Chapter 36

In the basement of the villa, the walls here are all made of special alloys.

The villas in the branch are only tens of millions, and the materials used are all common materials.

But the headquarters is different.

Considering that the use may be a martial artist, or even a king, when the basement was constructed here, the materials used in the basement were all very advanced.

Such a villa can cost hundreds of millions of dollars at least.

Unlike the branch library, the villa here cannot be donated to others. It is whoever is appointed to live. It will not be robbed like it was in the branch library.

Lin Mo was in the basement at this time, holding the Dutian Sword in his hand.

The Dutian Sword weighs a full 500,000 catties. Of course, with Lin Mo’s power, it can be used without any problems, but if it is fighting, it may still be slower.

When fighting, the speed is slower, and it may be death.

So before the strength is reached, he actually won’t use it, and training is no problem at this time.

Lin Mo waved the Dutian Sword, chopped down at the stone in front, and displayed domineering sword intent at the same time.

After spending two days, Lin Mo finally grasped the meaning of the sword.

Lin Mo slashed down fiercely, giving the whole person a feeling of domineering and boundless, it seems that everything blocking him in front of him will be shattered.


The domineering knife slashed on the stone fiercely, making a rumbling sound.

This kind of stone is not an ordinary stone. It is a kind of stone specially equipped in this villa, called the lotus stone.

Lin Mo slashed on it, and a trace appeared.

“Yes, the additional power of the Overlord’s Blade Intent is probably more than one million catties. If I add my concussion skills, it will probably be five million.”

Lin Mo was happy in his heart, and his strength was strong again.

Back to the top, Lin Mo started practicing again.

Now the power he can increase in a day is 100,000 catties.

He took out the picture of the legs, hung it up, and threw a Vermillion Bird Pill and a Gourmet Pill in his mouth.

Two kinds of pills, one to strengthen his mental power, and the other to replenish his energy.

Lin Mo watched the pictures while doing squats.

This picture is very peculiar, very long, more than three meters long, with seven shoe prints on it.

Lin Mo has always attached great importance to his speed.

He is not afraid of not being able to beat people. With his promotion speed, as long as he can’t be beaten to death, he will be able to come back for revenge in less than two days.

For example, Dongfang Hong was like this before. It was stronger than Lin Mo, but he didn’t run as fast as Lin Mo. In the end, he was beaten to death by Lin Mo soon.

Lin Mo looked at this painting, and a person walking quickly appeared in his mind.

Although it is only walking, the footsteps are extremely magical. Each step, with a distance of one kilometer, is like a teleport, moving forward quickly.

Two days later.

Lin Mo ran quickly on a track inside the martial arts gymnasium.

His speed at the beginning was not very fast, only a step of ten meters, but soon, it became a step of fifteen meters, followed by a step of twenty meters.

Amazingly, Lin Mo seemed to be very leisurely, just like walking.

Lin Mo’s mouth was slightly cocked at this moment, full of smiles.

After comprehending the meaning of his legs, he realized that his previous speed was too slow.

Before he ran, he mainly relied on the powerful strength of his legs, but now it is different. After showing his leg intentions, he doesn’t need too much strength to run, but the speed is amazing.

Lin Mo continued to increase his speed and finally reached the point where he reached a step of fifty meters.

When Lin Mo watched the painting, what appeared in his mind was that one step was more than one kilometer, and the person might not even use his full power.

This is the gap.

But Lin Mo just realized it, and the person has no idea how far he has gone in terms of artistic conception. Naturally, it is different.

After reaching fifty meters, the limit was reached. Lin Mo gradually stopped and left with the shocked expressions of some people around him.

For the next month, Lin Mo practiced silently.

On this day, Lin Mo looked at the communicator. There was a message sent by Murong Tianhua, inviting Lin Mo to hunt the strange beast.

Lin Mo replied and stopped practicing.

In this month, he took almost all the pills.

In front of him, those two pictures full of artistic conception had suddenly become two pieces of waste paper.

I have been watched by Lin Mo many times, and the inside has already been consumed.

Standing in front of the machine, Lin Mo slammed his punch down, only to see the numbers on the machine beating quickly.

Soon, the numbers stopped.

Eight hundred and sixty-four thousand three hundred and twenty-one catties.

Looking at this number, Lin Mo is very satisfied.

He has also reached the pinnacle martial arts level, and is only more than one million away from the martial king level.

Over the past month, he has increased his strength by 100,000 catties a day, which is a full increase of more than 3 million catties.

From the previous five million jins of power, it suddenly reached 8 million jins.

Now, if he hits Murong Tianhua again, it will become very easy.

Moreover, once he uses the concussion power and sword intent, his power will instantly reach the Wuwang level.

In terms of offensive power, he has actually reached the level of King Wu.

However, King Wu generally also masters various moods, concussion techniques and the like, so the power that bursts out will be even more terrifying.

The power that Lin Mo exploded at this time should be similar to that of someone who just entered the realm of King Wu.

As for the cultivation of mind strength, Lin Mo estimated that he should be similar to the intermediate Wuwang, but he does not have a machine here and cannot test it.

After changing his clothes, Lin Mo came to the place agreed with Murong Tianhua and others.

Murong Tianhua didn’t come alone. He brought several people, among them Qin Lenglan and Luo Qingkong.

Lin Mo can understand with Luo Qingkong, after all, Luo Qingkong’s strength is still very strong.

But with Qin Lenglan, I was a little surprised.

In addition, Murong Tianhua also took a few other people, but he didn’t know any of them.

Seeing Lin Mo glance at Qin Lenglan, Murong Tianhua said with a smile: “Leng Lan’s talent is very terrifying. He has reached an intermediate martial artist. This talent is really terrifying. In the martial arts hall, there is not much that can compare to her. indivual.”

After learning about Qin Lenglan’s situation, Murong Tianhua was also shocked by Qin Lenglan’s talent.

This kind of talent is much stronger than him.

Qin Lenglan heard two coughs and looked up to the sky.

Murong Tianhua was taken aback for a moment before he suddenly realized that in front of Lin Mo, who else could be called a genius.

After the last incident, Murong Tianhua went to find out about Lin Mo.

After understanding the result, he was severely hit.

It hasn’t been a year since Lin Mo became a warrior, and his cultivation speed is as fast as riding a rocket.

No level was able to stop him.

Before, Murong Tianhua had always thought that he was a genius, but it took him ten years to cultivate to the peak of a martial artist.

Among them, there is the help of his own family.

And Lin Mo is an orphan.

Comparing the two, he is a scum.

“Since people are here, let’s go.” Lin Mo said.

Everyone left Xuanwu City, and immediately Murong Tianhua summoned his mount.

Murong Tianhua’s mount is very similar to Zhou Xingqing’s, and it is also a bird.

Birds and strange beasts are a kind of mount that warriors like very much, and the main reason is that such strange beasts can fly.

But the same, because of being able to fly, it is also very difficult to catch.

Murong Tianhua’s mount, called the skylark, is short-distance and faster than Qing Mingying, but it cannot fly long-distance.

Fortunately, this time, there is no need to fly too far.

When everyone was flying in the sky, Lin Mo asked, “Tianhua, what kind of strange beast are you going to deal with this time?”

Ordinary peak general level strange beasts can easily deal with Murong Tianhua’s own strength, and they don’t need them to act at all.

Murong Tianhua smiled and said: “It’s a giant crocodile with a dragon bloodline. Although it is a peak-level monster, its defense is comparable to a king-level monster. My ability alone cannot break its defense. And this giant crocodile still has some subordinates. After I fought with it for a while, I had no choice but to retreat.”

Lin Mo nodded, the dragons and gluttonous creatures are not fictional, but real.

The alien beasts with their blood are often more difficult to deal with than the alien beasts of the same level.

Skylark flew fast, just as it was about to approach the destination, suddenly a ray of light shot up from below, accurately hitting Skylark.

The skylark fell directly to the ground.

It is a thousand meters away from the ground, and with their strength, even if they don’t die, they will still be seriously injured.

And on the ground, there are probably strange beasts waiting for them.


One by one quickly fell towards the ground, and Lin Mo was no exception.

Although he was a little surprised, he was not panicked.

He walked quickly, moving quickly through the air.

Over the past month, his legs have made great progress. Although he is in the air at this time, Lin Mo seems to be on the ground.

He quickly grabbed the Skylark, carried it directly on his shoulders, and then quickly appeared next to the warriors, grabbed them, and threw them directly on the Skylark.

Not long after, everyone returned to Skylark again.

It’s just that Skylark was seriously injured and was about to die at this time, and was unable to fly at all.

But Lin Mo didn’t plan to let Skylark take them to fly.

He is still falling down, but now he is like walking on a staircase. Every step will drop some space, but it is very stable, completely different from falling, like walking on flat ground.

On the ground, another white light bombarded.

Lin Mo avoided it easily, nothing happened.

Soon, Lin Mo approached the ground.

The next moment, he stepped on a big rock, and the big rock cracked open.

Before Lin Mo’s body sank toward the ground, he had appeared more than ten meters away and landed on another big rock.

This stone also cracked directly.

Lin Mo continued to move forward. After four or five times, the inertial force coming down from the sky was completely eliminated.

The faces of the people above the skylarks were a little pale.

Murong Tianhua smiled and said: “Lin Mo, thanks to you this time, otherwise, we will all be seriously injured, let alone hunting animals, whether we can go back is still a question.”

Others nodded and thanked.

When they just fell from the sky, they were all desperate.

But I didn’t expect Lin Mo to be able to catch them in the sky and take them to the ground safely.

This strength is a bit against the sky.

Even they have some doubts whether Lin Mo has reached the level of King Wu.

Qin Lenglan gritted her teeth and looked at Lin Mo, remembering what Lin Mo had said, the distance between us will only get bigger and bigger.

She didn’t believe it before, but now she believes it.

Lin Mo turned his head and looked behind him, and said, “The crisis has not been resolved. We were attacked by a Beastmaster this time.”


Hearing Lin Mo’s words, everyone’s face changed drastically! .

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