Chapter 277

Then when he flicked and left here quickly.

At this time, Xiao Bai started to bark again and again at the back of this little animal like a monkey.

At this time, Lin Mo saw this little animal like a monkey and left here quickly.

He sighed in his heart that the speed of this little animal could be considered as fast as 10 minutes, and it flashed past like an electric flash.

Just when Lin Mo thought about this, he looked at Xiaobai who was still yelling, and then said: “Okay, Xiaobai doesn’t need to call any more, just let him go.”

“Such a small animal doesn’t need to pay attention to him anymore. He will give him the barbecue just for the grilled one, and he will leave.”

Lin Mo watched Xiao Bai speak and said this to him. When he finished saying this, Xiao Bai who was still screaming next to him, when he heard Lin Mo say this, he closed his mouth and stopped. Called there.

Because he heard Lin Mo’s words, it didn’t make sense for him to scream, so he closed his mouth obediently.

When Lin Mo saw Xiaobai closing his mouth obediently, he glanced at it for 4 weeks and felt that there was no need to stay here anymore.

It happened to be just past noon, and the sun was not so capable, so I could just rush to take a look in front of overtaking.

Can you be lucky enough to meet some more advanced monsters? If this is the case, he will be able to fight a good battle.

If he stays here, it doesn’t make much sense, because he just said he was full.

But the noise after the monkey-like little animal also made him digest a little, so he decided to leave here and head forward.

In this way, when Lin Mo thought of this, he watched Xiao Bai speak to him: “Xiao Bai, now let’s drive forward and walk forward.”

“If you dare to know any powerful existence along the way, you must tell me the direction so that I can see what kind of level of alien beasts those powerful existences are.”

Lin Mo looked at Xiaobai and said to him, telling Xiaobai that he could get up and hurry on the road, and then tell Xiaobai.

If he dares to know the presence of any powerful alien beasts, he must tell himself that he will definitely challenge it…

It would be better if the challenge was successful. If the challenge was unsuccessful, he would not fight desperately, he would retreat completely.

Then, after self-cultivation and cultivating in a good state, they will look for the powerful alien beast to defeat it, so that after repeated battles can one become stronger.

So Lin Mo looked at Xiaobai and said this to him, and told him to pay attention to the perception of the presence of powerful alien beasts in 4 weeks.

When Lin Mo finished speaking to Xiaobai, Xiaobai nodded as soon as he heard Lin Mo’s instructions.

Then he opened his mouth to Lin Mo and said, “Don’t worry, Master, just leave this to me. I will definitely be able to perceive all the surroundings in 4.7.”

“If there are any high-level alien beasts, I will tell you.”

Xiaobai nodded, and promised Lin Mo to say this, it was actually here to accompany Lin Mo to hone.

So its main purpose is to help Lin Mo find some powerful monsters, and then for Lin Mo to practice. .

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