Chapter 291

Then wait for the fruits to fall safely on the ground and see if no more fruits fall.

He began to draw these fruits together one by one, and then began to use his clothes to hold these fruits.

I plan to go up here and look for it to see if there are any animals like bunny.

Just when Lin Mo did all this quickly, he started looking around for smaller creatures such as small animals and pheasants. He planned to feed this fruit to them to see if they were poisoned. Signs.

Just when Lin Mo was looking for these small animals, small pheasants and other animals, he saw a Lin Mo shadow flashed quickly in front of his eyes. When Lin Mo saw this, he hurried to follow-up. .

When Lin Mo followed, he saw that Lin Mo’s shadow that had passed by just now stopped not far in front.

When Lin Mo saw this, he saw that Lin Mo was a little rabbit, but the rabbit’s figure was 10 points fast, and it flashed in front of him just now.

I didn’t let myself see his appearance clearly. Now Lin Mo saw this flash of Lin Mo’s shadow, it was a rabbit Lin Mo wanted to catch it.

Then eat it for the fruit to see if she has any signs of poisoning. Lin Mo doesn’t want to grab this little rabbit and roast it.

Because he didn’t want to startle the snake and tell Wang Dalong and Yu Xian’er, their group of people were watching their every move around here.

So Lin Mo can only plan to catch this rabbit as his experiment to see if the wild fruits it picks are poisonous.

So when Lin Mo thought of this, he quickly rushed towards the little rabbit. He planned to rush to grab the little rabbit and then forcefully feed her these wild fruits.

But when he just pounced at the little rabbit, he found himself rushing into the air. The little rabbit didn’t know when he had escaped from the place just now.

Looking at him in another place, Lin Mo felt that something was wrong when he saw this.

Because normally speaking, ordinary small animals will have a frightened look when they see humans, but this little rabbit is completely different.

· ···Seeking flowers············

Although he said that he ran away quickly, he fled to the other side and then looked at himself instead of quickly disappearing into his line of sight.

So Lin Mo felt that this little rabbit was not simple, it was not like a normal rabbit at all, the reaction he should have.

When Lin Mo thought about this, he felt that no matter what this little rabbit is, what is different.

…….. …. 0

What I have to do now is to catch him, and then test the poison for myself to see if these wild fruits are poisonous.

So when Lin Mo thought of this, he quickly rushed in the direction where the little rabbit was, but he still rushed out the same way.

The little rabbit jumped to the other side very quickly just now, and completely escaped Lin Mo’s attack.

When Lin Mo rushed to the air again and looked at this little rabbit, he knew that this little rabbit is indeed a very simple little rabbit.

I knew that it was quite fast, just like when I first discovered it, the white shadow that flashed by quickly disappeared in front of my eyes. Spoon.

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