Chapter 245

A ray of sunlight shone on everyone’s faces, and everyone was obviously tired.

Before leaving, Lin Mo informed the Taoist Tianlong of his contact information and where he lived.

He also told Tianlong Taoist that if he had something to do, he could always find him, or if Wang Liang wanted those resources, he could also come directly to him.

After Lin Mo went back, he simply retreats directly, letting his strength reach a perfect state as quickly as possible.

After all, this world is not simple, and after listening to the information from the Tianlongdao population, Lin Mo can feel that this world is not as simple as he imagined.

strength! What he lacks most now is strength!

Lin Mo has been in retreat at home for nearly a month. Due to sufficient resources, his strength has been infinitely close to the state of consummation.

But Lin Mo could feel that there was an opportunity for 807, otherwise he would not be able to break through.

At this moment, Lin Mo heard flustered knocks on the door.

After opening the door, he found that it was Taoist Tianlong. Just as Lin Mo wanted to say something, Taoist Tianlong grabbed Lin Mo’s shoulder directly.


“Lin Mo has no time to explain to you so much now, hurry up with me, otherwise something big will happen!”

Lin Mo was stunned. Based on his understanding of Taoist Tianlong during this period of time, unless something great happened, Taoist Tianlong would not be anxious to be like this. This is definitely something big happening. Lin Mo did not hesitate. Take away the things he usually cultivates, no longer care about other things, and leave directly.

The two ran all the way, almost two hours in a row.

The expression of Taoist Tianlong was relaxed now, not the one that was too anxious just now.

Lin Mo asked suspiciously, “What exactly happened that made you anxious to be like this?”

Taoist Tianlong sighed helplessly, and then said: “Wang Liang is now dead, and I also knew the information by accident.

Fortunately, I am not too late, otherwise something big will happen. ”

Lin Mo was taken aback for a moment, and said, “You mean those people know about our relationship with Wang Liang and suspect that we have information about the white tiger in our hands!”

If it were to be said like this, it would really be a big problem. Fortunately, Wang Liang had already used his heart at the time, and the Demon Knight would not tell these things to the outside.

But there is no guarantee what kind of news Wang Liang will fall into, so the Tianlong Dao talents came to Lin Mo in such anxiousness.

However, according to the current situation, even if some people suspect that Lin Mo did it, there is no conclusive evidence, so these things have not been made public.

And I’m afraid these people still have the mind to bring Baihu’s information into their own hands.

Otherwise, it is estimated that Lin Mo’s name has already spread to the top of the various sects.

If that time is really reached, Lin Mo will become a rat crossing the street, and everyone will target Lin Mo.

Among these sects are some old monsters who have been closed for many years. Their strength is terrifying and they will not appear easily, but if it is because of the news about the white tiger, I am afraid that even them will be alarmed.

After hearing the news that Wang Liang had died that day, Lord Long didn’t hesitate at all, and he came to the address given by Lin Mo non-stop. .

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