Chapter 382

At this time, Yu Xian’er, Xiao Dezi and others, hearing what Wang Dalong said, they decided to wait for Wang Dalong in place, and they would leave when Wang Dalong came back.

Because they thought that only Yu Xian’er was intact, and the rest were wounded. Although Wang Dalong had wounds on his body, he was only superficially wounded.

So they decided to wait here for a while for Wang Dalong to return, but they waited left and right. After waiting for a long time, they didn’t see Wang Dalong, so they couldn’t help but wonder 13 in their hearts.

What’s wrong with Wang Dalong? Did you encounter any high-level high-level strange beasts? Encountered an accident.

Now when the big guys are thinking like this in their hearts.

Xiao Dezi looked at Yu Xian’er and said to him: “Yu Xian’er, you said Wang Dalong has been there for so long. Is there something wrong with him?”

“Why haven’t you come back yet? Do you need to see what’s going on with him?”

Xiao Dezi looked at Yu Xian’er and said to him like this. He wanted Yu Xian’er to see what was going on with Wang Dalong. Why didn’t he see him for a long time?

Just when Xiao Dezi had finished saying these words, Yu Xian’er couldn’t help but his face turned black when he heard these words from Xiao Dezi.

Because he felt that Xiao Dezi really didn’t know what kind of consideration he was because he was a woman, and Wang Dalong was a man. He said it was convenient to go, and he could see it.

This is simply impossible, and Yu Xian’er now has another idea, that is, did Wang Dalong take advantage of this opportunity to escape.

Does he feel that he and others are seriously injured, and if he walks with him, it will definitely drag him down, and if there is any danger at that time, it will not run away.

So Yu Xian’er thought that her own idea must be right, because Wang Dalong is such a person.

From the previous time when dealing with the big python, he planned to run away alone, leaving everyone behind, he could see his character.

Now Lin Mo is not here to suppress him, so no one can control him at all. Even if he runs away sneakily now, no one can do anything about it.

So when Yu Xian’er thought of this, she looked at Xiao Dezi and said to him: “What do you think of this Xiao Dezi? I am a woman to see a big man for convenience.”

“I don’t know what your brain thinks, and I don’t think we need to find that Wang Dalong anymore. He will never be surprised.”

“He specified that he left us and ran away secretly like the previous one, fearing that we might endanger his life.”

“I don’t think we should wait at 893 here any longer. We should walk straight ahead and leave this sunset mountain range as soon as the sky is still dark.”

“Otherwise, if there will be some powerful high-level alien beasts, we can’t go if we want to. I don’t think we can meet the next Lin Mo in such a lucky way.”

Yu Xian’er looked at Xiao Dezi and the remaining people and said this to them, when Yu Xian’er finished speaking.

Xiao Dezi and the remaining few people didn’t believe what Yu Xian’er said at all, but they didn’t believe it anymore, they knew it, and couldn’t help but believe it. .

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