Chapter 238

In contrast, Lin Mo and the three of them.

It was rushing all the way, basically without any stopping, until there was a long distance away from the altar, then it stopped panting.

Riots have occurred throughout the secret realm, and this is probably going to continue for a long time.

According to the resources in the altar, even if it takes a few years, there will be no shortage of resources.

Therefore, when this altar is opened next time, I am afraid that the creatures in the entire 13 Secret Realm will cross the original level and make a big ascent.

And even those rare and precious heavenly materials and earth treasures, I am afraid that in this secret realm, there is a huge improvement.

The altar has now collapsed, and the spirit inside the entire altar rushes to the outside world wildly, but this secret realm is closed.

In other words, it won’t take long for this aura to fill the entire secret realm.

And the closer the creature is to the altar, the stronger it will be, and the more remote will naturally be weaker.

Thinking about it another way, if you don’t work hard in the outside world, I’m afraid even the strange beasts in the secret realm will surpass them.

After a short break, Lin Mo frowned and seemed to be thinking about something.

Taoist Tianlong asked suspiciously: “Lin Mo, do you have any worries?”

Lin Mo sighed and said, “When we left the altar, we walked too hurriedly.

We haven’t completely erased the secrets on the pillars, and I am afraid that something will happen at that time. ”

The information about the descendants of the white tiger is only known to the three of Lin Mo, but the written record above the altar is still there. If it is discovered by others, I am afraid that something will happen.

Taoist Tianlong said, “Lin Mo, don’t worry, I observed the altar while we were leaving, and everything above the altar fell below it, basically completely buried.

And now the altar has been messed up into a pot of porridge, no one will find those secrets, so don’t worry. ”

“I hope so!”

After Lin Mo finished speaking, he looked into the distance, for some reason he was vaguely worried.

Although the Taoist Tianlong said this, in case something happened, after all, many sects came this time, and each sect sent fifteen geniuses.

Although these geniuses are in Lin Mo’s hands, they will not look like this in front of the group of strange beasts.

In case something happens, if there is a little news, I am afraid that the three of them will not be at peace, and the whole outside world will probably be messed up by then.

But now the situation is compelling, Lin Mo will not choose 803 to go back. If he goes back now, I am afraid that the suspicion will be even greater, and it is impossible for them to discover the secrets recorded on the altar.

The three of them jumped into a secret place, set up camp, and planned to spend the last two days in the secret realm, waiting for the end.

Lin Mo took out the corpses of two Tier 6 strange beasts from Qiankun’s bag, and then threw them to Wang Liang, intending to let him deal with them.

The corpse of this sixth-order alien beast is a big supplement to the few people now, and if you want to eat the sixth-order alien beast in the outside world, it can be regarded as a wealthy family.

Too extravagant. .

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