Chapter 387

Xiaobai looked at Lin Mo next to him and spoke, and told him what the black shadow suddenly appeared in front of him was called.

When he finished saying this, he felt a headache, because he knew they had encountered this rock beast now.

Then it will be difficult for them to get out, and they will experience a very difficult fight.

When this Xiaobai thought of this in his heart, when Lin Mo next to him heard what Xiaobai had said, he knew what the shadow of 13 in front of him was called.

He also got an idea of ​​this rock beast.

Just when Lin Mo and Xiao Bai were in a daze, thinking about things, the rock beast had already noticed the existence of Lin Mo and Xiao Bai.

When he saw Lin Mo and Xiaobai, he suddenly became excited, as if he saw a very interesting toy, he stretched out his big palm towards Lin Mo and Xiaobai. I took a shot.

When he patted Lin Mo and Xiao Bai, there was a huge quacking sound from his mouth.

When this sound came out of his mouth, it stimulated Lin Mo and Xiao Bai’s eardrums for 10 minutes.

Lin Mo and Xiao Bai looked at the huge palm in front of them, and when they were photographed, they heard the movement of the rock beast’s mouth. They both felt that their ears couldn’t stand it.

The two of them hurriedly jumped away. Lin Mo ran to the left direction directly at the place just now, while Xiao Bai ran to the right direction by himself.

The two of them quickly avoided the place just now. When they both just avoided the place just now, the giant palm of the rock beast fell on the ground.

When the giant palm of the rock beast fell on the ground, when he saw the slap, he didn’t slap the two to death, so he quickly raised his palm and started to face Lin Mo again. Take it.

He planned to shoot Lin Mo to death first, and then shoot Xiao Bai, so he quickly lifted his giant palm and patted Lin Mo’s side.

But when Lin Mo saw that the rock beast was attacking himself first, he quickly counterattacked and attacked the giant palm of the rock beast.

Lin Mo wants to see his own strength, how different is the strength of this rock beast, and see how strong this rock beast’s defensive ability is, why is it called a rock beast?

Is it true that every skin on this rock beast is as hard as a rock as others have said.

Just when Lin Mo thought of this in his heart, he quickly jumped from the ground and attacked the rock beast’s palm.

He planned to attack 900 before taking advantage of the palm of the rock beast to see if he could break his hand.

Just as Lin Mo was thinking like this, he jumped up quickly, and then attacked the rock beast’s palm.

When his attack hit the palm of the rock beast, he felt like he had hit the rock.

There was an extremely hard feeling from his palm, and he knew that the name of this rock beast was not groundless, it was really the name given to him like the state of his body.

Just when Lin Mo thought of this, the rock beast dared to attack him when he saw Lin Mo. .

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