Chapter 358

Then Wang Dalong will no longer appear in front of these people now. I believe that he has already ran out of the sunset mountain range, and may have already taken the green macaque they captured to go back on business to receive the bounty.

So when these people heard Yu Xian’er having finished those words angrily just now, they heard Yu Xian’er telling them all the causes and consequences.

They realized that they really blamed Lin Mo, Lin Mo is really their lifesaver, and that Wang Dalong is really too Damn it.

So these people feel very embarrassed when they get here one day, and the person who said Lin Mo just now kept his head very low.

He felt that he had no face to look at Lin Mo, and he felt that he had no right to say anything to Lin Mo.

Just when these few people felt particularly embarrassed, Lin Mo felt that there was no point in wasting this time with these few people.

Although they have been very embarrassed and felt that their previous actions were wrong, they did not intend to forgive them.

He still planned to let this little Dezi and the two men eat the snake meat according to what he had thought before.

Drinking this snake blood is fine, and the remaining few people will not let them eat snake meat and drink snake blood.

Just treat them as a kind of punishment, let them know what the consequences will be if they fail to find out the truth of the facts.

So Lin Mo looked at the expressions of these people and listened to what Yu Xian’er said.

Lin Mo watched Wang Dalong open his mouth and said to him: “Okay, Wang Dalong, I will let you do the work now. I will deal with this snake quickly~ “.”

“Remember that I want a large whole piece of snake skin, but don’t give me a whole piece, otherwise I will look good with you.”

“And when you have to sort this food for me, divide the snake meat into sections, and find a thing to remove all the snake blood from me, and then just hand it over to me. ”

Lin Mo turned around, spoke to Wang Dalong and said to him, Lin Mo felt that it was time for Wang Dalong to do these things.

When Wang Dalong handles all these things for a while, he will punish Wang Dalong at that time.

So when Lin Mo finished speaking to these Wang Dalong, he was not at the local Wang Dalong, but looked at Yu Xian’er.

Then he said to him: “々 Yu Xian’er, now I let Wang Dalong deal with this big python.”

“You will give the snake meat and snake blood processed by Wang Dalong to these two people in a while, and give this little Dezi to the three of them to eat, and no one else will give it anymore.”

Lin Mo looked at Yu Xian’er and pointed at the two people at him, then pointed at Xiao Dezi, and said to him like this. (Money)

He just wanted to tell Yu Xian’er that the boa constrictor he had shot down would not be given to anyone he wanted to eat. He originally planned to distribute the boa constrictor to these people.

But the attitude of these people can make him temporarily change his mind, so he decided not to give it to those who were very disrespectful to him at the beginning, so he would not think of these people.

Although he felt sorry for himself now, he would not be so kind. .

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