Chapter 303

This Wang Dalong looked at Yu Xian’er, and everyone else said this to them. When he finished speaking, all of Yu Xian’er and the others began to clean up and set off again.

Lin Mo saw this not far away, they were doing it all.

Lin Mo knew what they were saying. It turned out that they had achieved such a goal, and they planned to cooperate against a Tier 7 alien beast.

When Lin Mo saw this, he thought in his heart that the strength of these people was 13 and actually planned to partner to deal with a seventh-order strange beast. Aren’t these people looking for death?

Lin Mo can see that the strength of these people is very low, and the strength of the two people who left before, and the strength of Wang Dalong can be slightly higher.

Yu Xian’er’s strength is not too high, just this one team dared to find a Tier 7 alien beast to deal with a Tier 7 alien beast. I really don’t know what they think, who gave them so much courage.

When Lin Mo thought about this in his heart, he thought about it. These people took the lead to look for this seventh-order strange beast, and they would come to the finishing touch when the time came.

When these people were to deal with the seventh-order strange beasts. When they are injured, the seventh-order strange beasts will also be injured by them, so that they can successfully deal with the seventh-order strange beasts.

When Lin Mo was thinking about it, he saw Wang Dalong and Yu Xian’er, and their group of people had already started to walk and walked towards the front.

He also quickly followed these people to see in which direction they were looking for the seventh-order strange beast, and to see what kind of strange beast the seventh-order strange beast they were looking for was.

In this way, Lin Mo followed these people again and watched their next move, when Lin Mo followed them.

These people were very excited and walked towards the front, and they were thinking in their hearts at this time, they had already caught this green-haired macaque, so they only had to deal with a seventh-order alien beast.

This time their journey will be full of very good results. They never thought whether they could deal with a seventh-order strange beast, because they were all dazzled by the victory.

They all feel that these people are so powerful, and if they encounter a behavior at that time, they will definitely succeed in catching him again, and then they will be worth the trip.

So these people walked forward with excitement, and they didn’t even think about what they would encounter next.

In this way, these people were very happy when they walked in front for a while. Suddenly they heard a rustling sound coming from ahead.

When a person heard this movement, he knew that there was a strange beast in front of him, and he didn’t know what rank the strange beast was.

They looked at the front 850 Xiang on their respective guards to see what the rustle was coming from?

When Wang Dalong and Yu Xian’er were watching the direction in front of them guardingly, Lin Mo also heard the rustling movement, and he knew that a strange animal had appeared in front of him.

But at the same time Lin Mo didn’t know what the alien beast was like, but Lin Mo listened to the rustling movement, like the sound of a snake.

Lin Mo thought in his heart is it a big python that appeared in front of him? Because only snakes can make this kind of rustling movement, which proves that he is crawling slowly on the ground. .

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