Chapter 233

Looking at the murals on Shimen and some tedious fonts, Lin Mo and Wang Liang couldn’t help but cast their eyes on Taoist Tianlong.

“I only know a part of the texts on this wall, and their general meaning is basically the same as the ones described in the previous groups.

But I have never seen these strange murals. In fact, after studying these characters for so long, I have never seen one of the paintings on this wall.

But what does the groove in the middle of this stone gate do? Could it be the unlocking place? ”

Taoist Tianlong was talking while shook his head helplessly.

Just as Taoist Tianlong sighed while squatting down to study the bottom words, he suddenly let out a surprise.

“What’s wrong? Did you find anything? Tianlong Taoist?”

Taoist Tian asked Lin Mo and Wang Liang’s doubts and didn’t answer, but instead stood up and looked up to the sky and laughed.

After half a day, the Taoist Tianlong said with excitement: “Lin Mo, it is God who helped me!

Do you know the meaning of the words recorded at the bottom of this?

The following is the way this door opens!

As for why, I would say that God helped me precisely because the method of opening the stone gate requires the blood of the white tiger!

Of course, it can only be opened with the blood of the white tiger. If it is used with other tigers, it will not have any effect.

It just so happens that there is a Decepticon now, and the blood of the white tiger is already in hand, and I didn’t expect that even the heavens are protecting us!

Just now I was curious about what this groove is for, and now I think it should contain the blood of the white tiger! ”

The faces of several people showed joy.

After hearing these words, Bai Hu knew that he would not be able to escape the catastrophe anyway, and his face was full of small grudges.

Although he was reluctant, Bai Hu still contributed a drop of blood.

Scarlet blood floated from the center of the white tiger’s eyebrows, and the light emitted by this trace of blood could be clearly seen.

With this drop of blood slowly drifting towards the groove of Shimen.

I saw that the entire stone gate seemed to be activated, and the writings and murals recorded on the entire stone gate emitted a touch of light.

In less than a moment, the whole altar became a little trembling.

It took ten minutes for the vision to stop.

Then I saw the entire Shimen slowly open.

Lin Mo only felt that the moment the stone gate opened, a very large aura enveloped the surroundings in an instant.

Originally near this altar, the aura was particularly rich, and the moment the stone gate below the altar opened, the entire altar was enveloped by a rich aura.

“The three of you are waiting here first. I will go in and explore the way. In case there are some 797 or other institutions in it, this won’t prevent us all here!

And my strength is still one point better than you two. Even if I want to escape, my chances are better than you. ”

After Lin Mo finished speaking, he didn’t give a few people a chance to refute, and cautiously walked into the stone gate of the altar.

Walking into the teacher’s door, Lin Mo just felt that the cells and pores of his body opened instantly, and he felt extra comfortable.

And it can be clearly found that the concentration of aura in it has reached the mist of the aura, and even Lin Mo can see the water stains condensed by the aura in a corner of the surroundings. .

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