Chapter 332

Although he said he didn’t know Lin Mo, he believed that Lin Mo came forward to rescue them, so he would definitely come back.

Just as Yu Xian’er was thinking like this, Lin Mo had already quickly chased the big python to another place.

When he rushed to this side, Lin Mo was already irritable in his heart. He felt that this big python was really greedy for life and fear of death, such a big big python.

Eight six seven

It is such a society that is greedy for life and fear of death. It really makes him feel very embarrassed. Shouldn’t a high-level alien beast attack wildly when it encounters an opponent?

Why is he like a timid animal, just running away blindly, leaving here blindly, really making Lin Mo wonder what to say.

While Lin Mo was chasing the big python, he was annoyed at him in his heart, and he watched the big python wandering frantically in front of him.

He said to him: “You big reptile is so timid and fearful, and I don’t know how you grew up so big. How did you feel brave when you dealt with those people just now?”

“Now I actually see that I haven’t fought so much, how can I escape so fast? I really despise you too much. If you have the courage, don’t run. Let’s fight a fair and honest fight.”

Lin Mo said to him while chasing the big python.

When Lin Mo just finished speaking, the big python paused, because when he heard what Lin Mo said, he was particularly angry.

Because she also knew that she was very cowardly doing this. As a high-level alien beast in this sunset mountain range, when she was afraid that humans would often come here to practice, humans were afraid of themselves.

I was teased and played with myself, and then swallowed them bite by bite, and finally faced the Lin Mo in front of him.

On the contrary, he flees so scared, this is really losing the face of his high-level alien beast.

So when this big python heard Lin Mo say this, he was stunned, and then stopped.

He realized the way he was escaping just now, which made him angry all at once, and his wildness was finally aroused.

He felt that he had been chased by Lin Mo for so long, and he had chopped his tail, but instead of resisting, he kept running away…

Just to save his life, he thought of himself in his heart, but completely ignored that he should have no problem dealing with Lin Mo with his huge body.

No matter how good Lin Mo is, he is not bad, so when this big python thought of this, he stopped running away, but started to turn around and face Lin Mo, looking at him.

After looking at Lin Mo for a while, he spit out his tongue at Lin Mo, then used his huge head to open his mouth in the blood basin, and bit towards Lin Mo.

4.7 Lin Mo at this moment saw the big python, turned around after hearing what he was saying, and bit it towards himself. Lin Mo was happy in his heart, thinking of the big python in his heart.

He finally heard what he said, and he was deeply irritated, and finally started to get angry, then he could attack him well against this big python.

I believe that you can practice your hands when you follow this big python attack. .

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