Chapter 299

Wherever there are a few ranks of strange beasts, I can feel it, so I don’t have to worry about doing these things at this time.

When you have enough rest, just take a stroll around here to check the terrain and get familiar with the environment.

So when Xiao Bai thought about this, he lay down on the grass again and began to doze, and soon Xiao Bai entered into a dream.

At this time Lin Mo didn’t even know that Xiaobai actually fell asleep again here. When Lin Mo started following far away, Wang Dalong and Yu Xian’er were walking behind them. .

He is very careful to hide his figure so that no one will find it. Lin Mo is very confident of his Wukong.

He knew that if he really wanted to hide it, people like Wang Dalong and Yu Xian’er would never discover him.

In fact, they wouldn’t pay attention even if they exposed himself, but Lin Mo still didn’t allow such dangerous things to happen, he was very good to hide his figure.

In this way, Lin Mo slowly followed Wang Dalong and Yu Xian’er all the way, and found that they hadn’t stopped at all and kept walking in one direction.

Lin Mo didn’t know where they were heading in this direction, but Lin Mo knew that he had left the area where Xiao Bai and himself were just now, and had already deviated far.

Lin Mo knew when he saw this, he didn’t know how far he went, but now he has followed them.

Then you have to follow to the end, if you give up halfway, it is not his character or style at all.

So Lin Mo slowly followed Wang Dalong and Yu Xian’er and they walked forward, when these people walked for a long time.

About two hours later, Lin Mo saw Wang Dalong and Yu Xian’er, and their group suddenly stopped.

When Lin Mo saw this, he didn’t know if these people stopped and planned to rest in place, or if he had found the target, he couldn’t follow up.

Because he is himself, there are several people in front of him, if one person finds out his situation here, he will definitely expose himself.

At that time, there would be no way to explain to these people, so Lin Mo was at a distance, Wang Dalong, Yu Xian’er and the others stopped not far away.

He didn’t go any further, because he felt that if he went further, it would definitely attract the attention of those people, and the distance was the most appropriate.

Lin Mo planned to see what those people were doing when they stopped, just when Lin Mo thought of this in his heart, when he looked at Wang Dalong and Yu Xian’er.

Lin Mo discovered that Wang Dalong and Yu Xian’er didn’t rest in place when they stopped, but when they (Qian? Zhao) started talking there for a while.

They quickly dispersed, showing an enveloping appearance, slowly enveloping them in one direction, when Lin Mo saw this.

Lin Mo knew that these people should have discovered their target, and now they are about to catch the target they came to capture this time and start to act.

When Lin Mo saw this time, he knew that he couldn’t rush out even more at this time. .

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