Chapter 305

They still have a chance to talk here, but now their accomplice is now starting to run.

Then the boa constrictor will take the initiative to attack, so these people began to be on guard, planning to attack the boa constrictor together.

When Wang Dalong and Yu Xian’er both started to be on guard, they really did what they thought in their hearts.

Because this accomplice of theirs suddenly ran up, when this boa constrictor saw this. They quickly chased the accomplice they had fled.

And when Wang Dalong saw this at 850, he thought in his heart that he couldn’t let this boa constrictor chase his accomplice.

Because if their accomplice is chased by the boa constrictor, they will definitely be killed by the boa constrictor at that time, and they will lose a strength here.

When Wang Dalong saw this, he quickly spoke to the rest of the people and said: “The big guys come together, now deal with this big python, don’t let him attack Yang Xiaohu.”

“If this big python attacks Yang Xiaohu, it will definitely not survive, so the big guys must work together (bdeh) to attack him.”

“Only in this way can Yang Xiaohu be rescued, so the big guys shouldn’t hide their own personalities. At this time, they must work together with all their strength.”

Wang Dalong looked at his people and said to them like this. When he finished speaking, he was the first one to attack the big python first.

He watched that the python had already started to attack Yang Xiaohu, and if he left it alone to Yang Xiaohu, the python attacker. It is believed that Yang Xiaohu was killed by this big python in two strokes.

Wang Dalong couldn’t see such a thing happening at all, so he took the lead in attacking this big python.

He intends to attract the attention of this big boa constrictor to make him turn against him, so that the people around him will attack together.

Then fight against the boa constrictor, and at that time you can join together to kill the boa constrictor.

Just when Wang Dalong thought of this in his heart, the moves in his hand had already begun to attack the big python.

At this moment, Yu Xian’er and the others saw that Wang Dalong had already attacked the constrictor, and they heard what Wang Dalong said.

They all know that this is not the time to hide and tuck, it should be the time to work together to fight the big python.

Yu Xian’er and the others began to attack the giant python, and saw that everyone had launched an all-out attack towards the giant python.

At this time, Lin Mo, who had been following Wang Dalong, and Yu Xian’er, also saw this scene, and he knew that these people should be thinking about killing this big python in a reasonable way.

But Lin Mo saw that these people simply couldn’t achieve it.

Because Lin Mo knew that Wang Dalong and the others had misjudged the strength of this big python, because this big python is not a seventh-order strange beast but a eighth-rank strange beast, a very powerful eighth-rank strange beast.

Because Lin Mo knew what kind of strength the seventh-order alien beast was, and Lin Mo felt the strength of the big python in front of him.

Feeling that it was stronger than the seventh-order strange beast he had dealt with before, Lin Mo thought that this big python must be a higher-rank eighth-rank strange beast. .

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