Chapter 315

He turned his head to look at the little Dezi next to him, and then said to him: “Little Dezi, it’s my sister’s fault. I shouldn’t have brought you here to practice.”

“If there is an afterlife, Sister will definitely be your elder brother. Sister may be one step ahead of you. I’m sorry Xiao Dezi.”

Yu Xian’er looked at Xiao Dezi next to him and said to him before the big python slammed into him.

When he finished saying these words, he looked at the friends next to him with tears in his eyes, because 857 it was tears of deep regret.

If it weren’t for the greed between them, they wouldn’t be like this at all.

Because if they followed Wang Dalong and caught the green-haired macaque at that time, they left here quickly, and would not follow Wang Dalong’s instigation to walk deeper, then they would not have the dangerous situation they are today.

All this has its responsibility, because he also followed Wang Dalong and said some words of encouragement to the big guy.

Let them follow Wang Dalong to come here, otherwise, the big guy really won’t be the end of today (bdeh).

So Yu Xian’er left deep tears of remorse when he watched his friends, but he knew that it was useless to regret any more, and God would not give him another chance.

He won’t let him resolve this difficulty easily, he knows that his ultimate fate is to rise in the mouth of this big python.

While Yu Xian’er was deeply confessing and crying, the Xiao Dezi next to him was dying.

Suddenly, she heard what Yu Xian’er was saying, she reluctantly opened her eyes, then looked at Yu Xian’er, and found the big python that was about to come to Yu Xian’er.

He was shocked by the scene in front of him, and she hurriedly used all her strength.

At Yu Xian’er, he shouted: “No…Sister…You leave here quickly, don’t stand there, you run as quickly as possible, the farther you run, the better, leave me alone.”

“Xiao Dezi is in danger this time. If there is another life, I will still be your brother, and I will follow you out to practice.”

Xiao Dezi exerted all his strength and shouted these words at Yu Xian’er. He wanted Yu Xian’er not to stand there and cry, and should leave here quickly.

Because if you quickly get up and leave here, there may be a chance, but if you just stand there and wait for the arrival of this big python, then there will be no chance.

So he tried his best to face Yu Xian’er and shouted like this, hoping that Yu Xian’er would escape quickly.

When this Xiao Dezi finished shouting these words to Yu Xian’er, he fainted suddenly.

Because he used all his power to shout these words just now, so when he finished shouting, he made an appointment and didn’t know what Yu Xian’er would be like in the end.

At this time, as Xiao Dezi desperately shouted these words, Yu Xian’er quickly turned her head and looked at Xiao Dezi.

When he saw Xiao Dezi fainting, he showed deep self-blame. He felt that Xiao Dezi was dead, so he couldn’t survive.

He wouldn’t leave here listening to Xiao Dezi’s words, he was going to accompany the big guy to die once, so he didn’t go to see Xiao Dezi, but turned his head and saw this big boa constrictor. .

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