Chapter 22

The point exchange office is also the trading office of the Beast Martial Arts Hall.

Many people who come back from the wilderness will bring things here and exchange them for points. Similarly, they will also exchange some cultivation resources here.

This is the first time Lin Mo has come.

It is very lively here, with many people coming in and out. Lin Mo took a look and moved towards the place where the goods were registered.

At this time, the place of grade goods is also very lively.

Everyone was surrounded by a young man at this time, their eyes were very curious.

“Qin Chuan has gained a lot this time.”

“That’s natural, he is a genius intermediate martial artist here, every time he takes out something, it is very extraordinary.”

“In the recent period, Qin Chuan has been number one in the standings many times. Even those high-level warriors can’t compare with him.”

Listening to the compliments of people around him, Qin Chuan was full of pride.

Although he is only an intermediate martial artist, his strength has actually reached an advanced martial artist.

In addition, he likes to use some tactics. In the wilderness, he can occasionally kill some high-level monsters.

So every time I bring back something, many people are surprised.

Qin Chuan poured out what he had brought.

Intermediate alien beast cores, fifteen, advanced alien beast cores, two.

Seeing this harvest, many people exclaimed.

Seeing the expressions of these people, Qin Chuan looked content.

At this time, he saw a person carrying a large package and walking directly to the counter, asking for points to be exchanged.

The huge package immediately attracted the attention of many people, and the attention of many people was shifted from his side to that side.

What Qin Chuan enjoys most is this moment. Now that he has been robbed of the limelight, he is suddenly a little angry.

He shouted loudly: “Brother, you brought back the meat of the alien beast, I advise you, the meat of the alien beast has a strong smell, and it will easily attract the attention of other alien beasts on the way back. It’s better not to bring it back.”

Other people who followed suddenly realized that it was alien beast meat. No wonder so many people thought they had gotten some good things.

Lin Mo didn’t bother to look at the other person. He put the package on the counter and said, “Check in, and all will be converted into points.”

Seeing that Lin Mo hadn’t paid any attention to Qinchuan, some of Qinchuan’s fans were suddenly dissatisfied.

“Hey, what’s your attitude, Qin Chuan kindly reminded you that you actually ignored people.”

“It’s really impolite, huh, I don’t think it would be more honorable to bring some exotic animal meat back.”

“If you don’t listen to good people, maybe you will be eaten by a strange animal in the wilderness next time.”

These people have verbally attacked, and this situation is just like some celebrities Lin Mo encountered in his previous life.

“Don’t talk about it, everyone, maybe someone has already remembered it, but the character is relatively lonely.” Qin Chuan said with a smile.

Seeing everyone’s attention refocused on him, Qin Chuan was very satisfied.

“It’s still Qinchuan’s atmosphere, if it were me, this kind of thing would not be able to bear it.”

“That’s right, if I was replaced by Qin Chuan, I would change it immediately.”

“Qin Chuan, ignore him, it’s not worth paying attention to anyway.”


These people frantically touted Qin Chuan.

At this time, Lin Mo’s package was opened, and a pile of things poured out, crashing, and there was a feeling of metal collision, not like meat.

Everyone looked again, and when they saw those things, they were completely stunned.

“Fuck, what a big inner core, that wouldn’t be… the inner core of a general-level monster.”

Hearing this, many people took a deep breath.

They hadn’t seen the core of the general rank alien beast for a long time.

I saw it before that Director Li Zhi was out hunting.

“Look at it, there is another one.”

The cores of two general-level alien beasts, like basketballs, quieted the whole scene in an instant.

At this time, many people looked at Qin Chuan involuntarily.

Alien meat?

If this is alien beast meat, they dare to eat it immediately.

The few people who had spoken before were flushed at this moment, and they just wanted to find a place to get in.

People ignore you because there is no need to tell you, is it necessary to compare with you if there is an existence that can kill a general-level alien beast?

The most embarrassing thing is Qin Chuan.

At the last moment, he still felt like he was in the clouds, and at the next moment, he was in the deep valley.

“Haha, it turns out that I made a mistake.” Qin Chuan laughed dryly.

At this time, as the contents of the package were gradually poured out, more things were discovered by others.

“There are a lot of high-level alien beast cores. I’m afraid there are more than ten.”

“Damn, how many points do you get?”

“The rest are the middle-level alien beast cores, not even a low-level alien beast.”

A large package is actually the core of the intermediate alien beast and some special things on the alien beast.

“I know who he is, it’s Lin Mo!” a person shouted.

Lin Mo is actually very famous in the Beast Martial Arts Hall, but there are not many people who have actually met him. He usually stays in his own villa to practice, and he does not have the opportunity to meet other people. many.

In addition, he has not been in the martial arts gym for a long time, so there are not many people who really know him.

At this time, everyone was in an uproar as soon as they heard someone shouting.

“It turns out he is Lin Mo.”

“No wonder it is so powerful that even a general-level monster can be killed. Could it be that he has reached the level of a martial artist?”

“I’m sure, otherwise how to kill?”

“It’s not necessarily. Qin Chuan won’t be able to kill high-level alien beasts because an intermediate warrior can kill him.”

“No matter what, he has only cultivated for a few months. It’s so strong, it’s really scary.”

Many people nodded their heads involuntarily.

Qin Chuan didn’t know when, he had already quietly ran away.

I can’t stay here anymore.

At this time, Lin Mo’s points were also settled.

One hundred and thirty-four thousand.

Looking at the points, everyone around was silent.

They looked up at the standings.

This scoreboard is calculated on an annual basis and is updated once a year.

At this time, the number one in the standings was Qin Chuan, with more than 346,000.

In the next second, Lin Mo’s 1.0344,000 quickly took the first place.

“Occupy the first place once.”

“It seems that there will be no substitutions this year.”

“It’s really scary.”

The people around sighed again.

The exchange ratio of points and money is different. If they are used to exchange money, things like Lin Mo will cost at least 70 to 80 million, which is much more than his last time of more than 20 million.

Among them, the general-level alien beast core is the most valuable, and one must be at least ten million.

As for how far it can be, it depends on the kernel itself.

Holding the score card, Lin Mo turned around and left, leaving a bunch of people talking here.

Not long after returning to the villa, Jin Dayuan came home.

“My lord, this is the true dragon pill you need, and it has all been sent to you.” Jin Dayuan said with a flattering smile.

Lin Mo took a look at the pill and found that there were a full 150 pills.

He had taken ten for the first time, and fifty for the second time. Logically speaking, there should be only one hundred and forty left.

Seeing Lin Mo’s puzzled expression, Jin Dayuan quickly said, “These other ten are our compensation. I’m really sorry for the delay in delivery this time.”

“Your chamber of commerce will have your heart.” Lin Mo said with a smile.

Ten is one million, which is very big.

“I heard that all your items this time have been redeemed for points in the martial arts hall.”

Jin Dayuan’s news can be said to be very informed.

Knowing that Lin Mo had exchanged so many points, he felt a heartache.

When he thought about it, it must be Lin Mo who felt that he was slow to deliver the goods and chose to redeem it for points.

If so many goods can be sold to him, then his status in the Chamber of Commerce can definitely be improved.

“Yes, I have been in the martial arts gym for so long, so I have to contribute some points.” Lin Mo said.

“Then I don’t know afterwards…” Jin Dayuan looked at Lin Mo nervously.

“Let’s see the situation later.”

If you promise, Lin Mo won’t say that there is no need for him to put on a curse.

“I know, don’t worry, I will definitely strive for the best interests for you.” Jin Dayuan said, patting his chest.

At this moment, he was thinking about how to make more profits for Lin Mo, so as to completely tie up his biggest benefactor.

Not long after Jin Dayuan left, Han Shuo came.

Looking at Lin Mo, Han Shuo was still shocked.

He already knew about the points exchange office.

General level alien beast cores, a large number of advanced alien beast cores and intermediate alien beast cores.

Directly occupy the first place in the standings.

Every time this guy is shocked.

It can be said that Han Shuo got up by watching Lin Mo. He has been following Lin Mo for a long time.

At the beginning, he thought that Lin Mo could not practice and was abandoned.

As a result, Lin Mo was slapped in the face severely. Not only did Lin Mo remain intact, his practice progress was far surpassed by other warriors.

“Lin Mo, Director Zhou is looking for you.” Han Shuo said.

“Oh, do you know anything?” Lin Mo asked.

“It should be a good thing.” Han Shuo smiled and didn’t say specifically.

The two came to Zhou Xingqing’s office.

Zhou Xingqing took a look at Lin Mo. This was the first time he sensed Lin Mo’s level.

Mainly, he doesn’t know the level of Lin Mo. Even general-level monsters can be killed. It stands to reason that Lin Mo is at least a junior martial artist.

It’s just that it’s also possible that two different beasts died together, and he picked up a bargain.

Of course, Zhou Xingqing does not deny Lin Mo’s strength.

After all, killing a large number of high-level alien beasts is not something ordinary people can do.

Even if Lin Mo didn’t reach the rank of general, he still met his needs.

After just feeling it for a while, he was stunned to find that he could not see Lin Mo’s level.

When this happens, either Lin Mo’s level is not lower than him, or he has practiced a special technique.

Slightly stunned, he finally remembered one thing.

Lin Mo couldn’t practice, and naturally there was no energy in his body, so naturally, he couldn’t sense it.

He complained about himself for a while and actually made such a mistake.

But he also understood that he was so shocked by Lin Mo’s promotion speed that he ignored these things.

“Come on, I have something to tell you.” Zhou Xingqing said with a smile.

ps: A large chapter with more than three thousand words.

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