Chapter 241

The eyes of a group of Zongmen children who had already fought hard near the altar were red.

But in the face of the ant beasts constantly coming in, a special emotion appeared in the hearts of the crowd.


This is from the fear in my heart.

Facing the endless stream of alien beasts, even those with rigorous training and extraordinary talents could not resist them.

This is a kind of fear that comes from deep in the heart, and if you suffer from this kind of fear for a long time, some people with poor temperament will probably be broken.

This is a very big test for the children of the sect. If they can pass through it successfully, their Dao Xin will be even stronger.

With the passage of time, everyone’s physical strength was gradually exhausted.

At this time, the attacks of those alien beasts were obviously weaker.

Since the strength of these sect children is not bad, and coupled with the large number of them, facing these beasts, they actually don’t panic. Fear developed in their hearts.

But the same is that the crazy resistance of these people made the alien beasts feel fear from the heart.

Seeing such a crazy situation, many strange beasts chose to withdraw to the side. After all, their lives are important, and people on the side can cultivate.

This is so that there are very few strange beasts near the altar.

“Don’t panic everyone, now there are only the last batch of alien beasts left. As long as we survive this attack, we will win!”

I don’t know who yelled such a sentence in the crowd. After hearing it, everyone in the room seemed to be half beaten up, and everyone became crazy.

A waning moon in the sky shone blood on the altar.

The entire vicinity of the altar turned bright red, full of stench everywhere.

This is obviously a disgusting smell and a terrifying scene, but there are joyful smiles on the faces of all the people.

Obviously it was only a waning moon, but it was shining on everyone, but they all felt extremely clear.

Without stopping, everyone began to clean up the blood stains on the ground, and then began a new round of digging down.

On the other hand, Lin Mo’s side, the three of them are all indulged in their own practice.

· ···Seeking flowers············

Because they had found a lot of cultivation resources under the altar before, now they don’t have to worry about their cultivation at all.

Time passed slowly, and a sunset slowly appeared in the sky.

Lin Mo sat cross-legged, slowly exhaling a suffocating breath.

Lin Mo saw that the two were already awake, and said, “Let’s go, it’s time for us to set off to the altar.”

…….. 0 …

There was a trace of doubt on Wang Liang’s face, and he said, “We only came back yesterday. Do we want to go again today?

Didn’t you say you’re afraid of something wrong? Wouldn’t it be more doubtful if we go today? ”

The Taoist Tianlong on the side shook his head involuntarily and said: “The pattern is smaller.

We go to the altar today to completely dispel the suspicions of those people!

Imagine that Lin Mo is almost invincible in the secret realm, and everyone else can find things about the altar, can Lin Mo not find it?

If we don’t go there will be even more doubtful, so Lin Mo is right!

It’s also time for us to set off to the altar to see their results! ”

There was a trace of relief on Lin Mo’s face. Spoon.

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