beast while he is using his furious skills.

In this way, Lin Mo quickly displayed his furious skills, and attacked the rock beast. When it hit the palm of the rock beast, he could feel his furious state.

The fist attacked when the rock beast was in the palm of his hand was more powerful than when he attacked normally, because he felt the palm of the rock beast tremble.

Lin Mo knew that his strength was still not enough. It seemed that this rock beast should be a strange beast with an eighth level.

It was the kind of strange beast that he was looking for.

Lin Mo was particularly happy when he thought of this, because he knew that he was fighting against the rock beast at this time.

You can use all the moves you have on your body, and then you will know where you are inadequate and where you need to improve.

So when Lin Mo thought of this time, he would quickly punch his meteor out again, and then quickly raised his leg, showing his flame foot.

Performed all his moves to the rock beast once, and when he performed it again, Lin Mo was already out of breath. .

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