Chapter 264

The black iron bear saw the smile in Lin Mo’s eyes, which made him become cautious.

And he can feel from Lin Mo that this person’s strength has become stronger, and the pressure on him has become even greater.

Then the black iron bear and Lin Mo made several moves in succession. Lin Mo seemed to be more and more courageous in the war, and the whole person became a little inexplicably excited.

At this time, he somewhat subverted the black iron bear’s cognition. Although he said that he lived in the sunset mountains, he had seen many humans, but few people were able to make a few moves in his hands.

This human being in front of him is undoubtedly the strongest human being that Brother Black Iron has ever seen.

And this man is very perverted, the more he fights, the more he uses the black iron bear, he only feels that the speed and strength of Lin Mo’s punches are getting faster and stronger.

If it weren’t for the black iron bear and defense, it would be impossible to hold on to Lin Mo for such a long time.

The more he thought about it, the more angry the black iron bear became. It was obvious that Lin Mo came to disturb him first, but now he educates him.

The black iron bear’s eyes were full of anger, and the power in his body seemed to be burning.

He saw a long roar from the Black Iron Bear, and instantly rushed towards the Zheli Office to look at the posture, as if he wanted to tear Lin Mo completely to pieces.

“Good to come~”!”

I saw Lin Mo rushing towards the black iron bear at a very fast speed, and there was a ray of light in his hand.

There was a loud bang, the two collided, and the black iron bear’s entire body was hit by the very powerful force of Lin Mo and flew out.

“It’s too weak. It seems that I have to challenge the eighth-order Beastmaster, otherwise I have to fight like this. I don’t know when I can break through. If I don’t wander on the edge of life and death, I am afraid it will be difficult for me to successfully advance to the Martial Emperor.”

Lin Mo came to Xiaobai and said helplessly.

If Xiao Bai were human, there would be several black lines on his head.

Is that because the Black Iron Bear is weak? It’s obviously you who are so strong.

Lin Mo’s strength is indeed very powerful, especially Lin Mo, who is furious, can be said to be invincible in the same realm.

It is normal that the Black Iron Bear is not Lin Mo’s opponent, and the Black Iron Bear is best known for his defense, but his defense is almost useless in Lin Mo’s hands, so he loses his greatest advantage.

After being severely educated, the Black Iron Bear is no longer as irritable as before, but ran back to his cave with a little cringe.

“.々Xiaobai, can you perceive whether there is an eighth-order alien beast in this sunset mountain range?”

Lin Mo looked at Xiao Bai questioningly and asked, Xiao Bai deserves to be a tiger with a trace of white tiger blood. He is born with some special talents.

“Master, as early as when we entered the Sunset Mountains, I felt a very huge aura locked us, but it was just that the lock did not pay attention to us. If there is no accident (the money), it should be It is the king of this sunset mountain range, and his strength must be at least the eighth level.”

Xiao Bai told Lin Mo about his perception, but Xiao Bai was not sure what the strength of the king of the sunset mountains was.

Perhaps this strange beast has surpassed the eighth rank, but this possibility is not very high.

Beastmasters above the eighth level should not live in the periphery, and there is no record, so it is very likely that they are still at the eighth level. .

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