Chapter 280

Lin Mo thought in his heart whether these people are looking for some treasure, or what kind of high-level strange beasts are looking for, and then kill them to obtain useful things?

No matter what you say, you have to go over there and take a look, so Lin Mo said this to Xiao Bai, and when Lin Mo’s voice just fell.

As soon as Xiaobai heard Lin Mo say this, he knew what he was going to do, and he should take Lin Mo to the humans quickly.

When Xiao Bai thought of this, he nodded to Lin Mo, and then started to rush towards the human scent to lead Lin 833 Mo in front.

In this way, Lin Mo gave up and went to rest on the fire again.

He followed Xiao Bai and hurried towards the place of the crowd.

When Lin Mo followed Xiaobai for a long distance, he heard the voice of someone in front of him, which came to him intermittently from time to time.

Lin Mo stopped as soon as he heard this, and wanted to listen carefully to what these people were saying, but because these people spoke very quietly.

Although he said he would hear someone talking one after another, Lin Mo couldn’t hear what he was saying.

So Lin Mo had no other way. He could only move forward and plan to get closer to those people, and then listen carefully to what those people were saying.

So when Lin Mo thought about it like this, he thought of himself again, that he can no longer follow Xiaobai and walk toward the front so blatantly, otherwise it would be no good to disturb those people.

So when Lin Mo thought of this, he looked at Xiaobai leading the way and said, “Xiaobai is hiding his breath quietly.”

“Hiding our voice, let’s walk over quietly to see what the hell these people are doing.”

Lin Mo watched Xiaobai leading the way and said to him like this. He didn’t want to be because Xiaobai made a blatant voice like this. (bdeh)

When you walk towards the front and be discovered by those people, then those people will be on your guard.

At that time, he would not hear anything, so Lin Mo exhorted Xiao Bai like this.

At this moment, Xiao Bai, who was walking in front, heard Lin Mo say this, so he also knew what he should do.

So he slowly let go of his steps to prevent him from walking forward swayingly like before.

He also slowly reduced his breath, don’t let his pressure dissipate towards 4 weeks, don’t let those human beings feel his arrival.

At this time, when Xiao Bai did all this, Lin Mo behind him felt that Xiao Bai had condensed his breath.

So he slowly lightened his steps, and then slowly moved towards the frontier. He wanted to hear what these people were saying.

They came to this place outside the sunset mountains, what they were going to do, Lin Mo had no idea about the things here.

It was the first time he came to this sunset mountain range, so he wanted to hear how much these people know about the sunset mountain range, and what are they going to do here?

So Lin Mo slowly walked toward the front while thinking like this, slowly narrowing the distance between each other.

He can already feel the voice of the person in front of him has become clearer and clearer. .

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