Chapter 301

But no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn’t escape. Wang Dalong and Yu Xian’er each grasped the corner of the net, and he was deeply covered by this net bag.

When Lin Mo saw this, he knew Wang Dalong and Yu Xian’er, and the purpose of their trip should have been completed.

But Lin Mo didn’t take action, because Lin Mo knew that this was not their ultimate goal. They should have other goals that they didn’t do, and he would follow them first.

Then see if their group of people caught the green-haired macaque, they left here or continued walking near here.

If they left here if they caught the green-haired macaque directly, then Lin Mo would know that Wang Dalong, Yuxian’er and the others should be the main purpose of catching this green-haired macaque.

But if they didn’t leave this side, they would still linger here in the continuous loop. They just have other purposes, Lin Mo can follow them slowly, and then come-a oriole is behind.

Just when Lin Mo thought of this, Wang Dalong and Yu Xian’er here finally managed to arrest the green-haired macaque.

Each of them has a particularly happy face, because their purpose this time is to catch the green macaques and get some commissions.

With these commissions, they can practice more quickly and purchase some things in life, so they will risk their lives and come to this sunset mountain range willingly.

They also dared to wander around this outer place, and they did not dare to go to the inside of the Sunset Mountains, because they knew themselves well.

Know what their own strength looks like, know that it is just a few of them.

If they catch up to the interior of this sunset mountain range, they will all go and never return, one by one will die inside.

Therefore, people like Wang Dalong and Yu Xian’er didn’t dare to take on some more money-making tasks at all.

Because they know that they simply don’t have that kind of strength, even if they receive that kind of task, they can’t be completed, so they can only accept this kind of small task to make some small money.

And when this green-haired macaque was caught at this time, each of them would be allocated a lot of money, because this time the family that gave this task is very rich, and the bonus tasks are very good.

· ···Seeking flowers············

So they came to this sunset mountain in a team of these talents. If there is little silver, then they simply cannot team up to form so many people.

So when so many of them caught the green-haired macaque together, they were all very happy with them, and now they quickly rushed back to the place where the task was issued, and then followed the person who issued the task in exchange for money.

…….. …. …….

In this way they can purchase something they need.

So when a few of them saw that they had caught this green-haired macaque, they were all very happy. They all started to grab the corner of the net that they had grasped in their hands, and slowly gathered them together.

In this way, they quickly gathered the net and successfully trapped the green-haired macaque on the net.

When they put the green-haired macaque on this net, they saw two people grabbing one foot of the net and then carrying the green-haired macaque. Spoon.

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